Sunday, May 21, 2006


well it's long as I have passed all of my classes this semester I have graduated from Luther College. Wow... a crazy thought but also SOOO cool. Commencement was this afternoon and luckily it was a very nice day out. There were about 500 of us graduating and it was a good solid 2 hour ceremony. The speech was pretty good and not too long which helped. it was pretty weird, but so very cool. I now have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. I got to sit next to Shannon another psychology major and although we were never friends it was nice to have a semi-familiar face to sit next to and chat with during the ceremony if we got bored. She's quite a nice girl. Anyway, we made it across the stage, shook hands, and got an evelope with no actual certificate inside yet, but whatever... I think overall I was very happy but I was also so sad and a bit stressed. Probably more depressed that I should have been but I guess I just had a lot on my mind. Whew... I apparently get annoyed easily. After the ceremony, as we all walk off we go through all the professors, and that was pretty cool... Shannon and I searched out Dr. Bishop and then Dr. Breitenstein, of whose test we passed. He had two sayings that he wanted us to remember, which we confidently went up to him to recited. Both Dr. Bishop and Dr. Breitenstein are great professors and I really enjoyed them. It's so nice to have two people tell you to 'let them know if you ever need help with anything and good luck' which is said with a smile and hand shake and a quick hug:-) And of course after all of that i found the family, took photos and went home to pack, which seemed SO rushed and with which I got REALLY annoyed. Again, packing is NOT my strong suit. i'll not get into that...but yeah basically I felt bad for being such a pain, and well after a little while in the car I finally lightened up. The ride home then wasn't so bad. I tried sleeping which felt soooo good. We almost got into an accident outside of the cities (damn people who can't merge!) but safely made it home. I finally ate some real food, and have just been relaxing every since... the stress is gone, it's done, it's over. Life is moving forward. Now to begin something new... Resumes need to be sent and hopefully a job will soon enough present itself :-) Onward i go...breathing a sigh of relief, and giving myself a pat on the back for a job well done. I made it! Oh what a feeling! I made it! I feel accomplished :-)


Bec said...

congrats!!!!! yay for graduating!!! miss you heaps! enjoy being at home with nothing to do ;)

Melissa said...


I am so jealous...

nah this is seriously some cool shit. You are EDUCATED. Proof that you are smart! Admit it, despite the grumpiness and stress, it's a good feeling =D .

Enjoy your free time dude.

Mikey B said...

Yay Emily!!!!

Good job at the ceremony...and fantastic job for not stumbling or tripping while walking across the stage.


p.s. sorry I drank all the beer and ate the rest of your dill pickles...I couldn't help it.

MMMMM....pickles and beer...gotta go.

Peace out...and see you soon.