Wednesday, June 15, 2005

lazy day

Well it's bee a few days since my last post and what have I been doing for the past few days? Oh, nothing too exciting. Seriously it's been a whole lot of me finishing up that last essay I had to write and now it is finally done! YAY! I am officially done with essays! I am now allowed to sit on my butt and do absolutely nothing until my trip this coming weekend and then my essay on the 27th! The days before the essay was due were spent well. Sunday I spent time researching and writing a bit and then watched the movie Chocolat with some friends. Such a good movie! loved it! great story! After that I spent time in my room with Bec eating pizza and then we were visited by Shannon, Sarah, Cagney and Drakey. Needless to say not much more got done that night. Monday was spent writing all day and I actually went to bed early that night even after going to the Grace Emily, and got up a bit late but managed to finish my essay before 4 anyway!

The turning in of my essay was still well celebrated with a pint of pale at unibar. Beer tastes even better when you have one after turning in a dreaded assignment, and also when it's free. Yes I didn't even have to pay for my beer, Shannon was kind enough to buy me the beer as a reward for completing my assignments! It was Sooooo Good! :-) The rest of the evening was well spent by just sitting around. Oh the concentration that takes up! haha no. I watched Office Space with some mates and then Secret Garden and Never Been Kissed. A random range of movies but a well spent night nevertheless. It was nice to hang out in Jessicas room for most of the night. Later Joe(another american) played some tunes for a bunch of us in Jessica's room. Jessica is going home for a couple weeks before next term starts and she won't get to see Joe again because he'll have left before she gets back. :-(

Today was my laziest day ever since the beginning of the semester and it was wonderful! I got up to have breakfast but went back to bed after that. I just laid in bed all morning until lunch time. After lunch I actually got my butt up and went to Uni with Ann Marie so we could book our trip to Cairns. We're only going for three days but it should be fun. The most ridiculous thing was the cost of the plane tickets! ugh! Anyway we are happy we finally got our act together and booked a trip. Yay for us! Tonight will be spent well with frisbee possibly and then pub night. It's kind of cold and wet out so I'm no so sure how excited I am to go to frisbee and get cold and wet but I didn't go last week so I might as well. After frisbee I think I will go to pub night which I have not done in ages!!!!!! Anyway that's about it. Nothing too exciting.

I just had to add this last bit and say thanks to Mel, Schwarz and D for sending me great comments. Oh and no worries Mel and Schwarz. I'll watch out for Sunil :-)


Anonymous said...

I would Harrass Bec too, but she doesnt; allow non bloogers ot post in her blog.

I think thats rude.

Melissa said...

It's not rude, it's an act of personal safety.

I would do the same except you know where I live.

Melissa said...


I just enabled comments on Bec's blog for her, so go ahead and spam my pretties!


Bec said...

no shameless advertising on my blog (that's right Schwar[T]z no naked pictures- especially not of you)!

Bec said...

or Sunil

Melissa said...

And by the way, what's a "blooger" Schwar{T}z?