Thursday, October 12, 2006

mmm blueberry muffin.

it's a cold day. wind is blowing and there have been snow flurries all day for the second day in a row. I am currently wondering, as I sit with my nice hot chai latte and having just finished THE most delicious bluberry muffin, how it is that Shannon will survive the winter here. It can take me awhile to get used to the cold every year. The weather has been ultra crazy with 80 degree weather a couple weeks ago and now it's been about 30-something (Fahrenheit mind you) for the past two days! eek! I however love breaking out all my hand knit scarves and hats that i have made or have been given to me. And I LOVE my vest :-) So warm and so old (it was dad's)

Today I had the day off from the deli, even though I almost got called in again, but if I worked more than 3 hours i'd be over in hours for the week and that won't be good. Plus... I just want to relax after picking up two extra hours in my shift last night (I closed!) and having plans with my mom this afternoon and with my sister and Natalie later tonight. Even though I had work off today I went in for a bit of orientation/training at my new job with Community Involvement Programs and working with their adult foster care houses. It was A LOT to take in but hopefully I'll figure it out. I don' t need to worry too much. The residents are all pretty well behaved and easy to get along with but I still am freaking out a bit. I'm going in next week though so that I can do a shift with someone and kind of shadow them. Whew! that will make things a little easier...hopefully. Seeing someone do the work will probably be easier to grasp than just having it all explained to me although I like having both. In other work news... Natalie finally got a call from Mayo and now she has to move down to Rochester and get ready to start work by the 30th! eek! I hope this doesn't ruin our halloween plans.

on anothernote. I decided to splurge a whole lot of money at the music store the other day. about $62 worth of merchandise. Four cds and a dvd. But I'm loving my purchases. I recommend them all: Ryan Adams, Tapes 'N Tapes, The Last Kiss soundtrack, and The Clash (London Calling). Oh plus the movie Swing kids. Fun things...they have kept me entertained the past couple of days. SO has reading. Just finished The Princess Bride, then watched the movie again. I love that story so much.

i have another post I've been working on but i am scared to read it over and find that it makes no sense, but I promise some sort of meaningful post sooner or later. But now I'm going to go enjoy by chai then go shopping with mom.

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