Wednesday, December 13, 2006

life is pretty good.

I now have three comforts of Australia right here in MN. Not only can I buy Cooper's and Tim Tams for a decent price (finds from this summer) but I recently heard The Cat Empire on my favorite radio station! How exciting. Not that I think Cat Empire is the epitomy of Aussie music (I'd probably freak out and drop dead if I heard the Holy Grail on the radio!)--but it's another comfort. I got so excited that I rang Will up and gushed about Australia and Adelaide with him for awhile. It's always nice to bring back good memories.

Something new in life, to me, is this thing most people call dating. I've probably talked about this before, but... Well I've had boyfriends in the past and relationships, but have never really done that thing that people call 'dating'. It has caught me a little off-guard beginning this summer with a friend asking me on a date, which I turned down because, well I guess I don't believe in going on dates with friends, who I believe are just friends. But that was the first time I think I had ever been seriously asked on a date! It was weird. I was also a little inibriated (spelling?) when I was asked. The second one happened early November. This was the first random one. A guy I met while down in Winona for frisbee. He seemed nice and he found me via Facebook (I guess the times are changing) so I finally gave him a call. We went out once and then I ran into him not long after at a restaurant but haven't seen him since. I haven't really felt the drive to ask him out myself. ANd although he was a nice fella and I kind of hope that the two of us get together again and at least become friends he wasn't so good with the planning part of a date. Now...the third, a co-worker asked me. Although he's got another week? left of law school finals I said yes. So now I'm wondering in crazy excitement what this date will turn out to be like and if he will actually follow through. Then yesterday, and this was the weirdest, another guy from work who works in the restuarant and whom I barely ever see asked me on a date. It was really random and kind of freaked me out. I didn't make up any lies to turn him down, but it was weird trying to find a way to say no without hurting his feelings. I am so NOT experienced in this field that I can't say I really know what to do when this shit happens. So this has been the excitement in my life lately. The excitement and the weirdness. ..

As I sit in the coffee shop not far from my house I'm kind of wishing that there were more interesting people here to observe. I need a new book to read. These people are boring this afternoon. I just finished reading SHannon's post about the people in the coffee shop and the people here are not nearly as interesting. I have a list of things to do today and well I've only done about three of them done. I am still being lazy and not making a hair appointment, or getting that package sent out which has been sitting in my room for ever! I also have absolutely NO drive to go shopping for christmas gifts. I think I'll leave most of it to next week. I can't stand shopping.
my battery is getting low....

Friday, December 01, 2006

not even 20 minutes

so i'm kind of bored at work.
it's not even 7pm yet. The guys are just kind of keeping to themselves. They're never really up for much on friday nights it seems.
This day has been SO long and I'm ready for it to be over. I'm hoping that my family saved me some pizza so I have something to eat when I get home. Tator Tots just do not cut it for dinner. :-P I've been up since 6 and working since 7am. Happily the deli hours went by pretty fast. I basically got to chill with Kim most of the day. She's cool.

Well i've done my usual make dinner. Although I haven't done some of the dishes yet. And have only interacted with the tenants a little. I feel kind of like a bum when I don't do anything with the residents but I also hate to be annoying and forceful. I might just end up reading the rest of my book since the guys don't really want to do anything. Makes ya feel kind of bad though when you just sit and do nothing while you're supposed to be working...I'm still learning everything and i still get a little afraid that I might screw some things up...:-P But overall i enjoy the job.

besides that. I'm leaving for Decorah on Saturday night with Kayla, Kris and Mariss to go to the Christmas at Luther concert Sunday afternoon. I'm so excited to have some days off! YES! I actually got lucky with getting my two days i requested and then I got Tuesday off too which helps! Means I can spend time with the girls back up in the cities and hopefully get a couple interviews in!
wow...i've only passed about twenty minutes ... is it 10 yet? I'm ready to pack for tomorrow and go to bed. I've already read my email. REsponded to a few. but now i'm not really in the mood. Dinked around on facebook already. Got bored... sigh... is it 10 yet? :-) I love this job, but this day is loooooong!

Thursday, November 30, 2006


sitting here with a pile of clean laundry i finally decided something needed to be written.
It's been awhile and I've lacked motivation but then again i think most of us have lost motivation to read and write comments on eachother's blogs.

I was thinking of this quote today: "This is the world we live in. Conditions change and we mutate." It's from the book Invisible Monsters written by Chuck Palahniuk. It's quite simple and fits well into the story of the book, but really explains life in general. When conditions change in life we have to adapt or we mutate. We change along with them and it's kind of a constant thing. Clearly conditions have changed in my life and I have begun to mutate. I no longer go to school. I'm living at home. Looking for a job. Meeting new people. We have "let go" (as one friend put it) and so we mutate. We change and adapt to the new situations and conditions that life has brought us. I can't complain either with the changes in conditions. I have mutated quite well and i plan to proceed in the process. Hopefully i won't mutate into a virus or a turtle of the teenage variety

Besides those thoughts, maybe I should update on life in general. It's good. Still job searching for that 'great' job. Liking life. Looking for a new place to live and heading down to Iowa for part of the weekend to relive some good times. Which I also did last night. Nothing says good high school memories like the music you listened to back then. Oh what would I do with out Emo and making fun of my so-called Emo friends in high school? :-) Plus nothing better than a Smashing Pumpkins , Blink 182, Taking Back Sunday, New Found Glory or Good Charolette song to remind you of good friends, good times and a great way to dance around in your room and pretend that you're cool ;-)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

new post...look below

so i have a post that i started awhile ago, but it posted as though it were that date. I don't know how to change that so if you care to read it, it's below it's called perfection and politics.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

car observation

nowadays it seems you can tell a lot about a person just by looking at their car. You know with all the bumper stickers and decals and what not. I mean well... you can tell car lovers by the kind of car, and how well the car is taken care of. You can tell if someone has lots of money or not by how expensive and new the car is (etc). Lots of people have those silver emblems that depict whether they believe in god or not. Which brings met to the next thing. It's Sunday and so clearly many church goers were out at about this morning/afternoon as i was driving home from Target. So of course I found a car with a christian fish on it. And then I looked a little closer. Now many people also have personalized license plates and license plate borders (some other things that may help you understand a person just by looking at their car). Now, this is what i read on the license plate border of this car:

"Next time you think you're perfect, try walking on water"

ummmm... someone want to tell me what exactly that is supposed to mean?
yeah i'll leave it at that. i have to think about it a little more myself.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

mmm blueberry muffin.

it's a cold day. wind is blowing and there have been snow flurries all day for the second day in a row. I am currently wondering, as I sit with my nice hot chai latte and having just finished THE most delicious bluberry muffin, how it is that Shannon will survive the winter here. It can take me awhile to get used to the cold every year. The weather has been ultra crazy with 80 degree weather a couple weeks ago and now it's been about 30-something (Fahrenheit mind you) for the past two days! eek! I however love breaking out all my hand knit scarves and hats that i have made or have been given to me. And I LOVE my vest :-) So warm and so old (it was dad's)

Today I had the day off from the deli, even though I almost got called in again, but if I worked more than 3 hours i'd be over in hours for the week and that won't be good. Plus... I just want to relax after picking up two extra hours in my shift last night (I closed!) and having plans with my mom this afternoon and with my sister and Natalie later tonight. Even though I had work off today I went in for a bit of orientation/training at my new job with Community Involvement Programs and working with their adult foster care houses. It was A LOT to take in but hopefully I'll figure it out. I don' t need to worry too much. The residents are all pretty well behaved and easy to get along with but I still am freaking out a bit. I'm going in next week though so that I can do a shift with someone and kind of shadow them. Whew! that will make things a little easier...hopefully. Seeing someone do the work will probably be easier to grasp than just having it all explained to me although I like having both. In other work news... Natalie finally got a call from Mayo and now she has to move down to Rochester and get ready to start work by the 30th! eek! I hope this doesn't ruin our halloween plans.

on anothernote. I decided to splurge a whole lot of money at the music store the other day. about $62 worth of merchandise. Four cds and a dvd. But I'm loving my purchases. I recommend them all: Ryan Adams, Tapes 'N Tapes, The Last Kiss soundtrack, and The Clash (London Calling). Oh plus the movie Swing kids. Fun things...they have kept me entertained the past couple of days.%2

mmm blueberry muffin.

it's a cold day. wind is blowing and there have been snow flurries all day for the second day in a row. I am currently wondering, as I sit with my nice hot chai latte and having just finished THE most delicious bluberry muffin, how it is that Shannon will survive the winter here. It can take me awhile to get used to the cold every year. The weather has been ultra crazy with 80 degree weather a couple weeks ago and now it's been about 30-something (Fahrenheit mind you) for the past two days! eek! I however love breaking out all my hand knit scarves and hats that i have made or have been given to me. And I LOVE my vest :-) So warm and so old (it was dad's)

Today I had the day off from the deli, even though I almost got called in again, but if I worked more than 3 hours i'd be over in hours for the week and that won't be good. Plus... I just want to relax after picking up two extra hours in my shift last night (I closed!) and having plans with my mom this afternoon and with my sister and Natalie later tonight. Even though I had work off today I went in for a bit of orientation/training at my new job with Community Involvement Programs and working with their adult foster care houses. It was A LOT to take in but hopefully I'll figure it out. I don' t need to worry too much. The residents are all pretty well behaved and easy to get along with but I still am freaking out a bit. I'm going in next week though so that I can do a shift with someone and kind of shadow them. Whew! that will make things a little easier...hopefully. Seeing someone do the work will probably be easier to grasp than just having it all explained to me although I like having both. In other work news... Natalie finally got a call from Mayo and now she has to move down to Rochester and get ready to start work by the 30th! eek! I hope this doesn't ruin our halloween plans.

on anothernote. I decided to splurge a whole lot of money at the music store the other day. about $62 worth of merchandise. Four cds and a dvd. But I'm loving my purchases. I recommend them all: Ryan Adams, Tapes 'N Tapes, The Last Kiss soundtrack, and The Clash (London Calling). Oh plus the movie Swing kids. Fun things...they have kept me entertained the past couple of days. SO has reading. Just finished The Princess Bride, then watched the movie again. I love that story so much.

i have another post I've been working on but i am scared to read it over and find that it makes no sense, but I promise some sort of meaningful post sooner or later. But now I'm going to go enjoy by chai then go shopping with mom.

Friday, October 06, 2006

perfection and politicians

so this post has been sitting around for awhile and i never got around to posting it so I finally decided to put it up since it had been awhile since my last post and with the upcoming elections here in the states. Hopefully it still makes sense...

let's face it. no one is perfect. i can't stand that word really. I don't think anything or anyone is ever perfect. These thoughts come about in my head ALL the time. Every once in awhile anyway.

Perfection in humans. I don't think it exists. We are SO completely flawed in many ways. There's always gotta be a little flaw in everyone. This thought has plagued me since my childhood. People may say that God or Jesus were perfect... Jesus was human. I believe he was flawed. Even though he was supposed to be an example, i guess, of perfection...well at least of doing the right thing, I still maintain that he must have had some sort of flaw...he was human after all. Anyway...humans aren't perfect. We fuck up ALL the time. Things happen to our bodies and minds that make us do what others may think are wrong. bad or stupid. And then of course they get shunned. yelled at etc etc...

Where am i going with this? Well i've begun to apply all this random thinking about perfection that I have to the elections this year. Yes elections... state stuff not presidential. Congress, and governors etc... I have an interest in politics. Have for awhile. It's why I spent so many years doing the Youth in Government program in high school learning about government and voting and all of that. Anyway that's a little different from the real stuff. (my mind is really choppy... i'm not sure most of this is making sense)but I've tried to make sure that I vote in the elections, to do my part and so on... But I usually find myself not wanting to because of political ad campaigns.

First of all they are mostly VERY cheesy and LAME. Needless to say.. BAD ACTING.
what I really can't stand about them though is when the candidates go after eachother and bring up as much dirt as they can about their opponent(s). Or how bad or stupid they try to make the other guy seem. So when i see these ads I begin thinking,... "yeah ok. she/he didn't do so well with that. They broke a promise, but is this guy who's running the ad against the other guy going to keep ALL (and i mean ALL) of his/their promises?!" DOUBT IT. But I get it. They're not perfect. No one is. It's sad when people break promises or do something disgusting/wrong whatever...It's sad/disgusting to hear about this senator or whatever he was/is that did bad things with kids (something about a page scandal, id on't remember I'll have to look it up. Hayes was maybe his name? I dunno) clearly he's not 'perfect'. he screwed up. It must be hard to be the people who know him, or thought they knew him pretty well. What they have to say to the media and so forth. Not that I'm defending this guy, he's got what looks like a serious problem in more ways than one... Anyway...shit where was I? Oh yeah.. I hate these political ads. that was kind of the main point I was trying to get at. I hate them. i wish Politicians would think about what the hell they are doing. I'm beginning to wonder if they are trying to get people NOT to vote, rather than to actually vote. They need to step back for a while and look at what crap they are putting in their ads about their opponents shortcomings and reflect on if they think they will do everything they have said they would do and will do it well. Overall they need to step back and think about how they're making fun of their opponent for not being perfect in many ways and think about whether or not they are perfect. Which in truth they are not. No one is. This all brings me back to my previous post about the license plate saying...The one about Jesus being perfect and walking on water. I don't think walking on water makes you perfect, but damn is it one hell of a talent! Anyway if this has made any sense at all my point is that no one is perfect. I can't really believe that anyone is. I'm a believer in imperfection i guess. That people are flawed, that there really isn't a 'normal' and that most people and are abnormal. Things happen for whatever reason, people do stupid things but taking the time to understand and think about it is something completely different.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

life lately, books, baseball and the color pink

life lately. hmmmm let's see.
work has been good and with the possibility of another job things are looking up.
I finally found some Cat Empire tickets for cheap. Why they were so expensive on one site and not another I have no idea. Things are looking up. As long as I don't have to work that night.

I'm reliving my childhood a little bit by reading The Princess Bride by William Goldman. It's so much better the second or third time around when I'm actually paying attention to it unlike when I was younger. Truly one of my most favorite books/movies/stories.

I've realized that I have quite a hate for The Yankees and for pink. The Yankees are just... meh. I'm not a fan. They ruin baseball. The Twins. Oh i love them. Too bad they have lost their first two games in the playoffs. I'm now too nervous to watch the games! or even listen. I am sad. I wish they were doing better. they are soo good and so fun!

Oh and the Pink thing. Ummm. I am not a fan in the first place I am really not a fan when it comes to pink hats for baseball. I can't stand those girls at Twins games that wear pink Twins apparel. :-P Bleh. The twins colors are blue, red and white! I have a thing against girly girls at baseball in the first place. Those girls who are decked out at a ballpark is just beyond me

Back to work... it's getting better and better. I love that I know my co-workers better and that we have things to talk about. I still feel like i'm an awkward person though. But I find myself checking the schedule all the time to see who will be working so I know whether I'll have someone to talk to or not.

I'm really looking forward to Halloween this year. I get to play frisbee again with a team at the Halloween tourney in Winona, MN. YAY! and Rob is having a party the night before I go down to the frisbee tourney. I'm excited to see what we dress as for the tournament. I already know what I will be for the party at Rob's. Last saturday we got to talking about costumes. A few of us have gotten on a Kevin Smith kick. Rob and Derek will be Jay and Silent Bob. So Nat and I decided to go for characters from Dogma. The Buddy Christ (me) and God a la Alanis Morisette (nat). This should be fun :-)

Can't think of much else. Will see what I get up to during the next two days that I have off. I plan for a lot of relaxing. :-)

Thursday, September 28, 2006


so i thought this was really cool...
My buddy Will whom I met while in Adelaide, who is also a fellow frisbee player, luther alumni and Twin Cities resident, set up this site for ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) His dad has the disease. This weekend there is a walk to raise money for ALS. I have the link to Will's site. ALthough most of you who read this are from out of oh you know Australia, and it might not work for you to make a donation I recommend you check out the site and the links on the page. It's pretty interesting.

HOpefully that link works. But yeah...check it out if you feel. Thanks for your time.

Friday, September 22, 2006

pet peeves of the road.

* correction from last time... it might be about 4-5 of my friends who have been shat on by guys lately. (Trace, we need to get together sometime soon. I hope you are well. Oh and you should visit me at work sometime...;-) )

well enough of the angry boy talk...

how about angry driving talk? ha.
lately i have not really enjoyed driving, although I do find it pleasurable at times, but mostly only when there are not other people around and I can just cruise down the open road for awhile and take it all in. :-) One of my happier driving experiences was when Leah and I left Luther after NordicFest and just cruised on out of Decorah with the warm summer air and bright summer sun flowing in through the windows as we stuck our hands out into the open air and listened to the vocal stylings of Jack Johnson...

Driving int he city is a whole different story. I have gotten better at it and I find myself more aggressive which pleases me, that I have learned to drive better in the city and the suburbs but I still can't stand more than half of the other people on the road. It's been raining lately and people tend to forget how to drive when that starts up. I can't stand people going under the speed limit. That is quite annoying. It's right under my biggest pet peeve while driving. People who don't use their signals! why do you think they put the damn things in your car?! Along with people going under the speed limit ... I can't stand those who go above the speed limit and find it their right to ride my ass as I am going the speed limit or even above! jerks. argh... I don't even know how to really explain my frustration in words, but if you've ever ridden in a car with me driving you'd probably understand.

If you think about it...driving is quite dangerous. Really. It's a bunch of humans, who are not perfect beings, who error all the time, operating a big (however many tons) metal vehicle. I think most people take it for granted every day. But I reckon I should start thinking about it more and being thankful that I am not dead from driving around a bunch of idiots. Of course I make my mistakes too. Like today when I probably could have gotten hit by another car while I pulled out in front of it. My claim though... the jack ass was driving a grayish car on a very gray and rainy day without his headlights's kind of hard to see that kind of thing. Anyway... Not that it needs to be thought about constantly but it is something to think about the next time you get in a car and start driving. I do not trust people on the road. I liek people. I took four years of psychology to get a degree becuase I find people interesting but I like them the least, it seems, while they are on the road. I'm always wondering what is going through their minds while I yell at them from behind my steering wheel. At least I don't creat road rage. ..

Monday, September 18, 2006

not common sense

i haven't had much to say lately, nothing interesting enough to get a comment...but i will say this...well these few things that have popped into my head:

I am so ready to kick a guy in the balls. I hope no nice ones get caught in my war path but I am about ready to do it. a few of my closest friends have been shit on by boys over the last few months. yes boys. I will call them that.They are not men in my mind. I don't know. A lot of shit goes down in many relationships, and I can see how one forgives someone. but damnit... i'm just kind of pissed with what has been going on lately. One of those boys I knew fairly well. And next time I see him I don't know if I should kick him in the balls, punch him in the face or give him a hug. Augh!

and another thing totally unrelated...

i can't stand the bad rep that psychology, psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists etc. get from mostly the media. Damn you tv and movies! Psychologists and psychiatrists in this form seem to be portrated very much in the manner of being a bad guy or insane. Theydo not get credit in the movies or in real life for helping people or 'saving lives'. It's not a 'real' science to most people. It's not 'real' help, or medicine to some people. AUGH! and may i say that it's common sense! If someone who has never ever studied psychology can tell me the treatments for manic depression or how many types of schizophrenia there are and what their differences are, or the different treatments or theories of different mental illnesses, or at least ONE psychologist (other than Freud) and what their contribution to psychology was ... then it's common sense. I'm so sick of people looking at me funnywhen I tell them that I have a psych degree. Ah.. screw them. I want to help people in one of the most difficult ways possible! The mind is a terribly hard thing to explain and deal with and everyone has GOT to know that! so bullshit it's common sense! (heh...and that whole 'common sense' thing came from my friend at work who is studying art. psh.. I wouldn't even call art 'common sense'..i'm not that mean) so yeah. Too bad it's not all common sense and not everything can be cured by exercise and vitamins (tom fucking cruise - thank goodness he finally apologized to Brooke Shields. Maybe he does have a good bone in his body). The mind is a very difficult thing to understand and it's Not common sense!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

a hairnet.

well lets see what's been going on...oh plenty but I'm sure I'll forget half of it.

Saw the girls on Saturday and it was fantastic! I spent most of the afternoon with Kayla shopping in which I ended up buying my first real purchase of make-up and then I had some amazing tea and then found Tim Tams (which were NOT labeled as Tim Tams..just as Arnott's chocolate biscuits) and some Twirl and Flake. YUm! I am in heaven now...Now that I can get Tim Tams and Cooper's in Minneapolis! YAY! It's great. Dinner and going out with Kayla, Maris and Kris was great but I got really freaked out while driving. I had had a few drinks before going to pick up Kris from the airport. So I was a little nervous when I had loud noises in the car and then there was a detour to and from the airport. Once in uptown , after taking probably THE longest way to get there we went to WIlliams and had a good time. Tried a couple of other pubs but weren't really feeling it. Came home and had a bit of ham salad then hit the sack. According to Krista I snore :-( For some reason I got offended by this. :-P We went to breakfast the next morning with Krista's mom Luann and sister Lindsey. It was great. So nice to see them again!

Sunday I had to work so it was probably good that I didn't drink heaps on saturday night. The day went by pretty fast. Work was SO busy! :-P bleh! And that's about all that happened that day. It was also Natalie's birthday and we had planned to go to the Gay 90s but Nat was not feeling well. So we plan for the pub sometime this week to celebrate :-) I ended up just getting into my warm bed and watching a movie instead of all the 9/11 tv specials that were on. I just didn't think I could deal with all of that. So yeah, I watched Out Cold instead. I think I am just hoping for autumn and winter soon :-)I've enjoyed the cooler weather lately, but it is supposed to get warm again soon.

So back to the 9/11 stuff. Well that was Sunday for those of you who may have lost track of the days, and well I can't say that I have much to say on the topic. I didn't watch many things about it or talk about it all that much. I remember that day it happened and watching so much tv that night after school about what was going on in NY and it was SO devistating. It was too much to watch at once.

Another thing about work.. Met a new person...Sharon. She's great. I like her. We got to talking and she was so supportive when we talked about me getting a full time job that relates to my degree. Overall..she was nice. I liked her and look forward to working with her again.

Today I finally found a freaking hairnet so I wouldn't have to wear the hat anymore at work which makes my forehead itch. I got it just before work and put it on in the car. I got to work and was working away only to have my manager tell me it looked like i had lost it. He asked first if I had a hat, which of course I answered with 'yes. but i just got a hairnet today' Then he proceeds to tell me that he thinks I've lost it. I think he was kind of nervous about this. So I finish up with a customer or two and run around the corner to the bathroom to check. I still had the hairnet. THe thing is that the hairnet was made to be pretty much invisible. hopefully this is ok with my boss...I'll have to show him it to reassure him that I did not lose it.

um...besides all of that not much else going on. I haven't seen my parents much lately because of work. the gas prices are going down. I got paid last friday..YAY! but spent a lot of it already on random things. and that's about all i've got for now. i think. i don't know. i'm usual.

Friday, September 08, 2006


yesterday i had a day off.
I didn't know what to do with myself. I sat around most of the day with mom and just hung out.I enjoy watching The View when I can. I must say that the addition of Rosie O'Donnell to the View is pretty good. I like her. She kind of talks a lot but she's funny.

Work today was pretty good. Had an 11-7 shift which went reasonably fast. I met a new kid today who was pretty cool. Not gonna lie, to me, he was kind of weird, but i think i know who he'll get a long with. Anyway... it's interesting to watch someone new come in since I was new about two weeks ago. I like the feeling of knowing where everything is and knowing how to slice meats and stuff. I remember one of the girls that i usually work with telling me how she got sick of doing salads and enjoys doing Hot Foods more. I have to say that I think I'm getting there already. I'm kind of sick of salads, and i feel cool that i can do meats and cheese pretty well now. Still a few things I don't know but it's getting much easier ...but hot foods are getting more interesting. I think next week I'm schedule one day to do cheese. I am not sure if that means that I am to work across they way at the cheese place or what. at least I think that 'chz' means i am working with the cheese people. who knows.

Today, again, was pretty good and pretty interesting. Like the lady who wanted 16 pounds of roast beef! what?! Poor Jake had to SLICE 16lbs for this lady and then that wasn't enough, she actually asked for three pounds more of roast beef, totaling the amount to 19 pounds! hahaha. Jake made it through, he said he had worse before, but yeah... slicing 19 lbs of roast beef! :-P crazy! I also scared the shit out of Jake later while he was cleaning a slicer. It was time for me to go and I had just finished with my last customer who needed a lot of stuff, and so I go to tell Jake to help the next people who want sliced meat and cheese and just as I say "Jake" he gets startled and jumps. :-) I didn't realize you could get so intense about cleaning a slicer. lol. He said that he was just very relaxed, kind of in his own world so when i tried talking to him it startled him.

so yeah. that's all really. I am hanging with Davina at the coffee shop. Yay. So happy to have coffee and a friend! :-) I love these nights and days where I hang with D. She's great. I miss her. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow and hanging out with Kayla, Kris and Maris. It should be great! First I have to pick up my paycheck cuz stupid head here forgot to! :-P Yeah I'm a genius. Ok that's all i have to ramble about today.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

my yarn bag is full and happy...

...and so am I. Well happy anyway.
Mom bought me three new bundles of yarn and I am happy. I now have enough to make actual things. i already started a scarf for mom and a hat for Shannon (he'll need it. it gets cold around here)

other exciting news. work is going well.
Krista will be here for a very short time on Saturday night!
I get to hang out with kayla pretty much all day on Saturday! (and all night)
I get to go for coffee with Davina on Friday night!
I think i get paid tomorrow!
Natalie's birthday is on the 10th and we're planning on going to the Gay90s
for her birthday!
Got a random phone call from Tracy today! We haven't talked in ages! Hope you feel better soon though Trace!
And i really think that's all I've got for now. I can't think of much else to talk about.
Some things good. Some things weird.

overall... good.
I have yarn now. I get to make things! :-) YAY.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

milk or beer?

my dad posed a very real and very serious question/scenario last night at the dinner table.

now I'm sure I know what you all may be thinking... that the question would be about what am I going to do with my life or something... but let's be serious... my dad isn't that serious. He's happy I have a job and he supports me in my search for a job that will pay me crap because I want to help people and which will barely help me pay off my college loans. :-)

knowing my love for both milk and beer, the question/scenario my dad posed last night was this:

if you had milk and beer sitting on the table and both were about to fall off the table, which would you save?!

oh goodness I thought. Well i had to think about it... i came up with this: I would save the beer because it was in a glass bottle, while the milk is in a plastic carton. Thus there would be less mess and then both would be safe and in good condition. I thought I had it.

Well then Dad proceeds to bring up what if you had a glass of beer and a glass of milk...then which would you save?! OMG I didn't know what to say... I love both Milk and Beer. I mean... I've been drinking Milk longer, so was I to go with my long time friend that keeps me healthly and builds strong bones...or do I go with my new found friend of only a few years that has such a distinct taste and if larger amounts are drunk i feel as though I can do anything?
Let's be a little serious here...we could have gotten into it even deeper. If it were Skim Milk and a Cooper's Pale Ale I would be at complete odds...well almost. I don't know if I ever decided while at the dinner table. So I brought it up to my friends last night as we were out at this new pub in Downtown Minneapolis...

The ever-so-wise Rob made a good point. "You'd save the beer. Milk costs less..." He might have said something else but I was probably into my fourth Captain and Coke and the money point that he made was probably the one that hit my ears with a ding because I have no money (very little in fact that I don't think I even paid for any of my drinks last night. Yay for new bars that give away heaps of free drink passes! score!)
So yeah... save the beer... it costs more! Especially the Coopers. I mean damn.. I finally found it in Minneapolis and I am not letting that go. Plus I work in a freaking supermarket, where I get a discount so I could buy 'mucho leche' for a very good price. Good beer is not cheap. Now see if it was shitty beer like bud light or some shit like that I'd let the beer go and save the milk. That's quite simple...and that's a whole 'nother story ... if the beer cost less than milk I'd definitel save the milk. :-)

Yep. That's what I've been thinking about. I'm going to now go enjoy my saturday which has started well. No hangover from a beer, five captain and cokes, plus a shot. I got up at a decent enough time to watch Phil of the Future and The Batman. And now will relax with Animaniacs and then get my hair cut since I haven't cut it in ages. w00t! yeah for having saturday off from work! :-)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

i like to wonder.

(just more of what I have been up to...)
i always think of good titles and things to write about while I'm at work, or not at the computer and then I forget them by the time I sit down to write...Then I'll remember them later. Anyway..hopefully this isn't too boring.

I miss school. Luther. Decorah. Part of me really wishes I was heading down there and going back to class and learning more, being around my friends again, hanging out in the coffee shop on campus or drinking beers down at T-Bock's (it's wednesday night... that's $3 pitcher night :-) ) sigh... But another part of me is really ready to start something new. I think I wouldn't miss Luther as much if I had a real job and wasn't living at home. Things are moving slowly with the job search, but it will happen. I've decided to put the job search on hold a bit and search for volunteer and internship possibilities which may help me land a 'real' job later. I'm still baffled as to why one place I applied to volunteer at never got back to me. I suppose I can email them and send in another application. I've started to make a list of places I applied to and am hoping that they will have volunteer or internship opportunities. Since I have the Byerly's deli job at the moment I have the time to actually do some volunteer or internship work. It would also be a plus to have that going on since I can get really bored during the day before I go to work at the deli. And the deli i think would be pretty flexible about my hours. Here's hoping someone will want me to volunteer for them :-)

speaking of work (which is all I ever blog about now)'s getting better. I'm starting to get the hang of things a little more, and my coworkers are being very helpful. The customers seem to like me just fine too. I only had to work for four hours tonight and not until four this afternoon. It was quite amazing how zoned out I could still be at 4pm. :-P Happily the hours went by very quickly. I am also enjoying my coworkers more. I'm getting along with them better. I think I'm getting into the 'loop' a little bit more, which I like because that means there are more people to talk to and joke around with. The customers are constantly entertaining, and both them and my coworkers keep me wondering ;-) I like to wonder. I'm a psych person... so people may think I analyze, but I like to consider it 'wondering' or 'thinking' or 'considering'. :-) Anyway...i'm constantly learning new things every day about how things run, and how people function. My favorite customer today was the lady who wanted to know what would keep at a bbq. I feel like she had never been to one and I didn't know what to tell her. :-P Ooh... and one last thing about work.. I got to clean the cheese slicer yesterday! w00t! let me tell you what excitement that was! haha. It's kind of hard ...especially doing it for the first time and being terrified of cutting yourself while trying to get all the crusted-on cheese off of the blade! eek! No worries i still have ten fingers and all of my limbs.

besides work and missing school... nothing else is going on. I haven't seen anyone in a long time and am hopefully going to remedy that soon. I haven't seen Natalie really in two weeks! :-( And it's been ages since I've even chatted to some friends. Hopefully I will see people this weekend and next. I like friends. I miss them. I hope more come to visit soon! :-)

that is all.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


I love having Sundays off of work. I hope a get a lot more! After working 25 hours in four days i was happy to have a break. I spent the morning racking my brain for answers to the sunday paper's crossword puzzle. Shit it can be hard. It's a fun activity to do with my dad though :-P I spent most of last night trying to figure out the rest of Saturday's crossword...i was really mad at it and at the internet last night, and then I started thinking about work and got mad about work. Weird huh? Why was I mad at work? Well... I like it I really do, the people are nice and so are most of the customers, but sometimes i feel like my coworkers, the ones around my age, just don't seemt to enthused by me being there. The two people I have liked the most so far are older women. They're way cool. One has similar interests as me...well she used to (maybe still does) work with Chemically dependent people. And then there's Sue (her name tag reads 'Suzie Q.). She's sassy and funny. I like it. She asks me about life and what I'm doing. I like her. Everyone else is nice too, don't get me wrong ( Barb the cheese lady always smiles and says hello to me..:-) )but yeah the kids around my age I think are mostly high schoolers, or at least younger than me to an extent. I don't know I think I'm a little socially awkward at first anyway, and well they've all been working at the deli longer than me so clearly they know eachother better. I think maybe we're all just socially awkward at work. I dunno, at least Jacob introduced himself to me yesterday, he was missing his name tag, so that was good to at least know his name so I didn't have to call him 'hey you' if needed. Anyway I got this silly idea last night that the rest of the younger kids don't like me. It's probably really ridiculous, but I don't know...they're not that friendly and well i feel like a complete idiot when I ask them questions because they already know most of the stuff. Meh. That's all i've got about work (which seems to be the only thing that I write about lately...)

Job searching hasn't gone that well lately. I got depressed yesterday while I was trying to get stuff together. I apparently had other things on my mind. I'm trying to write another cover letter for a different job with an organization that I interviewed with earlier. I don't want to come off as a flake and turn in the same cover letter or one that is too similar. Sigh...such is life. I just feel bad when I don't change my cover letter much. I realized that I should also put the deli clerk position on my resume now too. sigh... so much to do. :-P

I was somewhat productive today...even if it didn't have to do with writing cover letters and resumes... I returned a gift (bed sheets...too flowery and bright!) Then almost bought more pants for work...but didn't and instead bought a nice shirt, the Gnarls Barkley cd, and the Aristocrats dvd. Good purchases I think. Then I brought some school books to the second hand book shop to try to get some money for them. I got a whopping $5. I know I paid way more for those bastards... oh well... the $5 got me some coffee at the shop next door which is where I am currently writing from. Sadly I finally gave in and am paying money to use the internet for two hours. I can no longer pick up the signal from Panera next door. Damnit!
Not much else has been going on. I haven't hung out with anyone lately. Have been spending most days and nights to myself since Shannon left. Everyone I think is getting ready for school again and what not. I dunno. I enjoyed working on the crossword and just chilling watching a movie last night which i am sure is what I will do tonight too. I don't work until 4 tomorrow, not that that really means anything... I guess I get to sleep in again. nice.

Friday, August 25, 2006

salads and slicers

Yesterday was day two at work and things went fine. I actually used the meat and cheese slicer. One of the meat slicers acutally broke while I was trying to use it.:-P It's hard to get exactly a pound, or half a pound... i reckon this will take practice.oh well. The guy who is in charge of the deli was there during my shift, he's also the guy who hired me, and it made me nervous... i didn't want to screw up horribly. I feel like he is the guy you aspire to be behind the deli. He knows everything about the food, how everything works and he's really friendly. I doubt I'll ever get to that point but it's nice to know that he likes his job and takes it seriously.

Big storms came through Minnesota yesterday. THere was HUGE hail in different parts of the state and even tornadoes! None of th at hit the cities though which i'm thankful for, but i can only imagine the storm damage. Well I actually got a bit of a description of it while I was at work. It was getting down to the last hour or so and this man who works for Home Depot is one of the guys that goes out to asses storm damage. YIKES! He just kept talking and talking about what the weather had been like and what he could look forward to for the next month... i guess he'll be pretty damn busy. He was a nice fellow and although I couldn't hear half of what he said, i just smiled and nodded and tried to serve him his food without dropping it. There are many interesting characters that come into the store. I have enjoyed the few that have stopped to talk so far.

Well hopefully soon something more interesting will happen in my life other than scooping up salads and slicing meat. But let's face it the most interesting part of my summer is gone. Amber came and went and so did Shannon. I have no one to entertain or be entertained by constantly while at home.

the only other thing that I can think of that's been on my mind every once in awhile is the idea of a movie critc. I want to know how they got the job to criticise movies and peoples' work when they may have never even been in a movie, or been involved in making a film... I dunno... How did they get that job?!
yeah that's all. I'm going to go watch The View now.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Coopers, Shannon and work.

I wrote a few days ago to update but clearly it did not make it on here. The basis of that post was "OMG! I found Coopers in Minneapolis; My life is complete" -- The end. :-)

Well besides finding Coopers, Shannon left today and that made me sad. Not overly sad but a bit at least! It was so nice to have him visit! I went to my first day of work at the deli and it went just fine, but it was eight hours of standing on my feet. I did drop a cold salad in the morning that went over the counter and luckily did not hit the lady who had asked for it. Oh yeah I get to wear a silly hat. It's not too bad, but still kind of silly. It doesn't really stay in one place. I was terrified to even try the slicer today. I got the low down on everything mostly, but it would have been really nice to have one person go through everything with me...which didn't happen but everyong was pretty nice in helping me out when I had questions. I'm sure I screwed up a few times but no customers really complained and I got a good hold on doing the salads since it's pretty much all I did today. But good ness! so many salads and different meats and chesses! It's crazy! whew!

Dad picked me up from work and as I was leaving I was thinking that I'd get to go home to see Shannon. Oh wait, ( I reminded myself) I took him to the airport at an ungodly hour this morning :-( Sigh.. It was nice to have an Aussie around and be reminded of the fun times in Adelaide and to reconnect. I look forward to January when Shannon says he will be passing through again. Until then I guess the Coopers will have to console me, and so far it is doing its job well. Nothing like some Coopers after an eight hour shift at the deli... ahhh... relaxing.

I can't say there is too much more going on. Most of you read Shannon's blog now so you'll get an update from him about what we did the past couple days. I think a lot of it was drinking alcohol and watching movies. We went to the sculpture garden in the city on a very nice evening and went to the Mall of America the other day, but the last few days were pretty chill. Oh yeah we met Sunil's friend Jen. She was very nice. Um but we were mostly bums for the past few days before Shannon left. I thought of a billion things we could do though after he left. We never got around to the biscuits and gravy and I didn't show him any other part of Minnesota ( up North is beautiful) plus there's great historic stuff around , but whatever I think he's fine with it all.

And i think that's it. My feet hurt and I'm too tired to think. Lucky that I work at 2 pm tomorrow. Yay for sleeping in!
and that's all i've got for now.

Monday, August 21, 2006

it's not that different

well no one has bugged me to update the past few weeks. But while Shannon was talking to Shannon on skype, schwarz mentioned I hadn't updated in awhile. I must say that I am quite flattered ( i think is the word i am looking for) that schwarz still reads my blog.

Anyway, most of you read Mason's blog probably and have already read up on his adventures here in the U.S. So I feel as though it's kind of ridiculous to re-write what he has already written since he's been here in Minneapolis. But i will share the highlights that I think are quite fun.

I think the funniest thing since shannon has been here was his reactions to the products in the supermarket and his excitement and utter confusion, and wonder at the idea of cheese in a can. :-) 'Easy Cheese' as it is called or as my siblings and I called it when we were litte "squeezy cheese", is ... well cheese in a can. Shannon was quite baffled by this idea wondering if it came out all foamy like whip cream does from a can. It's hard to explain the consistency of Easy Cheese. It's not foamy like whipped cream. It's kind of slimey in a way... ummmm like...well it's not a liquid , and it's not like ketchup (tomato sauce for u aussies ;-) ) but it's not very solid either like real cheese. It's somewhere in between. Anyway we got some cheese in a can and brought it home for Shannon to taste. As some of you might know it was quite a spectacle. Pictures were taken. My family sat around to watch... i'm sure the dog was even excited. I think he liked it, but really it's quite salty and the crackers we topped were pretty salty too. Besides his reaction to the Easy Cheese, while in the supermarket he 'oooed and awwwwed' at the crazy things we have here that he had not see over in Australia. Needless to say it was all quite entertaining.

Well besides that excitement i've tried to be a good host and have showed shannon some of the sites around here. Went to the art museum the other day, have had dinners with my family, and got him heaps drunk at my friend Rob's. I have never seen Shannon that drunk before so it was a new experience for me. I pressured him to drink water over and over again and then finally we both passed out. Back to the museum bit though.. i have to say that I am just crazily impressed by art. I don't know how people think of these things, and how much patience they must have to create these beautiful works of art. Some I just don't understand. And overall i just cant help but look at them forever...paintings from hundreds of years ago still in good condition and done SO well. I really enjoy the ones that have to do with religion and bible stories. Particularily with Jesus. There are quite a few versions of stories about Jesus and it's really interesting to see how different artists portray them. I don't know...they're just REALLY interesting to me. I'm also quite amazed by marble sculpture! How did they do it! especially from ancient Greece and Rome?! it's so beautiful! I got to see what I hope is an original of 'Veiled Lady' ( i think it's lady, it might be woman, but whatever you get the idea). I have seen this sculpture, well at least a replica of it in the newest version of Pride and Prejudice and just love it. It was so awesome to see it up close and personal, well at least the head of the veiled lady. It's just... wow... how they make it look like someone is veiled in marble sculpture is beyond me and I LOVE it! I like wondering and just staring at art for long periods of time :-)

Something that was pretty funny this week was when we went to see 'Snakes on a Plane'. So funny by the way. Shannon, Natalie and I met up with my good friend Will and a group of his friends for the midnight showing. Will is in love with Shannon. Hahaha. ok so NOT really but they met on Tuesday night after my frisbee game at the bar. Will was over in Adelaide studying post grad stuff while I was there. We are frisbee buddies. I *heart* him. He is good people. Anyway... So Will LOVES Australia, of course, he dislikes very much Baseball, but loves cricket. Will proceeded to talk to Shannon about cricket and his love for the game. Because of this he decided he was in love with Shannon :-) which he told us a few nights later while we were at the movie. Well I thought it was funny anway. I laughed.

Tomorrow Shannon and I head to the Mall of America to have lunch with one of his mum's friends I think. I actually have somewhat of a shopping agenda for the mall (one store) and so it should be pretty entertaining. We have also just recently learned that one of the liquor stores around here has Cooper's! O M G! :-) Mandy who i went to school with at Luther also visited Adelaide (a year before me) and loves the Coopers! She apparently found some at this liquor store near her new place in Minneapolis! I have been to this liquor store and have not seen it... maybe I have not searched hard enough.So we have high hopes in finding Coopers tomorrow afternoon. I hope our journey will turn out successful!

i reckon that's all I have for now. Not too interesting. oh yeah... I had a birthday last week. Last Saturday. Drank beer friday, chilled with Shannon and the fam on my birthday and it was great. i got good stuff from friends and family. It was a lovely birthday. 22 does not feel that much different that 21... A lot of my friends will actually be turning 23 soon. HAHA oldies! oh well. I like being young.

oh and I had orientation this weekend for my new job. w00t! now I have to call in and schedule hours. Hmmm a task i should complete tomorrow. This also means that I need to buy new clothes and shoes to wear to work :-P bleh. Am still searching for that full time job, and h opefully it will come soon enough. I'm really looking forward to it someday! I'm rambling too much...check shannon's blog for a better update on what we've been up to.
that is all.
p.s. where have you all been?! where's the love?! ;-)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Amber's visit in a nutshell

in an effort to be less out of touch I give you this new blog entry... It hasn't even been a FULL week since the last so I reckon I am doing well.

There is not much to write about except, of course the fact that Amber is here! w00t!
We had a bit of a ... umm... fiasco?... well maybe just an issue with picking her up from the airport, but after spending a half an hour at the airport looking for her, then driving home, driving back to the airport, going to the wrong terminal, then the correct one, I finally found her and we headed back to my place. (in the process of it all there were many shitty drivers on the roads ... :-P some people should just NOT be allowed to drive). We didn't do much that night, in fact I think we just decided to go to bed after a chat ... we reckon... we don't really know...

Since Friday I have gotten Amber drunk with my friends (so fun. 'hmph' - says Amber) Of course we had heaps of fun though. My friends seem to have something against Jersey though... not quite sure what...but Amber was able to defend herself just fine. After an interesting night of beers, shots, random happenings, celebrating Josh's freedom, and having Amber told that she had an 'aussie' accent (so not true) , i sobered up and came home. The fun continued with a bit of time spent online, of which I had my first chat with Shannon's brother Troy...well it was mostly me typing for Amber who had issues with the keys. :-) She maintains that it was mostly due to the fact that she was kneeling on the floor, but I did offer her a chair... so enough said. Anyway I left her to the computer before bed and she ended up signing herself off on accident... whatever, we went to bed.

Sunday... After some yummy scrambled eggs Amber headed to the softball fields with my brother and I to watch us play a game with the friends from the night before. Although Amber did not play and instead read and watched, I think she also spent most of the time figuring out what it was that she might have said or done the night before. That and figuring out who everyone was while sober :-) (by the way she is being SUCH a good sport with this blog as she sits and watches me type it... cuz she has nothing better to do with her time... because I am not a good host and have no idea what to do with her, although she says I am and that she's had fun... i dunno.. she could be lying, but I doubt it :-) )

We came back to watch Pride and Prejudice (which she had never seen! what an outrage! ok so I'm obsessed...and maybe she's not like me :-) ) After dinner with the fam, which gave Amber the ability to really see what I am like and how my family functions (she now has one up on me... probably realizes why I am the way that I am... many many bad jokes ... i think she survived.) Natalie and Jeff came over later to meet Amber and to watch a movie. It was nice to see Jeff again because he has been in FL forever. Hopefully Amber did not get too sick of our 'gossip' talk. We watched Mirrormask, chatted awhile longer, then split... we were all pretty tired. So tired that I have a sandal missing because I am quite sure that Natalie ended up putting on one of her sandals and one of mine. I just noticed today when I had only one brown sandal and a mysterious blue one...hmmm I don't know if she has realized it yet...

Today, well today was a trip to the Mall of America. w00t! It was the one thing that Amber mentioned she wanted to see and really it's one of our only claims to fame here in Minnesota. So Natalie joined us and we drove out to it. We didn't spend much time there because none of us had much of a shopping agenda. Let's face it...we're all unemployed... (ok well Amber is only partially unemployed... ok so we all have jobs...we're just not working them yet! sounds ridiculous huh?!) we then tried for the Minneapolis Institute of Arts... Oops... me being really stupid forgot that the museum is closed on Mondays...this I also mentioned to Amber on Saturday after I checked the times that it was open. Yeah.. I'm on top of things. OH well... so we went to a bakery in Uptown and had some food and drinks and then made our way home. Amber and I watched tv, got sick of real tv and put in Clone High again to pass the time. We went out to dinner with out my family and had a nice time chatting. One of my favorite parts... Amber realizing why all the stuff on the walls was Chicago-related. The name of the restaurant is "Old Chicago" Heh. And now I am boring her with my boring life and typing of this blog. Who knows how we will fill the time tonight, probably hanging out again...we're both too god damn indecisive... but we like eachother so hanging out has been just fine. I think that is all. She leaves tomorrow afternoon for Jersey again and then I have two and a half days to figure out what to do with Shannon when he gets here. :-P I'll try harder to figure some things out... it would be terrible for me to bore a foreigner...
Yes that is all...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

out of touch

almost a month and I haven't written. Not like it matters. I mean I haven't even gotten the traditional "update your blog Em!" from Melissa.

Anyway...things are well and needless to say I have been out of touch for awile. I just got busy i guess and lazy with the blog. I finally started to get interviews which have taken up my time and energy a great deal. I also made plans to visit Krista in Oregon and just got back today( i might write more about that later, but easily was AWESOME! I missed her a great deal!) After getting back I went straight to a frisbee game and played in the rain. My spirits rose even more by seeing frisbee friends I hadn't seen in awhile! I was all smiles! and still am but am very very tired. There is much I can think of to write about but the fact that I am ill prepared for an interview tomorrow is nagging at me, and well this enormous lack of functioning is starting to wear me down...thus i make the trip to bed. More to come i suppose if anyone is still reading

Saturday, July 08, 2006

i don't see why anyone does drugs

As I watched the first two episodes of 'Grey's Anatomy' thursday night I caught a great quote. If you've seen the show you would know that it's about a bunch of surgeon interns in their first year. One of them gets the chance to be in on a surgery. Later she tellls her boss how amazing it was to be in the surgery room and says that it was 'such a high. I don't see why anyone does drugs'(well it was something to that effect) Anyway I thought about this a little bit longer and well, i'm not going to school to become a surgeon or anything but it's a good though. My week has been so great, and such a good high with out the drugs that I kind of started thinking like that character from Grey's Anatomy was.

The week has consisted of so much good stuff. Minus no job it's been great. I would detail every single thing but that would take forever. The fourth was great, getting to see family and later friends. the weekend before I got to see Davina. After the fourth I just got to see a lot of Natalie and we had a great time hanging out and watching movies mostly. I spent the days looking for jobs and sitting in the pool! How can that not be good?! :-) I kept getting to see people I hadn't seen in a long time and got to catch up with them, as much as I hated talking about what I am doing with my life now, it was fun hearing what everyone is up to. Then I had Thursday and Friday to look forward to. Natalie and I invited heaps of people to go out to Figlio's on Thursday, which is where we have met up with my sister and her friends a few times this summer. It was great! It was such a random group of friends but they all got along real well!!!!! this is probably what gave me the best high! I was so happy to reconnect with old friends, and to meet some new people and to just see so many people coming out to a bar with me and Nat! Life was good! We had old high school friends, friends from college, our friend Kyle who we met in Youth in Government, and a couple friends that helped out with drumline. It was great! Kim was my only Luther friend but she ended up running into other Luther people that I kind of knew. So there was just this really random group of people and it was good. We went home that night feeling so awesome! Natalie and I gabbed about it on the way home and the next day....which was friday of course! The Basilica Block Party! I went last year and it was great, and soooo good again this year. I love the Hopefuls, and all the bands seemed really awesome. There were SO many people there to see Guster. I only do so well with large crowds so I didn't stay to watch them, just listened from afar after I watched Mike Doughty! oh so fun! It was a beautiful night full of good people, food, and music. Who could ask for more?!

I just have this great feeling all over from such fun times! I don't know how else to explain it. I am also happy that I got an email from Britta ( I miss her a lot), a message from Shannon (so excited to see him in about a month) and learned that Greg Graffin of Bad Religion has a solo album! it's very pretty... i like him (check it out... -- if that doesn't work sorry... but it's the thought that counts)

so yeah... just good feelings all around. I think I also had a dream and friends Beth and LJ were in it. I miss them a whole lot too! just good feelings. Tonight... a party at Rob's with another great group of friends! can't wait!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

high school reunion #3

so tonight was probably about the third time that I have gone to a gathering that is close to a high school reunion. Mind you I have not found these events to be disappointing, uncomfortable or completely stupid...but they have been a bit weird. It started with Zoe's wedding where we got some Fridley gossip, then Katie and Ben's wedding, which really wasn't that weird because the people we were with I usually see. Tonight...4th of July... well we went to Mark's new place and hung out, then did fireworks. I got to see a group of people I hadn't seen in quite awhile. On top of that Mark is rooming with Nick and Dustin of whom I was never friends with in high school, but it was just more fridley people. Plus their friends were around, most of whom I recognized. It was all kind of a modge-podge of people. Including my boyfriend from high school who I thought I hadn't seen since freshman year of college, but really not since about sophomore year. Seeing him again made me realize why I liked him. He really is a nice guy. But then I think deeper and realize that we would differ on a lot of things. So not only was the ex-boy there, but I ran into this girl that I hadn't seen since the summer before senior year of high school. I met her at this big gathering called Girls State! It was Katie. She was so cool and we were buds at Girls state but we lost contact pretty quickly afterwards. It was so weird. She asked if I had been to Girls state and i looked at her and realized who she was. So weird! She's friends with Nick (a fridley guy, and also one of Mark's room mates). yeah, was random but cool. She, for no longer a red head, she's very blonde now. She's still really nice though. So it was good to see her, but the only word I can really use to describe seeing her is 'random'.

Overall it was fun to hang out with that group of people, and I'm sure we will hang out again, but not constantly. I enjoy people...It's interesting to hear what they were all up to, but it was SO annoying to have to answer the question of "what are you doing now?" and having no real good answer while Natalie was by my side loving telling everyone about her soon to be job at Mayo. It's cute how excited she gets about Micro-bio stuff :-) and she gets REALLY excited! ;-)

the day was good overall, a good fourth. Spending time up at my grandparents proved to be enjoyable, but wow did i eat WAY too much food today! :-P Now I have a stomach ache and want to get to sleep. sigh... such a good day.

Monday, July 03, 2006

one year

so this isn't going to be long and drawn out, but it's something I just felt I needed to post.

Mark it. It has now been one year since I left Australia. I left the country on July 3rd last year and made it home very early on July 4th (like 12 or 1am). It was a lot of traveling, a very stressful time in the Chicago airport, but i made it home and was even awake for grandma's fourth of july party the next day.

I'm not sure how much I really want to say on the subject, it's more of a reflection time for me and i don't know how to explain the feelings I have for Australia and its people a year later. What is kind of funny today though is that I was going through my laptop carrying case so that my sister could use it and I found $40! Nice! That's what happens when mom and dad tell you to not keep all your money in one place while traveling:-) I'm pretty sure I remember getting to Australia and after a couple days or weeks felt as though I was missing some money... well think i found it!

what else I feel i need to say is that I loved it, and I miss it... but I am so excited to see friends from that trip this summer. Hopefully Bec and Amber will make it out here, and well about a month or so from now Shannon should be in the states. It will be so nice to see their faces!

Friday, June 23, 2006

nothing much

still no job yet, but i haven't really tried hard in the past couple days.
I have changed my resume and am waiting to hear back from a friend on how it looks.

I'm trying my best to not freak out. Today was quite a nice Friday. So relaxing. Did the usual taking the dog for a walk (rather she walked me) and then cleaned the pool. It's still quite nasty, and well I want to use the pool... so cleaning it seemed to be the smart thing to do.

Life is otherwise quite the same as has been for the past few weeks.

people have come to amaze me more and more. The things they say, think and do just continue to keep me wondering. Good thing I went into psychology. People who don't take into account other people's feelings and point of view.. i just don't know what to do about them. Hm.. Well I had like a whole 'nother paragraph written on this topic but too bad my stupid computer erased most of the post. (it's now a few days later...)

anyway... in general things are going alright. I finally have made a new resume and it's pretty good I think. I have ten jobs that I'm looking at so there's a bunch of places to send the resume out to. That's good news I suppose.

And other than that I'm very happy with my frisbee team. They are great great people and I love my tuesdays! What a wonderful time I have with them. I will be happy when everyone is back after the fourth of July and our team is whole again.

That's all.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

things are getting a bit more exciting ...

well first... the Twins won tonight! YAY! 7-5! Thank God! 12 innings...but they won. Thanks to Justin Morneou!w00t!

Now although I've been crazy stressed about getting a job... things are not too bad. I got a postcard today from one place saying that they were considering my resume! Yes! Two... another place sent me their information for me to look over and i think I have to fill out some stuff. It's with the Lovaas Institute here in the Midwest! Yay! Lastly on this topic... AJ's boyfriend Nate is helping me out with my resume and said he'd help me get it out there. Clearly it needs a bit of work. My objective is pretty...well it's too... broad. So I have to fix that, but i'm getting excited that people are considering me! I've gotten random emails about Financial Advisor jobs, which although I feel loved that people want to interview me for that's not what I want. But yay to the two organizations that contacted me! YES! I really hope that I get an interview!!!!!!!! Now I can feel less stressed! It's crazy how stressed I have been. Now I understand how Kayla was feeling when I saw her last! goodness! Natalie had an interview with Mayo today for a research position... she won't hear from them for two weeks! She said she was so stressed/nervous last night that she didn't fall asleep til 2!!! I know the feeling. I've had issues falling asleep lately too! Ahhh ! I reckon it really is just this whole job searching thing. I can't believe how much it could affect me!! whew... again i feel much better. What helps is probably that I have had a couple beers this evening before and during the game...:-) It was such a fun night overall. I am to be out with others, but the game didn't get done til 11:30pm and well i might as well try for sleep.. (shoot I'm rambling)

Other topics. .. looks like Grandma Pat and Grandpa Orv stopped by tonight and dropped off a graduation card for me... how nice! what is even nicer... and I don't even know how to thank them for this... they gave me $500!!!! holy crap! That is SUCH a generous gift! I don't know what to do about them! I feel like such a terrible grandaughter! I don't see them that often and they give me that much money for graduation?!?!?! wow! I think I should put all of that into savings! Maybe now I will be able to move out by the end of the summer after all.! I better not get my hopes up TOO much...if i don't get a job with these places I applied to who have made contact I'll just totally bum myself out... not going to lie.. i forget what the actual job was that I applied to for one of them.:-P i better check on that. Anyway... i guess that money from my grandparents doesn't make me feel too bad now about the fact that I spent $40 on cds this afternoon.. ummm yeah.. lets see soundtracks to Pride and Prejudice and Elizabethtown and then a Jeff Buckley cd. I am too impulsive!

ok i think i am done rambling. Hopefully this excitement won't keep me up! God do I need to sleep! i think that is all i have to say...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


well here is one thing I can be somewhat happy about:
It's a comfort to know that the United Methodist Church is taking a stand on gay marriages. Go them! I was happy to read this article in the paper yesterday that said the recent conference for the UMC here in Minnesota recognizes gay marriages and the ordination of gay clergy. I guess I'm pretty damn proud to say that I was raised Methodist. We were always taught to care about others and I remember doing a little study group or something with people at my church and trying to learn more about what our church was about. What came from that was learning that there is a focus on social justice. Social justice definitely has to include, at least for me, diversity also! It was sad to read, however that the UMC congregation is declining. I guess people care more about their own personal relationship with God than doing things for others. I recommend reading the article (the link is above) if you so choose...because it clearly explains things, unlike me.

So that was something to be happy about, but then all of a sudden I become ashamed, disgusted and disappointed with a Methodist. THat's right, our president claims himself as being methodist. After what I have learned about being methodist, I do not find him to be a good one. Oh yeah, and then, get this... he is trying to get an amendment passed that would band gay marriage!! People seem to think that same-sex marriage will ruin the institution of marriage. All I have to say to this is that it is only 'ruining' your very tight-knit, closed-minded, idea of marriage, which seems to be a very Christian based idea. it's just the majority's uneasiness of something becoming different. Heaven forbid there very diversity and differences in this country! Wait... isn't that what we are supposed to be about?! I have to say i am getting utterly, utterly confused as to what the ideals are for this country!I just don't get it. I'm at least pleased to have read in the article that Senator Mark Dayton will not support the amendment. They vote on it later this week.... sigh. i still just can't get over people not accepting others. Gay marriage is not going to ruin our country. All we're doing it just excluding people from soemthing... again! Our country seems to be good at doing that. I reckon I could have even more to say but I'm just... too disappointed and down right sad to discuss it anymore.

lastly.. on a random note. I can't stand sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. Hoping for an interview... job hunting sucks.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

1 week out.

so it's been exactly one week since graduation and what do I have to show for it? Um... not a whole lot. No big accomplishments, but then again I wasn't really trying... But those things that did happen were quite good nevertheless.

I spent most of the week with Kayla and Krista so that of course is always a joy. Most of the time we spent together was in coffee shops and watching movies. We felt that we still needed a break from going out. :-) After Kayla left us we didn't do anything very different. Krista and I spent the days drinking coffee, reading and watching movies, with a short shopping trip in there. THe shopping trip was actually probably a good idea since I have yet to unpack which also means I have yet to do my laundry. Plus it is getting bloody hot here in MN and a couple tank tops are needed. Speaking of the is crazy hot here today! the high is 92F !! The high around this time is usually only 74F according the the weather lady this morning! Gotta love the crazy weather of the midwest.

From our reading/coffee/movie watching endeavours i accomplished a few things. MOstly in reading. Finally finished "The Dharma Bums" which I put down at the beginning of second semester and finally picked up again. Very interesting book. I have since then picked up "Pride and Prejudice" so that I can get the FULL effect of the story. About 12 pages in (probably) I was already greatly excited from reading it...I'd stop and read a line to Krista and relate it to the movie..."oh yeah...this is that part...where this happens... oh this is different, but i like it!" :-) It was a slow start but I'm getting there. krista and I also learned not to always trust a Mandy Moore movie. "How to Deal" not her best work. I'd definitely go with Saved over any other Mandy Moore movie.

Krista and I then spent Thursday afternoon with her sister Lindsey. It was great! We went to Como Park/Zoo. Walked through the conservatory which was so beautiful and interesting and then walked through the zoo which was cool but also SO sad! I was happy to hear though the next day in the paper that the Polar bears are getting more space and so are the gorillas! But still it's kind of sad to go to the zoo. The Orangutans were the most fun to watch, they were actually very playful and just SO interesting. Looking at their hands, arms, feet, and legs it was just like WOW they really are SO similar. Not only that but they have HUGE arms, legs, hands and feet. Plus you can tell they aren't that stupid, and that they are thinking about something. We then made it to an afternoon movie to see The DaVinci Code. THere was a lot to explain but i enjoyed it still the same, minus the kids who ran around the theatre at the beginning... People were PISSED! haha. We then went for burgers and malts at Annie's Parlour and had a great time hanging out there.

I dropped krista at our friend Katie's on friday afternoon and then I spent the rest of the weekend with high school friends. Natalie and I got together to watch a movie, good old "Playing By Heart" which I hadn't seen in forever. :-) Good times. Saturday (yesterday) was spent getting ready for our friend Zoe's wedding. A group of us went to our friend Amy's graduation party first and then to Zoe's wedding which was very lovely and of course she looked amazing! It was quite a small wedding and very short. The ceremony was very beautiful. Being the psych major that i was i kind of sat there listening very closely to what the pastor said marriage really was. Thanks to Dr. B's counseling class I kept thinking of the things we had talked about in class. At least i know i learned something. It brought me back to this segment that was on the Today show the other day about marriages and relationships. I just remember the guy being a total dumb ass and the woman clinical psychologist saying waht I had learned in class this past semester. I don't even know if the guy had any professional background.. anyway.. he was kind of a doof and I hope he never counsels people on marriage... so the wedding...The dinner was great and the dance was fun. it was a bit of a high school reunion but fun still the same. THere were two tables of us fridley high schoolers and i barely talked to any from the other table. It was fun to share stories of gossip about people from high school that we had heard. Some stories a bit awkward, but overall a good time. We drank a lot of beer, danced, talked went home. Overall a good day/evening.

Now it's sunday. One week since graduation and nothing really to show for it. Britta is in town and I'm looking forward to seeing her today. Tonight is the Gay 90s i think... and that's about it. I wish our pool was full and clean cuz I'd love to go swimming! SO hot out, which also makes me want to do nothing and just sit and read all day. This is my life so graduation...:-)

Sunday, May 21, 2006


well it's long as I have passed all of my classes this semester I have graduated from Luther College. Wow... a crazy thought but also SOOO cool. Commencement was this afternoon and luckily it was a very nice day out. There were about 500 of us graduating and it was a good solid 2 hour ceremony. The speech was pretty good and not too long which helped. it was pretty weird, but so very cool. I now have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. I got to sit next to Shannon another psychology major and although we were never friends it was nice to have a semi-familiar face to sit next to and chat with during the ceremony if we got bored. She's quite a nice girl. Anyway, we made it across the stage, shook hands, and got an evelope with no actual certificate inside yet, but whatever... I think overall I was very happy but I was also so sad and a bit stressed. Probably more depressed that I should have been but I guess I just had a lot on my mind. Whew... I apparently get annoyed easily. After the ceremony, as we all walk off we go through all the professors, and that was pretty cool... Shannon and I searched out Dr. Bishop and then Dr. Breitenstein, of whose test we passed. He had two sayings that he wanted us to remember, which we confidently went up to him to recited. Both Dr. Bishop and Dr. Breitenstein are great professors and I really enjoyed them. It's so nice to have two people tell you to 'let them know if you ever need help with anything and good luck' which is said with a smile and hand shake and a quick hug:-) And of course after all of that i found the family, took photos and went home to pack, which seemed SO rushed and with which I got REALLY annoyed. Again, packing is NOT my strong suit. i'll not get into that...but yeah basically I felt bad for being such a pain, and well after a little while in the car I finally lightened up. The ride home then wasn't so bad. I tried sleeping which felt soooo good. We almost got into an accident outside of the cities (damn people who can't merge!) but safely made it home. I finally ate some real food, and have just been relaxing every since... the stress is gone, it's done, it's over. Life is moving forward. Now to begin something new... Resumes need to be sent and hopefully a job will soon enough present itself :-) Onward i go...breathing a sigh of relief, and giving myself a pat on the back for a job well done. I made it! Oh what a feeling! I made it! I feel accomplished :-)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

finals update: DONE!! :-)

I'M DONE! took my last two exams today and now I am done with my undergraduate schooling at Luther! oh god! it probably won't really hit me till I actually find a job and realize I'm working.

My exams went just fine. NO worries i think. Also got my grade back from my big paper/project in sociology... w00t ! got a B bitches! yes!go me!
Had a really nice chat with Dr. B the other day. he's great, and I'm going to miss him. He helped me figure out some graduate school stuff, so maybe I can figure out what it is I want to do and find a good school for me! YAY!
I still have to find a job... oh well...but I'M DONE!
to celebrate... didn't do anything crazy... came home... relaxed watch some P&P , did dinner, got some beers, got a movie, drank a beer in the library, watched the movie with Justin...hanging out again. I have nothing to do! well i do have to work tomorrow and am going to go talk to another professor about life, but I'm done! Senior week festivities began tonight and I am SO looking forward to the rest of them this week. THe family comes down on saturdy and I have much cleaning/packing to do. kris is already beginning to pack up her stuff. It's really sad. i had quite the 'moment' with her after i read her little letter she left me. Needless to say i cried ("Now that was a moment" --name the movie!)
anyway...that's all. I'M DONE!

Monday, May 15, 2006

finals update: dashing, short skirts, & tp

Two finals and a paper completed! Saturday did not feel like one. It felt more like a Monday. And the gross weather did not help. But after all of that... It was senior dinner night! YAY! So we got nicely dressed and headed to the caf for a 'nice' dinner. It was pretty cool to have most of the senior class in one room hanging out. Such a difference from when we were freshmen and they courted us into that same room to have dinner and make friends. :-P Lets just say that I don't talk to any of the people I sat with at that freshman dinner, except Krista. Although i do remember everyone who was sitting with us that evening. Anyway, the food was actually pretty tasty, and the people a whole lot of fun. People were quite amazed to see me with very long straight hair and wearing make-up and pink! i'm surprised more people didn't try to take my photo! ;-) haha. Anyway, the speeches were decent and it was the first time I had really thought about how I will be leaving and not coming back to Luther. I hadn't had any time to think about it before, i'm still just kind of going through the motions and not thinking about how I will be leaving. So at least the senior dinner provided that for a little while. Again the speeches, not bad. Funniest parts... President Torgerson's speech title "Doin' the Dash". Refering to the dash that you would see on a tombstone between the birth date and death date. we were all confused as to where he was going with talking about a cemetary, and then he got into the whole dash thing. Which we laughed at for the most part. There was some dirty conotation in there that we seemed to find and chuckle at. it didn't help that Krista was giggling. the other funny speech...Prof. Craft and his joke about putting microphones under the beds in Baker. Ha! we all looked at Krista...or rather i looked at her and my other housemates ;-)

After all of this we got 'slutted up' for a party of which we were supposed to dress like our friend Sarah. She tends to dress in short skirts and low cut shirts. So we tried our best, but none of us in the house really have revealing clothing. Marissa had to pin her skirt to make it shorter and really the only short skirts britta and I had were our frisbee skirts. What i learned from this event was that if i put on a bit of make up, change my hair and wear short skirts and halter tops i can attract quite a lot of attention. I have to say that most of it came from one friend though, and it got a bit uncomfortable :-P it was lovely to have friends compliment me on my stylings, but quite another thing to have random persons look at you. It was also a bit disheartening to know that I am noticed most when I change my appearance from my every day look, which I don't find so bad, to make up, skirts and revealing shirt. hmmm. makes you wonder doesn't it?

On Sunday I began studying... again. :-P and I have been since... Sunday was rather funny in that while I was there, the toilet paper in the restrooms was starting to dwindle. The library was running out of toilet paper. It was quite sick in the sense that there had been so many people in the library all weekend for that to happen. i have never seen that happen before in my four years here. :-)

well it is now early tuesday morning and I should either study or just go to bed. My last two finals are in the afternoon. But i must not end this post with out stating what a good day I had even though it was mostly studying... My conversatin with Melissa was amazingly good. I am happy to say that I have found out how much more we have in common and it also makes me quite happy that we can still talk about so many great things even though were are in different hemispheres and on opposite sides of the world. :-) I look forward to seeing her again soon, and hopefully it is as we have planned with backpacks in tow, running around Europe together. :-)

lastly, instead of studying like mad this evening...of which I wouldn't have been able to do because I was so bored with studying by dinner time... I took the time to just relax a little and watch a movie with Krista. I can't express how much I love Pride and Prejudice. It is such a wonderful story and definitely my favorite love story. I feel Romeo and Juliet have nothing on Elizabeth Bennett and Marc Darcy. :-)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

finals update: who the hell put finals on a saturday?!

well, i can't wait for tomorrow (actually today...saturday) to end. Who the hell puts finals on a saturday?! argh! I have two tomorrow plus a paper due. All I can say is that I will be happy to finish those. I have been in the library most of the day today since about 1 or 2 and now with about half an hour left of the library being open, i get restless...

I still have about two sections of my paper to type up, one of which hopefully will be small, but I'm almost to 8 pages already! gross! I have yet to study for my sociology final at 10:15 am, which should be interesting... I guess I just have a really laid back, not caring attitude about that class and so I'll probably review the article tonight, stress out, look at it again in the morning, along with reviewing some terms and such and just go take the stupid thing. I really don't even want to waste two hours on it. I could be studying for my psych exam and fixing up my paper instead. oh well. by 12:15 that class will be OFFICIALLY OVER! thank god! I probably could have done more last night but with the housemates getting a bit drunk, and getting phone calls from a drunk sister, and being woken up by a neighbor being locked out of his house... not much got done.

I am really hoping that my psych exam tomorrow will not be too horrible. I think I have most of it down.. whew. It's only about 50 points so it's hard to imagine what exactly will be on it.

Anyway it looks to be a long night still. once home I will glue myself to a chair to finish the paper and to study that stupid article. Oh I don't even want to show up for that soc exam! augh! Ok ok, i'm done bitching, but again...who the hell puts finals on a saturday..?!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

last day of classes

today was my last day of class at Luther.
I kind of wish it had been more exciting. I had my one class, Soc Research Methods.
Today just made me realize how much I really did not like this class. Overall it was kind of an anticlimatic day. Yesterday had more feeling. Anyway I went to class with a beer in me and some gin and soda in my hand. Class didn't go for long but after discussing the final i felt like wanting to hit our professor. Needless to say, i came home in the crappy weather and went to bed for a bit. It was SO windy today! So really... a "meh" kind of day. Not that i was hoping for a song and balloons or something, but having the one class made it ... eh... not that cool. Oh but it should be celebrated that I am done with my undergraduate education here at Luther college! w00t! Tonight you'd think I'd be out getting quite drunk but with a paper and two exams scheduled for Saturday...ummm... yeah I should get working on that. Granted I have all day tomorrow to do stuff... I'm also being good and getting up for work in the morning. I really should have said i wasn't going to be there, but I'm going...:-P Might as well get as much money as I can from this college.

A good thing though.. The presentation is done, and it went pretty well even though I was so scared I wasn't going to be able to explain anything very well. Joanna, my partner, told me that we got full points! YES! so I am pretty sure I can pass this class even if the test doesn't go that well and the paper.

it's all so crazy... life at Luther is ending soon... I'm excited to go home and be near people i haven't seen in awhile, and I think it will be so great to come down to visit sometime... that is all. Maybe I should start my studying now.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

quick weekend

so a quick one.
-there are medlers in my midst. people who keep suggesting i do certain things. I feel like I can't please them. They had a new idea for my future...future love life again today! it's weird, i don't know what to tell them. except to worry more about their future than mine. ANd I STILL maintain that I will NOT be the first to get engaged/married!

-the weekend was great. Some fun frisbee, great weather, great friends, great partying along with all of that! YAY! I played a beer point! what a crowning moment in my frisbee career! i can die happy now! (I even caught the frisbee one-handed while playing with the beer in hand!)

-the whole homework thing didn't really pan out for me. Nodding off while reading doesn't really work. It was a bit discouraging, but my senioritis tells me not to care.

-Amber is going to Adelaide again in June. I'm so happy for her, but SO jealous at the same time. Not fair! sigh... she gets to see everyone! That will be so much fun and I wish i could go with her, but probably won't be able to. But to look on the bright side of things, I might be going to NY to see Blair, that is more feasible for me than Australia again. i miss Australia friends!

-class ends this coming thursday. I don't know what to do with myself! ekk! excited, but sad. i really enjoyed my psych classes this semester and I will miss those professors. It has been a good end to my college career. Senior week is what I look forward to now after finals are over. Then moving back home, zoe's wedding, hopefully NY, and finding a job. Oh and I get to play ultimate in a league this summer too! SO pumped!

well life must go on.

Monday, May 01, 2006

could the rain please stop now?
well after a weekend full of rain and frisbee... i'm pooped. Oh regionals...
we played all day saturday in the rain, wind, and cold. What an experience. One of the frisbee girls was awesome enough to let us stay at her place, which we basically trashed, but no worries we did clean it up. But a group of 16 girls with wet, grassy clothes? that makes quite the mess. The weekend was good besides crappy weather. We played quite well but there were some upsets. Happily i got to see Will and he is always SO calm about frisbee so that made me feel ten times better, plus it was just nice to see him again.

well before the weekend, exciting things turning in my senior paper. I almost can't believe it's done. It wasn't as crazy and stressful as I thought it was going to be, which is nice, but yeah, it's done. WOW. I turned it in Friday afternoon, after realizing I probably needed an abstract which I quickly typed up and then print, and off to the registrar to turn it in, sign the posterboard, and grab a sticker. Oh sweet day. After that? celebration! well first it was off to two more classes, but whatever. I took a drink right after I turned in the paper and kept on doing so the rest of the day. I was hitting the 5 o'clock by 11! Oh cheap vodka... One of my favorite memories from the day.. 4pm. I met up with Leah and Britta to hang out on the steps of Main to watch kids turn their papers in with in the last hour... nothing too exciting happened, but it was still pretty cool. We sat and drank and visited with friends who came and went. Watched some of the frisbee guys burn their rough drafts. That was exciting. i lent them some vodka to get the fire going. What was my favorite memory by far though was at 5 o'clock when the papers were due, out came the 5 o'clock Vodka and Leah, Britta and I all took shots on the steps of Main. That has got to be one funny memory.

And that is my life for now. Have a project due tomorrow that I'm finishing up tonight. Well basically doing all of it tonight, but it's alright, nothing else due tomorrow. Two weeks of class left, then it's reading day, finals for me on saturday and tuesday and then I'm done! I feel like this went by SO Fast! crazy crazy year! I am hoping that I will find a job, but that hasn't happened yet, have some resumes to turn in this week and hopefully I will hear something. But if not, the plans are to take a couple weeks off after graduation. Go to Zoe's wedding the weekend after graduation and then maybe out to see Blair! I hope these plans work out!!!! I miss Australia friends so much! It's almost been a year since I was there and it's kind of hard to believe. whew!

oh and Mel and Mike... I'll do my best with the England thing... I'm actually planning on talking to a professor about it and maybe the study abroad office to see what they have to say. i think it would be sooo cool. :-) much love

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

anyone know a good school in Eurpoe?!

so after conversation with my partner and my professor after Tests and Measurement today I have begun to consider how cool it would be to go to Europe, preferably England, and get a graduate education over there. See the thing is how they view psychology a bit differently and i think it would be super cool to experience that! yay for awesome professors who make you think!

that's all i've got. not going into detail, but yeah i want to go to England for grad school. I'm really tired right now but going crazy from caffeine I think. It's 2:30am..!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

the daffodils are blooming.

ok so the daffodils have been blooming for over a week or two now, but I just haven't gotten around to writing about them until now.

Spring is finally here and it is LOVELY. I am enjoying the daffodils next to Valders Hall of science and the green grass. Just got back from Easter Break today and saw that the grass looked even greener and that more plants were starting to sprout. Plus the trees have green sprouting on them again too. Back at home the same things were happening. I was pretty excited to see that the Lilac bush outside my window was starting to bud. I hope that the lilacs are still there and smelling good in May when I go home again! (last time I'll have to move out!)

Well also because of the beautiful weather, I can now start wearing skirts! w00t! I love my three skirts that i own so I've been looking forward to the warm weather so that I can wear them. I wore one last week and got three comments on it by 10:30 am! how nice! definitely made my day. I love that skirt! It's funny cuz it's nothing special, it's from Target a store that everyone probably goes to! Anyway...

now that I'm back at school the next two weeks are going to be HELL! gross! Senior paper is due on the 28th and i have three exams this week! augh! But happily after this week no more exams til finals which will be nice and I don't have any crazy final projects to work on. I think I like it more when I just have exams to study for.

SO Easter weekend was nice. Very relaxing and was spent mostly with the family. Ate way too much food again on Sunday but it was good and I had fun helping make the food. It was also quite nice to be at home and not have to go to grandma's although that makes me feel bad that I didn't care much that i didn't see the rest of the family. Oh well... After dinner we watched the ball game on tv and spent the evening just being lazy. I probably should have gone for a walk but really... laziness was more in the cards. That was about it.
I am sure that I have more important or possibly meaningful things to say but I'll save them since I should be working on an assignment or sleeping. mmmm sleep! Oh how I love thee! That is all...