Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Southwest WA, Perth and Ultimate!

I'm back! YAY! Back in wonderful Adelaide! I truly love this city eventhough those from Adelaide question my sanity when I say that sometimes...Like yesterday. I don't get it, this city is wonderful! Anyway...
Why all the excitement? Well because I just returned to Adelaide Monday night from another week long trip! This time I went to Western Australia. My friend Blair and I traveled together. We flew into Perth Sunday the 17th and spent the night there then headed off for a three day trip pretty much down the coast of the southwest part of WA. It was gorgeous! A billion nice views to see and wonderful people to travel with. We saw a lot of the Indian ocean, great beaches like Meelup bay and Surfers Point along with some HUGE trees like the Gloucester tree (61m high I believe) which you can actually climb, the Valley of the Giants (lots of big trees) treetop walk (very cool), beautiful Nglili caves, had a bird eat out of my hand, almost got blown away by some blow holes and all the in betweens. Like... the bus rides...the most fun was the one going back to Perth. Alex, a guy from England, gave us more of a taste of his musical talents by playing guitar and singing some songs for us. He had shown us a little our first night in Margaret River when he participated in Karaoke. The second night when we were in Albany we chatted with some people not on our trip. Met a guy from Canada and talked to him about his travels. Most of the people on our three day trip were English, there was another girl from the U.S. and two Australians, who were friends of the bus driver. Blair and I were about the only two who were actually still studying. Most of the people on out trip were taking time off and just traveling for, times ranging from 3 months to almost a year!

After our three day trip Blair and I got back to Perth and had to stay at the Ozi Inn. Not the best place to stay. The place we had stayed at that past sunday was completely full. Just for reference, if you ever travel to Perth and need a hostel, try your best to get into the Underground and not the Ozi Inn. In simplest terms, it was a little dodgy. Blair and I got rooms at the Underground the next day because we had friends staying there that would be gone for the night wanting to get away from the hostel for the whole day and so we get their rooms. We were ultra lazy that day (Thursday, 21st) and finally got going around noon to get lunch and then we shopped. That was about the extent of our day. We stopped in a park and went on the craziest teeter totter I have ever seen, and also had fun on some little spinning contraption. Some of the frisbee girls came in that night and two of our other friends were there too so we just sat around and had a few beers with them. Well everyone else had a few more than me. Friday Blair, Rebecca, Amber and I went on a wine tour. There were 12 of us, all girls that went and it was great. I bought my first bottle of wine while on the trip. It was great overall...we stopped at a chocolate factory too! Yum! This is where we discovered chocolate massage oil. That night (Friday) we went out with frisbee friends along with Amber and Rebecca. It was good fun. I tried my first Long Island Ice Tea...wow! that's some crazy stuff!

After all the fun of seeing sites Saturday morning was frisbee time! YAY! We were playing in Nationals! Our ladies team is called the Leafy Sea Dragons (LSD). We had 12 players and we were ready to get our butts kicked, which happened but we still had fun doing it. Ultimate is still gaining ground in South Australia, it's not really developed yet, and considering that this was the first time all twelve of us girls were together playing was probably another factor. We had never all practiced together at the same time! The tourney went from Saturday to Tuesday, but Blair and I left monday during our second to last game for the tournament. We had three games on Saturday, one of which we won!, 2 on the second day, 3 on the third day (by that time we were so buggered) and then there was the one I missed on Tuesday. We finished 7th out of 8. The mens team from SA did pretty well I think, I'm not quite sure actually but I'm pretty sure they won more than one game. It was a great time getting to hang out with the girls and getting to know some more people through frisbee. It was great to see a team from the Northern Territory. They have one team from there and so it was so cool to see a new team starting out. They are a mens team and are almost all aboriginal teenagers. They just seemed to excited to be there and playing. Some of the boys were actually really small so it was funny to see them up against some of our bigger guys, but they still did well.

Overall my trip was great. I realize there isn't much description about this one, but really I should be doing homework right now before I head to uni for a couple of hours so i've laid off on a ton of description.


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