Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Toe Nail clippings

I've been thinking that I should write in this more because well I've been journaling more on my own time so I figure I'll share some of those things with anyone who actually reads this. I actually get a little bummed that I don't get many comments from people on here, but oh well. On with my life...

Tuesday night was great. I went out to play some frisbee! Tuesday night league is so much fun. I got to play two games last night. One for Division 1 and one for Division 2. Both games were a lot of fun which completely made my night. Our Div 1 team for Adelaide Uni won, which was very exciting. We all really got into the game. We had a white head band that we passed around to people who made a great effort on the field. I actually got it once which was very exciting!! I think that definitely got people going and got them more excited to play well and make good cuts and throws. Overall it was great. As usual a group of us went out for KFC afterwards because it's right across the street. YUM! Nothing like hot chips after a couple frisbee games! No, really, they were very very good! When I got home I was so buggered that I pretty much went straight to bed and ended up falling asleep in my frisbee clothes with my lights on and my door open. I did wake up after a few hours and turned off the lights and shut the door but was too lazy to do anything else.

Today, Wednesday, was a pretty good day. I got up early enough to get breakfast in along with a bit of homework before I went to class for a couple of hours. I ended up coming back after Uni and made myself a yummy grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This was a very crazy idea to the Aussies that were around. My American friend Dave thought it was ingenious though! And it was soooo good! I'm sure I've said this before but they just don't eat a whole lot of pb&j here. Oh and they get confused when we use the word jelly. Jelly is the word they use for Jello. And they just use Jam for what we call Jelly. It gets confusing but pretty funny. Most still think we're weird for liking peanut butter and chocolate together too. After lunch I actually got work done for my politics class and also a bit for my Labor studies class. Go me! It was such a beautiful day out that I went outside and sat and studied with my friend Amber. Sigh... it really was nice out! Just gorgeous in the shade! Oh another exciting thing was I got mail today! A parcel! yay! Mom was very nice and sent me my Five Iron Frenzy cd "The End is Near". This is one of my most favorite bands and I stupidly left the two copies I have of it back in the states! It was so good to pop it in and listen to it though! THANKS MOMMY!

Tonight was more frisbee. A little more low key than Tuesday nights, but it was still good. I kind of had to take charge and teach my team what to do because there were a few new people out tonight. It was cool though and I realized how hard it is to coach people. They were all really easy going, but I was concerned I wasn't explaining things well. Anyway we got through it pretty well. I think we won, but I don' tknow, I don't really keep score.

One last share... I just had a bit of a scare a few minutes ago. People are playing some basketball out on the court which if I were to look out my window, the court is right in front of me. And well even though there is a wall sometimes the balls go over the wall. I just had a basketball hit my window. Not only was it startling, but thank God it did not go through my window like the cricket ball did earlier this semester. The basketball also got the window where my computer is... not good if that would have come through!!! Oh, tonight was also basketball. Aquinas mens and womens teams had games tonight. The blokes lost but the chicks won. Very exciting, but i didn't get to see any of it. Well I think that's it for now. Nothing else going on. Footy training in the morning! ugh! too early to get up!


--oh and I finally found my nail clippers so I got to clip my toe nails today :-) in case you were wondering

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