Wednesday, May 18, 2005

'Oh the Horror!' , Hitchhikers, 'Exies', The Races and more...

Alright, now if that wasn't a long enough title, lets see how long I can make this.
To start, it's 4:30 in the afternoon and I should really be doing homework. I get feeling guilty all too often about this. I have a presentation coming up next week and still haven't started any of my three papers due in less than a month! eek! But in spite of all of that, life in Australia is good. Here's what has been going on lately...

Friday the 13th! : oooh creepy. Ok not really because I don't believe in superstition but this day gave us a reason to rent some scary movies and just chill. My mate Jess and I decided to do so and ended up with a group of us that went to rent some videos. What we ended up with was The Evil Dead, Long Time Dead, Desperado, From Hell, The Nightmare Before Christmas and 24 hour party people. We ended up only watching Evil Dead, Long time Dead and Desperado. I realize Desperado is not a horror, and well Nightmare not so much either, and 24hr party people? that was Rick's pick... not sure what it is exactly. After three movies, some chips and beers in Jess's room a few of us watched Donnie Darko in Shannon's room . Creepy, but not horror and well really good. Of course we all stayed up late yeah.. way too late! 8am maybe? I'm terrible with getting sleep but once again I can not complain about the is worth it.

Saturday: I spent most of the day doing... hmmm good question. I tried doing work i think, then it was a trip to the store, and then participating in Ben's group discussion thing that he asked us to do for a presentation he is doing on globalisation and the media. It went well. I freaked out at Bec at one point about using the word White Trash and talking about class. We'll leave that at that.... Later that evening I went to see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with some frisbee friends. It was a fantabulous time. I don't see them much out of frisbee nights during the week so it was nice to hang out and see a movie and then grab pizza after. I enjoyed the movie although I was told after by Will that he didn't think I would find it that funny since I've never read the books, but I still enjoyed the randomness and the humor. I came back to watch the rest of spiderman on tv and then headed to my room for some studies and bed.

Sunday: Another day of footy! YAY! this time we played against the Exies (ex-Aquinians). They didn't have enough chicks to make a full team so I ended up playing for them instead of for Aquinas. It was fun but not a very serious game. I got at least one really good tackle in (against my own Aquinas team mate) which was exciting because I was told I had done well. The day was beautiful! I came back early to do work and then after Tea a bunch of us walked to get ice cream, although Sunny did push me through the park in a shopping cart for awhile. Star Wars Episode 2 was on tv so Mel suggested we watch it in her room (Jess and her are roomies). So group of us ended up doing that for the night. I then debated where to do homework or go to bed....

Monday: Adelaide Cup Holiday. That's right a holiday! A holiday for horse races! How great is that?! Ha Ha... So what do Aquinians do on Adelaide Cup Holiday? We go to the races to get pissed. (what a country! what a city! what a college!) Basically heaps of us got together, dressed up, and went down to the races to drink all day. From about 11-5. These people are nuts, but I love them! I watched only like two races, but other wise enjoyed the company of my many friends that were there. It was a good day, full of quite a bit of nonsense, but good nevertheless.

Tuesday: This is not an interesting day. i spent the whole day at Uni going to class and trying to work on my group presentation. I keep freaking out about this presentation. I just really need a good chunk of time where I'll just sit and work on it! I had frisbee league again, and although our Div 2 team lost it was a fun game and we play for 3rd place next week, our Div 1 team won! That's right Adelaide Uni beat out team Disco! woo hoo! we play in the grand finals next week! it was quite an exciting game! We all played so well! Our heads were in the game and the spirit was awesome! it was a great game!

Now it's wedesday. Had class and did some work and need to do more work. Frisbee fun and trainig tonight, more homework and possibly a movie later. It is pub night, but I doubt I'll go. Too much work and well I'm just too lazy again to go!
much love!


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