Monday, May 15, 2006

finals update: dashing, short skirts, & tp

Two finals and a paper completed! Saturday did not feel like one. It felt more like a Monday. And the gross weather did not help. But after all of that... It was senior dinner night! YAY! So we got nicely dressed and headed to the caf for a 'nice' dinner. It was pretty cool to have most of the senior class in one room hanging out. Such a difference from when we were freshmen and they courted us into that same room to have dinner and make friends. :-P Lets just say that I don't talk to any of the people I sat with at that freshman dinner, except Krista. Although i do remember everyone who was sitting with us that evening. Anyway, the food was actually pretty tasty, and the people a whole lot of fun. People were quite amazed to see me with very long straight hair and wearing make-up and pink! i'm surprised more people didn't try to take my photo! ;-) haha. Anyway, the speeches were decent and it was the first time I had really thought about how I will be leaving and not coming back to Luther. I hadn't had any time to think about it before, i'm still just kind of going through the motions and not thinking about how I will be leaving. So at least the senior dinner provided that for a little while. Again the speeches, not bad. Funniest parts... President Torgerson's speech title "Doin' the Dash". Refering to the dash that you would see on a tombstone between the birth date and death date. we were all confused as to where he was going with talking about a cemetary, and then he got into the whole dash thing. Which we laughed at for the most part. There was some dirty conotation in there that we seemed to find and chuckle at. it didn't help that Krista was giggling. the other funny speech...Prof. Craft and his joke about putting microphones under the beds in Baker. Ha! we all looked at Krista...or rather i looked at her and my other housemates ;-)

After all of this we got 'slutted up' for a party of which we were supposed to dress like our friend Sarah. She tends to dress in short skirts and low cut shirts. So we tried our best, but none of us in the house really have revealing clothing. Marissa had to pin her skirt to make it shorter and really the only short skirts britta and I had were our frisbee skirts. What i learned from this event was that if i put on a bit of make up, change my hair and wear short skirts and halter tops i can attract quite a lot of attention. I have to say that most of it came from one friend though, and it got a bit uncomfortable :-P it was lovely to have friends compliment me on my stylings, but quite another thing to have random persons look at you. It was also a bit disheartening to know that I am noticed most when I change my appearance from my every day look, which I don't find so bad, to make up, skirts and revealing shirt. hmmm. makes you wonder doesn't it?

On Sunday I began studying... again. :-P and I have been since... Sunday was rather funny in that while I was there, the toilet paper in the restrooms was starting to dwindle. The library was running out of toilet paper. It was quite sick in the sense that there had been so many people in the library all weekend for that to happen. i have never seen that happen before in my four years here. :-)

well it is now early tuesday morning and I should either study or just go to bed. My last two finals are in the afternoon. But i must not end this post with out stating what a good day I had even though it was mostly studying... My conversatin with Melissa was amazingly good. I am happy to say that I have found out how much more we have in common and it also makes me quite happy that we can still talk about so many great things even though were are in different hemispheres and on opposite sides of the world. :-) I look forward to seeing her again soon, and hopefully it is as we have planned with backpacks in tow, running around Europe together. :-)

lastly, instead of studying like mad this evening...of which I wouldn't have been able to do because I was so bored with studying by dinner time... I took the time to just relax a little and watch a movie with Krista. I can't express how much I love Pride and Prejudice. It is such a wonderful story and definitely my favorite love story. I feel Romeo and Juliet have nothing on Elizabeth Bennett and Marc Darcy. :-)

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