Sunday, June 05, 2005

A Footy kind of Weekend!

ok so wow...that last post was pretty long huh? no wonder no one reads these!
Alright, so... know how I was going to do all that apologizing and talking with Bec? Yeah, it kind of happened but not really how I wanted it to because I haven't shared all the other things I wish to share with her. But on to other things in life....

It's been a footy kind of weekend! Saturday night we were suppose to go to the footy game but it ended up being sold out so we couldn't get tickets that night.:-( Instead Mel, Amber, Bec and I decided to sit and watch the footy in Mel and Jess's room. It was great. It's such a fun game to watch and I wish that I had a way to watch it when I go back home. The Adelaide Crows smashed Essedon (forget where they are from) so it was an exciting game but then we just knew that the Crows were going to win so our attention kind of shyed away from the game. I ended up kind of falling asleep on Mel and Jess's futon while Mel got ready to go to work and then I finally went to my own room and hit the sack by midnight-ish but not without receiving a few hilarious text messages from Mel. My favorite was the one I found when i woke up in the morning stating that Shannon Schwarz is a drunken bafoon. :-)

More Footy happened yesterday... Glory Glory to Aquinas!!!! It was the Grand Finals for the college footy teams. Both Aquinas chicks and blokes were competing against St. Marks college down the hill. I was quite unhappy that I never got put in to the chicks game but it sucked even more that we lost! sigh... The girls were soooo bummed and it was pretty sad, but we didn't stay sad long because we had the blokes to support! And they kicked some St. Mark butt! (We don't like St. Marks much. There is quite a rivalry with them) The rest of the day/night was pretty damn good and was full of people drinking it away. The guys all buzz cut their hair, which I hear made quite a mess.
Well there we go... that was a bit shorter than usual. No need to take forever. Not only that but i have work weighing on my mind. much love to all!


p.s. D-- thanks for the comment :-) you're a hilarious girl!I sure hope people stop insulting you!

1 comment:

Melissa said...