Monday, May 30, 2005

Arrrgh matey!, High Spirits, and Freemartins...

Hello all! First let me say that if you read this blog you should DEFINITELY read the post that comes before this one. My mate Mel asked me to let her write a post on here and I let her. It is really a great post, not just because she says nice things about me, but because she's just hilarious!

So now I'm here to give you and update on life in Adelaide...Let me start with Friday....oh what a day!!!

Friday started with Politics lecture, our last friday politics lecture! YAY! Politics lecture is great because I have met a couple of great people there (and of course it's an interesting subject!). Beth is one of the great people I have met. She is also from the U.S. and hails from the sunny state of California. She is very very hilarious and that doubles when you get her with her roomie Lauren (LJ-She's amazing too. Just as hilarious as Beth and another Californian.). Beth keeps me entertained in class when it gets boring, and she also has introduced me to the wonderful person that is Terri. Terri is an Aussie and hails from the Barossa Valley, not too far from Adelaide(they make wine down in the Barossa Valley). Terri is too adorable to even explain...because I suck with words so you'll just have to take it as is! -- So anyway on to the day... The three of us had class together for an hour and then Beth who has been taking an Anthro class and has had to take notes while observing people asked us to join her at UniBar while she did this and to meet up with Lauren. To make the story somewhat short I went along @ noon, Terri joined us later and we sat there until 3:45 having some beers. Funny how that happens when you plan to do work all afternoon! The talk was heaps good and just overall fun! We even took the time to meet new people and had a jug with them because they had been sitting there just as long as we. After UniBar we had to stop to get Beth's dress that she would be wearing for the Fresher Show. We walked back all silly like for footy practice which was a special practice because it was a Goon practice. Goon is the word that is used for cheap boxed wine. So after every drill at practice we were given a cup of Goon. It was quite crazy and Beth, Lauren and I were pretty silly with tackling eachother and goofing off. After practice and dinner, I got my wonderful Pirate costume together for the Fresher show. Arrrrgh Matey! I was a damn good pirate that's for sure. I used all of my own stuff to make my costume besides the tin foil that I used on my sword. I made myself an eye patch out of string and construction paper and then a sword out of cardboard and tin foil. I'm awesome! :-) The fresher show included a big bouncy castle and heaps of people dressed as pirates, fairies, grandmas, hobos, witches, workmen, army men, goths, nurses, hippies, cowboys and indians. The night proved to be heaps good with fun antics and a good time bouncing in the castle. (I'm sure I could tell you all that happened but that would take WAY too long)

On to Saturday. The High Spirits Frisbee Pub Crawl was Saturday night and it was a blast. I got to hang out with frisbee folk again which was exciting and I got to do it at four pubs wearing a fun frisbee pub crawl t shirt. :-) I had a great time hanging out with Karen, she is so much fun and Blair and Anna too. I could sit and explain who they are like I did beth and Lauren but I'm lazy now... Just take my word on it that they are amazingly awesome girls and that I had a great time hanging out with them. I ended up at Hungry Jacks that night and actually called it kind of an early night after two cheeseburgers. Amber had come along to the pubs so I walked home with her, we ran into friends who had been at Law Ball, and once home we popped in a movie which neither of us really watched, we both fell asleep.

Now onto Footy...Sunday Footy was great! We won! YAY! we played against Lincoln College and we kicked their butts. It was a good game but it's crazy how much we all bunch around the footy and don't create enough space. I really really wanted to play and was so antsy to play, but they didn't put me in until the second half. I didn't get to tackle much but I got a goal. It was great, cuz the passing back and forth between me and my team mates was great down the field and then I got to make the kick which was actually crap but it bounced in awkwardly into the goal! The blokes won in the game after us and so we both will be playing in the Grand Finals next sunday! YAY! That night after the games I did a bit of work, hung out with Mel and Amber, watched a movie, took a nap and read some dictionaries. Yes dictionaries. I was pleasantly surprised with a text message from Shannon giving me the definition of the word Freemartin. I joined in on the fun and browsed through the Japanese-English dictionary and the Latin-English dictionary and then stayed up until 7:30am! Yeah things were kind of weird last night. Our mate who was in the loveliest mood from her musical performance at a pub got some bad news on the phone last night. She has just had a very rough start to the year. If you do, and think it helps and if it's your thing, do pray for our mate.

So this morning after a few hours of sleep woke up, missed breakfast, went to lunch, and headed to the library by 1:30 to get some work done. All I've really done is find articles, which I"m not sure will be that useful or not and am freaking out once again about papers! My professor is going to meet with me tomorrow about my Labor Studies paper which i find will be very good, hopefully this way I'll figure out what she really wants out of it and get the assignment right this time! Sigh... I've stalled enough it it now time again for more hour and then a break and back to Aquinas for tea!

much love!


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