Thursday, June 16, 2005

random news

It's early in the morning here in Adelaide on Friday. It's about 1am. My thursday was great. I slept in, I chatted with Beth and Cagney for awhile. Later I went to lunch with Sunny. Just me and Sunny. It was rather nice to get a chance to just sit and talk with him (he's been busy studying all week and I haven't seen him much). We had some great food and great conversation just about life, friends here, and all that. Oh and how I'm leaving in two weeks and how we'll all be BIG messes when we say good bye. Anyway... the rest of the day was spent being lazy and writing in my journal mostly. Later after an interesting conversation with Kareem and then Tea, Jess and Mel every so kindly let Amber, Bec and I watch tv in their room. This is all i did all night and it was soooo lovely. Mel, Jess, and Bec ended up going out to the Banque for some drinks and Amber and I stayed back watching Batman Returns, getting ourselves ready to go see the new Batman movie tomorrow night. Another thing on my mind... Bec has been thinking about throwing some of us a little party. I guess mostly for Ben, Amber and I because our birthdays are all in the summer and we won't get to celebrate them here. Bad news is that her planned date is the same as that of the one Chantal decided on for throwing a frisbee party for some of the americans who are leaving. Overall I'd say I'm screwed.Bec wasn't happy about this news so now I have it on my hands to figure out if we can switch things around. UGH!

I'm sorry that this is not a very exciting blog post but as I was sitting here checking my email before I headed to bed I got an email from my dad. It was actually an email from my mum that he forwarded. Sad news appeared. My mom's uncle Dewayne passed away on Monday the 13th. The funeral is this friday. It's sad to learn this information while overseas. I am hoping that mom is doing alright and the rest of my mom's side of the family. Dewayne had some form of cancer. I don't remember what kind, I just know he had been getting treated for it for some time now. He was a great guy. I think i used to be scared of him when I was little because he was kind of big and always had long hair and a long beard. That never changed. I'm wondering so much what home is like right now and how mom is doing and how my grandma and auntie mary are all doing. mom is going to Duluth thursday and kyle and dad are going up friday. It's all kind of weird. Don't know what to do or what to think about the whole situation. I haven't had a family member die since my great grandpa did when I was... oh i don't even know how old i was. all I know is that I didn't know what was going on. My other grandpa's brother died, and I think my dad's uncle did too some time since then, but I didn't really know them. Wow how depressing can I be? I just needed to get these things out. I'll stop here. no need to say any more. If you do it and think it helps, pray for my family. Thanks.

much love,

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