Saturday, June 25, 2005

the start of goodbyes...

Well it's on to doing some actual studying finally for my exam on Monday. I have barely done any today but plan to do more tomorrow. It's hard because everything is coming to an end so I'm trying to spend as much time with my friends as I possibly can. I don't plan to sleep at all this week. I got only four hours last night. I think I can last on that most nights this week! Maybe it will help with sleeping on the plane ride home next weekend.

News in my life... Since thursday it's been mostly hanging out. I was feeling a bit sick on wednesday night, I didn't have much of a voice which I could really tell when trying to talk to Mel in the early morning. Thursday was pretty good, I went to the city to run errands with Sunny. He needed to buy a few things and get a few things done for his trip to Europe. He is so lucky, he is going for three weeks to places like Rome, Paris and London! One of his sister's actually lives in London so I'm sure that will be heaps cool! I'm so excited for him. I wish I could go to Europe! Anyway we did that and came back and I hung out for most of the night. Watched Life is Beautiful in Cat's room and later almost fell asleep in Sunny's room because I felt a bit more sick. Bec was kind though and took care of me by buying me soup and making it for me! I felt heaps better after that.

Friday morning I woke up to a phone call from my mum about my flights back home. One of my times had changed so I needed to check with student universe and make sure it was ok. Things are fine, I decided to ask for my full itinerary just in case but all is good. I should be arriving home on July 3rd around 10 or so i think. The rest of the day I spent hanging out with Bec shopping and then bumming around all night, watching movies and spending time with friends. I stayed up til 8am watching the sun rise. The night was so good overall. I had a blast just hanging out watching movies. Sunny, Shannon, Bec and I were all super crazy by 5am, but it was a good crazy.

Today... well it's now sunday early morning here in Australia, and Beth and Joe's flight leaves at 6am today :-( . A bunch of people went to the pub tonight, but I was feeling under the weather so I am waiting for their return so I can say bye to Beth before she catches her flight. I've come to the realization that maybe why I feel a little bit like crap is because I stay up late, eat like crap and barely sleep. Oh and throw in a few nights of drinking too. Anyway I'm sad to say bye to Beth and Joe. Joe gave me an amazing cd full of pictures. He's quite the photographer. We've done the exchanging of numbers, and email addresses so we're good, but still, they are going bye bye. And I will be in a week.

Right now I am also missing Ruthie's wedding! It's about 11:11am back home in good old Fridley and Ruthie Marie Falink is getting married today (it's Saturday the 25th back home still). I'm so excited for her and wish there was an easy way to know if I could call her but I'm sure she is super busy. Sigh... it is a big bummer to have to miss out on this. I tried my hardest to talk Ruthie and Nate into having their wedding in July, but it didn't work. I will miss the wedding by a week :-( Well it's off to find Beth and Joe and people so I can get one last good bye in.

This is hard stuff.


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