Friday, May 13, 2005

Grace Emily, Collapse, Tequila, Coffee, and Shorts that hurt!

Everyone like the title? Good! These are just a few highlights from my week:

Monday: I have no class these days and it turned out to be a rather unproductive day doing homework. I tried working on a group presentation but I am having a hard time getting that together. Monday night was great though... my mates Joe, Jessica, and Louise all performed at an open mic night at a pub called the Grace Emily. They were all amazing! The other people who played were also wonderful! We had a good sized group of people that went to support Joe, Jessica and Louise too. None of them had ever played open mic, so it was a little nerve wrecking for them but again they all did so well! They are all great musicians! This whole experience was awesome! the Grace Emily was really cool, the people were heaps fun, and the entertainment was great!

Tuesday: This is my full day of class which started with my Labor Studies class. All we did was work on our presentations and although I found a little bit more focus on my part of the presentation with the help of my mates in my group I am still freaking out about my part of the presentation. I really don't want us to do poorly! During class though I had my laptop with and I discovered the game Collapse on my computer! Oh joy! This game is so fun but heaps addictive. I've been playing it too much ever since. Tuesday ended with frisbee league. Our division 2 team won our game so we play in the finals? , i think next week! The division 1 team I play on lost, 8-12 but it was a good game. In both games I did kind of crap but they were still good games overall! Can't wait for next week! This was also the night I stayed up until 4am chatting with mates. And although it made me tired I do not regret it because it was some great conversation! ( I love these people!)

Wednesday: Apart from being tired it was a good day. I was excited to go to Pub night, but actually ended up not going. After I finished Uni for the day at 1 my mate Amber and I decided to stick around Uni for a bit and participate in the Uni's attempt to break the world record of the longest Tequila shot! we weren't going to stay but then we saw friends from Aquinas and figured we should join them. Unfortunately we did not break the record. They were looking for 1,050 people but only ended up with 800. It was all really funny. Wednesday was frisbee again which was good and then it was pub night. I had been planning to go, but since I hadn't finished my reading during the day I decided I would stick around to finish it. Plus I was heaps tired from frisbee. When I got back from frisbee my mate Jess was prepared to drag me to the pub. Luckily she didn't actually do so and I ended up in the Dining Hall with my mates Nina, Greatsy and Shannon. We sat there and drank coffee for quite awhile and then I headed to my room for some studying which was hard to do. I couldn't focus on the reading, it was rather boring.

Thursday: This was a good hangover, because I stayed away from alcohol the night before! I had one tutorial for politics and it was good. We got our papers back and I did alright. It wasn't exceptional but it was good. After class I headed to the library to do some research for my next politics paper. It didn't go that well...i spent most of the day and evening trying to focus on some sort of work whether it was my poli paper, philo paper or labor studies paper/presentation. I had the worst time trying to focus my attention on anything! ugh! before tea though my mate Amber agreed to go running with me. I just couldn't stand thinking about work anymore, I was going crazy in my room trying to read! I decided I just wanted to run... anywhere! So we took a forty minute run, well more like a jog and it felt great! Except for the fact that my shorts were rubbing on my leg and have left a huge owie on my leg! stupid shorts! And then after tea I went back to not being able to focus and then ended up falling asleep early but getting some good sleep...

now it's friday morning. One lecture to go to today... and hopefully I will get some work done this afternoon. I really should just lock myself in my room and turn off the computer! Anyway... we'll see what the day brings...

much love,


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