Friday, June 17, 2005


Alright so I went out to see Batman this evening. OK well friday evening it's now early Saturday. Anyway... I LOVED it! I don't think I talk about this much but I am a HUGE Batman fan! It was always my favorite cartoon, I used to watch the old tv show with Adam West and I've now seen every Batman movie! Batman Begins was wonderful. Christian Bale did a wonderful job at being Batman. I'm not quite sure if they made the story fit together with the first Batman movie. What do I mean by this? Well the Joker was actually the guy that killed Bruce Wayne's parents in the first movie but in Batman Begins they make it look as though the guy who killed his parents died in the very beginning after he tried to get parole or something. Not sure. Whatever. I think too much about it. But really, I do love the movies and was very very pleased with this film. It wasn't really anything like the ones Tim Burton made with Michael Keaton, but I was still very pleased. Yay for good movies! Oh and of course the good friends who accompanied me to the movie! :-) May I also say that Cillian Murphy was wonderful as the scary doctor/scarecrow. He's the lead in 28 Days Later, and I think he's a great actor but he doesn't really get noticed. I think he was also in The Girl with the Pearl Earring but he only had a small part in it I think. Oh and I was actually also fairly pleased with Katie Holmes in the movie. I was actually convinced she wasn't Joey Potter from Dawson's Creek. I was happy, she didn't ruin the movie for me. Sometimes they pick crap women for these movies.

"I am BATMAN" (anyone who has watched enough celebrity jeopardy's from SNL will find that funny... anyone? anyone? Bueller? AJ you should at least be able to find it funny)

So besides my crazy batman-ness the day was pretty good. I spent most of the morning in bed relaxing and then got our for a run with Amber and then threw the frisbee with Blair. YAY! She talked me into going to some party tomorrow (Saturday). Meh, it's for Dutchy's girlfriend. Dutchy is a frisbee player, who I don't even feel like I know THAT well and I know his girlfriend even less so I think I might feel weird going. The rest of the day I tried to read for a bit and then hung out with Mel. We decided to watch Wayne's World before tea. We didn't get to finish but we were both reminded about how hilarious that movie can be. ( "I'll have the cream of sumyoungguy" -- Mel's favorite quote it seems :-) ) A group of us went to theBatman movie after tea and then I spent the rest of the night in Mel and Jess's watching random movies on tv. Overall a day well spent. Tomorrow's plans are not plentiful...I have kitchen duty in the morning and then will probably be packing for my trip to Cairns. I leave bright and early on Sunday morning. 6am flight! blah! I plan to sit and read for most of the day or maybe sleep!



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