Friday, October 06, 2006

perfection and politicians

so this post has been sitting around for awhile and i never got around to posting it so I finally decided to put it up since it had been awhile since my last post and with the upcoming elections here in the states. Hopefully it still makes sense...

let's face it. no one is perfect. i can't stand that word really. I don't think anything or anyone is ever perfect. These thoughts come about in my head ALL the time. Every once in awhile anyway.

Perfection in humans. I don't think it exists. We are SO completely flawed in many ways. There's always gotta be a little flaw in everyone. This thought has plagued me since my childhood. People may say that God or Jesus were perfect... Jesus was human. I believe he was flawed. Even though he was supposed to be an example, i guess, of perfection...well at least of doing the right thing, I still maintain that he must have had some sort of flaw...he was human after all. Anyway...humans aren't perfect. We fuck up ALL the time. Things happen to our bodies and minds that make us do what others may think are wrong. bad or stupid. And then of course they get shunned. yelled at etc etc...

Where am i going with this? Well i've begun to apply all this random thinking about perfection that I have to the elections this year. Yes elections... state stuff not presidential. Congress, and governors etc... I have an interest in politics. Have for awhile. It's why I spent so many years doing the Youth in Government program in high school learning about government and voting and all of that. Anyway that's a little different from the real stuff. (my mind is really choppy... i'm not sure most of this is making sense)but I've tried to make sure that I vote in the elections, to do my part and so on... But I usually find myself not wanting to because of political ad campaigns.

First of all they are mostly VERY cheesy and LAME. Needless to say.. BAD ACTING.
what I really can't stand about them though is when the candidates go after eachother and bring up as much dirt as they can about their opponent(s). Or how bad or stupid they try to make the other guy seem. So when i see these ads I begin thinking,... "yeah ok. she/he didn't do so well with that. They broke a promise, but is this guy who's running the ad against the other guy going to keep ALL (and i mean ALL) of his/their promises?!" DOUBT IT. But I get it. They're not perfect. No one is. It's sad when people break promises or do something disgusting/wrong whatever...It's sad/disgusting to hear about this senator or whatever he was/is that did bad things with kids (something about a page scandal, id on't remember I'll have to look it up. Hayes was maybe his name? I dunno) clearly he's not 'perfect'. he screwed up. It must be hard to be the people who know him, or thought they knew him pretty well. What they have to say to the media and so forth. Not that I'm defending this guy, he's got what looks like a serious problem in more ways than one... Anyway...shit where was I? Oh yeah.. I hate these political ads. that was kind of the main point I was trying to get at. I hate them. i wish Politicians would think about what the hell they are doing. I'm beginning to wonder if they are trying to get people NOT to vote, rather than to actually vote. They need to step back for a while and look at what crap they are putting in their ads about their opponents shortcomings and reflect on if they think they will do everything they have said they would do and will do it well. Overall they need to step back and think about how they're making fun of their opponent for not being perfect in many ways and think about whether or not they are perfect. Which in truth they are not. No one is. This all brings me back to my previous post about the license plate saying...The one about Jesus being perfect and walking on water. I don't think walking on water makes you perfect, but damn is it one hell of a talent! Anyway if this has made any sense at all my point is that no one is perfect. I can't really believe that anyone is. I'm a believer in imperfection i guess. That people are flawed, that there really isn't a 'normal' and that most people and are abnormal. Things happen for whatever reason, people do stupid things but taking the time to understand and think about it is something completely different.

1 comment:

Bec said...

i agree!
i also miss you heaps!
we should catch up soon...
much love!