Tuesday, September 12, 2006

a hairnet.

well lets see what's been going on...oh plenty but I'm sure I'll forget half of it.

Saw the girls on Saturday and it was fantastic! I spent most of the afternoon with Kayla shopping in which I ended up buying my first real purchase of make-up and then I had some amazing tea and then found Tim Tams (which were NOT labeled as Tim Tams..just as Arnott's chocolate biscuits) and some Twirl and Flake. YUm! I am in heaven now...Now that I can get Tim Tams and Cooper's in Minneapolis! YAY! It's great. Dinner and going out with Kayla, Maris and Kris was great but I got really freaked out while driving. I had had a few drinks before going to pick up Kris from the airport. So I was a little nervous when I had loud noises in the car and then there was a detour to and from the airport. Once in uptown , after taking probably THE longest way to get there we went to WIlliams and had a good time. Tried a couple of other pubs but weren't really feeling it. Came home and had a bit of ham salad then hit the sack. According to Krista I snore :-( For some reason I got offended by this. :-P We went to breakfast the next morning with Krista's mom Luann and sister Lindsey. It was great. So nice to see them again!

Sunday I had to work so it was probably good that I didn't drink heaps on saturday night. The day went by pretty fast. Work was SO busy! :-P bleh! And that's about all that happened that day. It was also Natalie's birthday and we had planned to go to the Gay 90s but Nat was not feeling well. So we plan for the pub sometime this week to celebrate :-) I ended up just getting into my warm bed and watching a movie instead of all the 9/11 tv specials that were on. I just didn't think I could deal with all of that. So yeah, I watched Out Cold instead. I think I am just hoping for autumn and winter soon :-)I've enjoyed the cooler weather lately, but it is supposed to get warm again soon.

So back to the 9/11 stuff. Well that was Sunday for those of you who may have lost track of the days, and well I can't say that I have much to say on the topic. I didn't watch many things about it or talk about it all that much. I remember that day it happened and watching so much tv that night after school about what was going on in NY and it was SO devistating. It was too much to watch at once.

Another thing about work.. Met a new person...Sharon. She's great. I like her. We got to talking and she was so supportive when we talked about me getting a full time job that relates to my degree. Overall..she was nice. I liked her and look forward to working with her again.

Today I finally found a freaking hairnet so I wouldn't have to wear the hat anymore at work which makes my forehead itch. I got it just before work and put it on in the car. I got to work and was working away only to have my manager tell me it looked like i had lost it. He asked first if I had a hat, which of course I answered with 'yes. but i just got a hairnet today' Then he proceeds to tell me that he thinks I've lost it. I think he was kind of nervous about this. So I finish up with a customer or two and run around the corner to the bathroom to check. I still had the hairnet. THe thing is that the hairnet was made to be pretty much invisible. hopefully this is ok with my boss...I'll have to show him it to reassure him that I did not lose it.

um...besides all of that not much else going on. I haven't seen my parents much lately because of work. the gas prices are going down. I got paid last friday..YAY! but spent a lot of it already on random things. and that's about all i've got for now. i think. i don't know. i'm rambling...as usual.

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