Sunday, May 01, 2005

a week of recovery...

So the week after traveling proved to be a hard week. I had an essay to work on that I hadn't really started but was actually excited to write. That may sound weird especially if you don't like politics, because it was my politics paper. My topic was on compulsory voting and whether is was anti-democratic (in case any of you really care). And though it may sound really boring, I actually found it really interesting to write about because it is something that doesn't happen in the U.S.

Anyway...I ended up falling asleep at random times of the day for the next few days because I was still so tired. It was no fun to go back to a full day of class on Tuesday where I went to class at nine for three straight hours at first and ended up getting back a bad paper! ugh! Luckily it doesn't mean I will fail the class or anything. Whew! Besides that I was stuck in my room most of the week working on that paper that was due Friday and for the most part it was a good week but I didn't see a whole lot of people because I was in my room so much.

Once the paper got handed in, which took longer than I had wanted because I screwed up my footnotes a billion and one times, I was able to enjoy my weekend. I had a date with some friends at the UniBar at 5. I got the paper in by 4:30 and made it there earlier. I met my friends Amber, Blair, Jess and Sam. This may sound weird but it was nice to sit and relax on a friday and have a few beers. Us girls went back to Aquinas and then we went out with a bunch of people for our friend Sunny's birthday. We went to a pub in the city which was actually not that cool. We had a few beers there and the "bouncers" were weird because they were all around and they made you sit down if you had a drink. We left after a bit, just me , amber, blair and jess and went to get some food. We all ended up crashing in Jess's room to watch a movie but woke up later to hang out in Sunny's room because he was back. My friend and Shannon and I kept ourselves occupied and entertained by trying to do as much as we could to Sunny's room. Like moving things around and putting stuff in the fridge. We also kept ourselves occupied with putting post its around his room and then began writing random words and messages all over them. Needless to say we are dorks because this kept us entertained for hours. Amber, Shannon and I actualy ended up staying up until 7:30 and then finally left Sunny's room.

Saturday was a very low key day doing work and going to bed early, and Sunday was quite uneventful with more homework and just a great day of relaxing. So needless today the weekend was better than the week but overall it has been good, and I'm still enjoying myself. I've decided I'm not allowed to think about going home or about the summer and getting a job and all of that yet. But I know I will have to sooner or later because I will be so poor when I get home and will need the money to get through school. Sigh... there are still so many things I need to take care of for the next year of school! sigh... oh well... I know this isn't the most exciting post but I felt the need to write.


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