Wednesday, June 01, 2005

An Early Farewell

Ok so really I feel like this stupid thing never gets read. And it saddens me( i know there are some people who do read this and I thank thee!) I still hope this gets read once I leave this wonderful country.... and Really I try to be witty and all! sigh...

Alright well I'm going to talk away in my usual way now... I left you all with Monday in the last post, which was not very exciting at all besides hours and hours of sitting in the library finding nothing much for my papers and wanting to pummel the computers! Monday was probably the nicest day in a long time too! The sun was shining, it was nice and warm when I left for was great! but I sat in the library all day!:-( hmph! I was not amused.

Usually Tuesdays are my days that I loathe, and this one was not unlike any other, except that I did not have my three hour class in the morning starting at 9! YAY! Instead I went to uni fairly early still to try and find more references for my papers. :-P I still had philosophy lecture and a philosophy tut at 12 and 2. I got Mel to thinking that she was going to be Mr. Nigel-no friends because I didn't ruck up to philosophy lecture that early. No worries though I did make it and she was not Nigel-no friends. I think we both got to the point of almost falling asleep and not caring because the lecture notes always go up online and so there's no use to actually copy them down. Along with the fact that it is almost completely impossible to do so because the lecturer goes through the notes quickly. To make the most of our afternoon, Mel skipped her tutorial for philosophy and had lunch with Amber and I instead. Something that was somewhat exiciting , or maybe just a relief to me was that I met with my professor for my labor studies class to talk about the HUGE paper we have to turn in. SHe was helpful and I think I can get on track with it now! WHEW! too bad I didn't work on much of it after that...

Last night I got to experience an early farewell. It was really rather odd, but it was good nevertheless. We had a farewell get together with our IES program. They provided food and drinks. And well after a very long search for the room that it was in i made it there and thought to myself..."who am I really going to talk to?" I mean I have Blair and Amber whom I see all the time and hang out with quite often but there was quite a handful of kids that I never really see or talk to anymore. The night was still good, and entertaining, had a few beers, had some chats with people (which actually turned out really nice), then made my way back to Aquinas. I don't like to think about this whole leaving thing, but it was brought to my attention this morning that I seriously have 1 month left! 4 1/2 weeks! and what will I be doing in that time? -- writing papers, studying, traveling, and hanging out with my mates until they get so sick of me we'll maybe be ready to leave eachother (probably not really)

other things going on.... Kyle graduates today, June 1st even though it's not June 1st back home yet. My little brother...sigh... this is a weird feeling. I'm heaps excited for him! My parents are planning to give me a call from the graduation ceremony. I have class tomorrow morning but hopefully it will all work out. I'll at least get to hear my brother graduate! I hope he doesn't fall on his bum when he walks across the stage! :-) I proudly display his graduation announcement that my family sent over to me, along with his open house announcement and graduation picture. :-) Not to sound too dorky, but this makes me smile. Alright I think that's it for now, must get a move on with the day.

much love,

1 comment:

Melissa said...


(If I ever learn how to read. I mean, writing was hard enough).