Sunday, May 07, 2006

quick weekend

so a quick one.
-there are medlers in my midst. people who keep suggesting i do certain things. I feel like I can't please them. They had a new idea for my future...future love life again today! it's weird, i don't know what to tell them. except to worry more about their future than mine. ANd I STILL maintain that I will NOT be the first to get engaged/married!

-the weekend was great. Some fun frisbee, great weather, great friends, great partying along with all of that! YAY! I played a beer point! what a crowning moment in my frisbee career! i can die happy now! (I even caught the frisbee one-handed while playing with the beer in hand!)

-the whole homework thing didn't really pan out for me. Nodding off while reading doesn't really work. It was a bit discouraging, but my senioritis tells me not to care.

-Amber is going to Adelaide again in June. I'm so happy for her, but SO jealous at the same time. Not fair! sigh... she gets to see everyone! That will be so much fun and I wish i could go with her, but probably won't be able to. But to look on the bright side of things, I might be going to NY to see Blair, that is more feasible for me than Australia again. i miss Australia friends!

-class ends this coming thursday. I don't know what to do with myself! ekk! excited, but sad. i really enjoyed my psych classes this semester and I will miss those professors. It has been a good end to my college career. Senior week is what I look forward to now after finals are over. Then moving back home, zoe's wedding, hopefully NY, and finding a job. Oh and I get to play ultimate in a league this summer too! SO pumped!

well life must go on.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Don't get married, live a life of bohemian sin like me.

All the cool kids are doing it.