Thursday, June 09, 2005

not holding my breath...

Philosophy Essay done and handed in!(It's not the best thing I've ever written but I guess it will do. Here's hoping for another Distinction, but I'm not holding my breath) One down two to go! Labor studies is due tomorrow...can't wait to get that sucker in! I'm a little scared about it just because I did so poorly on my first essay. I could really use a good mark on this one. I don't want a terrible grade for the class.

So anyway I get my essay done fairly early today and what do I do? Do I work on my other essay due tomorrow? No. But I did clean my room a bit, made my bed, spent too much time at lunch, then finally got my act together, walked down to Uni with Bec and LJ, walked to Rundle for some juice, stopped at a travel agency for Bec (LJ found a weekend surfing trip... i really want to go! we might do it!!) and then walked home. Now it's a matter of do I take a nap before tea or work on my paper for an hour and a half? Eventhough I haven't done any work since lunch time I don't feel that bad about it. When it's 2 am and I have heaps of writing left to do then I'll stress! I've decided that getting crabby about all the work I have to do just doesn't help the situation. Instead I choose laughter, humor and goofy-ness! :-) I choose to be ridiculous! HA!

Other thoughts... the other night while sitting in Shannon's room listening to Bec talk about Judaism, I found the need to pry and ask her if drinking and getting drunk was considered a sin in Judaism. What I found out was that it's not at all, and that they have a celebration, or a holiday in which they are to drink heaps. I could try to tell the story of why they do so but i would do a terrible job at it, so just take my word for it. I found this all very interesting and so I was thinking just yesterday that maybe I should become Jewish just for that. It's a terrible reason but then I wouldn't have people telling me I was doing something I knew was wrong. Or maybe I still would, I guess I would still get people who think Judaism is the wrong religion telling me I was a sinner still. Well I'm not really going to become Jewish... it's terrible reason to become Jewish just for that one holiday to drink. Now I sound kind of like an alcoholic. hmmm. I also don't think I have the drive or the ability to become an actual practicing Jew. Mad props to Bec for being one!

I could keep going but I will stop. Time to work on that huge assignment! Wish me luck!


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