Monday, May 09, 2005


First of all I realize that my last post is labeled for Friday when really it was Saturday that I wrote it. Sorry for any confusion, I forget to change the time and date sometimes to Australia time. lo siento...

Anyway, the weekend is gone and it's on to the beginning of a new week. Sigh... Monday... It's my day off and so far I've done nothing now that it's 12 noon. For once I went to bed early last night at around 11 so I got plenty of sleep but I have not done anything besides eat breakfast, write in my journal and listen to music. I also called home for Mother's Day since it is still Sunday back home. That was a lovely experience though. I got to talk to the whole family because Amanda was over and Kyle actually got on the phone. I got to ask Kyle all about his prom experience...sigh... my lil brudder went to prom. I'm feeling old...

Well the rest of the weekend was good. Saturday I went to a frisbee party at my friend Claire's. It was nothing extreme just people hanging out having a few drinks, eating some food and visiting. It was good because I got to catch up with my friend Blair who I hadn't seen much of during the week. I also got to get to know some frisbee people a bit better and Blair and I had a nice conversation with Chris, who was a frisbee player but doesn't have much time right now to really get into it. Although I think he plays league. He's great and he had much to talk about and ask us about to compare U.S. and Australia differences. I returned from that at about 2 am. Blair and I were lucky and got a ride home from our friend Warren instead of taking the bus or a taxi back. We took the bus to Claire's. We are, what you might call a little bit city transit impaired. Actually we weren't that bad at catching the bus and getting to Claire's although we did miss our stop and had to get off at the next stop which was luckily not too far from the one before it.

Sunday was a lovely day. We had a footy scrimmages on Sunday. Both the chicks and blokes played and it was great. Footy is also called Australian Rules Football. I think I might have described it before but if I haven't, it's wonderful. It's much more fast paced than American Football, has much more running, and is more brutal. We don't wear padding or anything we just kicked and handball it to our team mates to get it down the field and score either a goal(which is six points and is when the ball goes through the two tall poles) or a point (which is one point and is when it goes through the small pole and one of the tall poles on either side). Both of our teams won and the team that we played was really cool. The guys are so much better at footy than us chicks but it's still heaps of fun. It takes me awhile to remember that I can tackle and people can tackle me because I'm used to frisbee being so stop and go and not being and to touch the person. Oh another thing about footy...when you get the ball you can run, but only for fifteen steps, you can keep running if you bounce the ball or touch it to the ground. Otherwise you bump it with a fist from your hand or kick it, kind of like a punt, down the field. The other thing is that you can soccer it (kick it around on the ground) but we try to stay away from doing so. At least on our team, because it's not the best way to play, it's fairly inaccurate and it makes the ball just bounce around. I had such a fun time playing this game and watching the blokes after us. It's a great sport and I enjoy it much more than american football. Hopefully I will be able to find a way to show people back home how the game works. I definitely can not explain it all through a post, and well I don't actually know all of the rules either, but it's great. I for sure am planning on buying a footy to bring home! Haha... new game for us all to play! -- much love...



Anonymous said...

Footy? When does Rugby practice start?

Wino McHackenpuke said...

This is a really neat blog!

It doesn't hold a candle to mine, but hey, consider yourself lucky to have been read by me! :)

I'll stop by periodically.