Friday, May 27, 2005


So my intention was to go to Uni early today to get some work done but I haven't made it there yet and it's about quarter of ten. The other part of my plan though is to stay there all day after I finish class at 12 so that I can get some research done. Three papers due in about a week and a half! I'm freaking out!

On to happier topics...The past couple of days have been heaps good for the most part. Wednesday night was Exec Dinner where we had to get formally dressed up for dinner. Other colleges student clubs had representatives come and eat at the high table that night. This dinner was excellent! We got wine at dinner and the meal was just excellent in itself! We also got served our food, no buffet style! Anyway after tea the idea was to go out to a pub because it was pub night, but we weren't going to the Cathedral which is our usual pub, but to some other pub because it was a special occassion. Needless to say I did not make it out again... But it was still a good night. We finished off a bottle of wine in Jess and Mel's room and then headed over to Shannon's where heaps of our mates were hanging out having a few before the pub. Sunny and I sat and sang Ben Folds together, of course with the help of whoever else joined in, but Sunny and I did our best to belt out the songs in a terrible tone (at least I did). This is kind of lame to say again, but I got sick and ended up falling asleep for awhile and when I woke up lots had happened... a couple random yelling fights between mates, and people passing out. It was just weird. We had a little scare with one of our mates that night. After hanging out for a bit more with Amber, Sunny, Shannon and Woody we all headed off to bed. I was down for about twenty minutes when the fire alarm went off in Hannan and Beovich. so 4:30 am we had a fire alarm and luckily we were only out there for a little bit. I have no idea what set it off, not sure if anyone does, just theories that it came from the kitchen.

Thursday was a gloomy gross day and it didn't help that I had only had three hours of sleep. To start the day I had breakfast and walked to Uni with Beth and Lauren(two more American mates of mine -- hilarious girls!). This walk hilarious as because we were all just silly. We all lost it too when I got goose poop on my foot. Not on my shoe, i was wearing chacos, so it definitely got on my foot. We all about died laughing. Later while Beth and I were getting coffee before class there were advertisements for a restraunt called THe Greedy Goose that said "go the goose". Beth thought this was so hilarious and picked one up explaining to me that she would make a sign or something out of it for me because after I goose poop on me she had decided that she would now call me "goose". Class was alright, we were locked out of our room so once we got a room it went ok, but I wasn't much in the mood for class. I walked back home after and thought I was going to get attacked by birds in park that kept flying around me! it was weird as... The rest of the day was devoted to making myself feel better and trying to do homework. I got a bit done, but not heaps. After tea was spent looking for Star Wars Episode 4 so Dave and I could watch it but we gave up after awhile. I then spent the evening talking to Amber and Sunny and then watching Family Guy with them and whoever decided to join us. We had another scare with a mate who fell asleep in Sunny's bathroom. After we got them out and Bec took them to their room we kind of sat there in silence not knowing what to say. I just kept thinking about it and was feeling very concerned. After awhile we got to talking about again and then most of us headed off to bed.

Today will hopefully bring good things, like actually finding research that is relevant to the topics for my papers! here's hoping! It's actually sunny out today so that adds to the day. Tonight is the Fresher show and I get to dress up like a pirate! I'm excited! i think I can make a whole outfit from clothes and stuff I already have! The Fresher show is just a get together where we'll have fun games and stuff to do, drinks, and i guess a big air bouncy thing! woo hoo! It should be a fun night. I also have footy practice this afternoon to get ready for our first real game on Sunday against Lincoln College! I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun... this game is great! One other bit of excitement I received this morning was an email from my daddy telling me all about what's going on back home. New neighbors have moved in next door and dad has been building a deck. Kyle only has two days of school left and then he graduates I think next week! Exciting stuff!!! plus I got more pictures of Kyle from prom :-) what a cute little brother I have.
Some sad news I found out was that the mom of a girl I went to high school with just died the other day. It is all pretty crazy because it mostly happened because the hospital screwed up or something. At least that is the story I was given. Weird stuff.
Sorry to end on a sad note... should have shared that earlier...
much love!


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