Wednesday, July 05, 2006

high school reunion #3

so tonight was probably about the third time that I have gone to a gathering that is close to a high school reunion. Mind you I have not found these events to be disappointing, uncomfortable or completely stupid...but they have been a bit weird. It started with Zoe's wedding where we got some Fridley gossip, then Katie and Ben's wedding, which really wasn't that weird because the people we were with I usually see. Tonight...4th of July... well we went to Mark's new place and hung out, then did fireworks. I got to see a group of people I hadn't seen in quite awhile. On top of that Mark is rooming with Nick and Dustin of whom I was never friends with in high school, but it was just more fridley people. Plus their friends were around, most of whom I recognized. It was all kind of a modge-podge of people. Including my boyfriend from high school who I thought I hadn't seen since freshman year of college, but really not since about sophomore year. Seeing him again made me realize why I liked him. He really is a nice guy. But then I think deeper and realize that we would differ on a lot of things. So not only was the ex-boy there, but I ran into this girl that I hadn't seen since the summer before senior year of high school. I met her at this big gathering called Girls State! It was Katie. She was so cool and we were buds at Girls state but we lost contact pretty quickly afterwards. It was so weird. She asked if I had been to Girls state and i looked at her and realized who she was. So weird! She's friends with Nick (a fridley guy, and also one of Mark's room mates). yeah, was random but cool. She, for no longer a red head, she's very blonde now. She's still really nice though. So it was good to see her, but the only word I can really use to describe seeing her is 'random'.

Overall it was fun to hang out with that group of people, and I'm sure we will hang out again, but not constantly. I enjoy people...It's interesting to hear what they were all up to, but it was SO annoying to have to answer the question of "what are you doing now?" and having no real good answer while Natalie was by my side loving telling everyone about her soon to be job at Mayo. It's cute how excited she gets about Micro-bio stuff :-) and she gets REALLY excited! ;-)

the day was good overall, a good fourth. Spending time up at my grandparents proved to be enjoyable, but wow did i eat WAY too much food today! :-P Now I have a stomach ache and want to get to sleep. sigh... such a good day.

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