Sunday, May 28, 2006

1 week out.

so it's been exactly one week since graduation and what do I have to show for it? Um... not a whole lot. No big accomplishments, but then again I wasn't really trying... But those things that did happen were quite good nevertheless.

I spent most of the week with Kayla and Krista so that of course is always a joy. Most of the time we spent together was in coffee shops and watching movies. We felt that we still needed a break from going out. :-) After Kayla left us we didn't do anything very different. Krista and I spent the days drinking coffee, reading and watching movies, with a short shopping trip in there. THe shopping trip was actually probably a good idea since I have yet to unpack which also means I have yet to do my laundry. Plus it is getting bloody hot here in MN and a couple tank tops are needed. Speaking of the is crazy hot here today! the high is 92F !! The high around this time is usually only 74F according the the weather lady this morning! Gotta love the crazy weather of the midwest.

From our reading/coffee/movie watching endeavours i accomplished a few things. MOstly in reading. Finally finished "The Dharma Bums" which I put down at the beginning of second semester and finally picked up again. Very interesting book. I have since then picked up "Pride and Prejudice" so that I can get the FULL effect of the story. About 12 pages in (probably) I was already greatly excited from reading it...I'd stop and read a line to Krista and relate it to the movie..."oh yeah...this is that part...where this happens... oh this is different, but i like it!" :-) It was a slow start but I'm getting there. krista and I also learned not to always trust a Mandy Moore movie. "How to Deal" not her best work. I'd definitely go with Saved over any other Mandy Moore movie.

Krista and I then spent Thursday afternoon with her sister Lindsey. It was great! We went to Como Park/Zoo. Walked through the conservatory which was so beautiful and interesting and then walked through the zoo which was cool but also SO sad! I was happy to hear though the next day in the paper that the Polar bears are getting more space and so are the gorillas! But still it's kind of sad to go to the zoo. The Orangutans were the most fun to watch, they were actually very playful and just SO interesting. Looking at their hands, arms, feet, and legs it was just like WOW they really are SO similar. Not only that but they have HUGE arms, legs, hands and feet. Plus you can tell they aren't that stupid, and that they are thinking about something. We then made it to an afternoon movie to see The DaVinci Code. THere was a lot to explain but i enjoyed it still the same, minus the kids who ran around the theatre at the beginning... People were PISSED! haha. We then went for burgers and malts at Annie's Parlour and had a great time hanging out there.

I dropped krista at our friend Katie's on friday afternoon and then I spent the rest of the weekend with high school friends. Natalie and I got together to watch a movie, good old "Playing By Heart" which I hadn't seen in forever. :-) Good times. Saturday (yesterday) was spent getting ready for our friend Zoe's wedding. A group of us went to our friend Amy's graduation party first and then to Zoe's wedding which was very lovely and of course she looked amazing! It was quite a small wedding and very short. The ceremony was very beautiful. Being the psych major that i was i kind of sat there listening very closely to what the pastor said marriage really was. Thanks to Dr. B's counseling class I kept thinking of the things we had talked about in class. At least i know i learned something. It brought me back to this segment that was on the Today show the other day about marriages and relationships. I just remember the guy being a total dumb ass and the woman clinical psychologist saying waht I had learned in class this past semester. I don't even know if the guy had any professional background.. anyway.. he was kind of a doof and I hope he never counsels people on marriage... so the wedding...The dinner was great and the dance was fun. it was a bit of a high school reunion but fun still the same. THere were two tables of us fridley high schoolers and i barely talked to any from the other table. It was fun to share stories of gossip about people from high school that we had heard. Some stories a bit awkward, but overall a good time. We drank a lot of beer, danced, talked went home. Overall a good day/evening.

Now it's sunday. One week since graduation and nothing really to show for it. Britta is in town and I'm looking forward to seeing her today. Tonight is the Gay 90s i think... and that's about it. I wish our pool was full and clean cuz I'd love to go swimming! SO hot out, which also makes me want to do nothing and just sit and read all day. This is my life so graduation...:-)

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