Thursday, June 23, 2005

few things to share

it's been a really quiet day. Nothing has gone on. I stayed up all night and I said bye to Amber (australian amber). My night last night was pretty good. I spent the night with friends drinking and going to pub night. I played my first drinking game and we had a blast! Pub night was good, lots of fun, but sad because it was Beth and Joe's last pub night. They are great friends and I'm going to miss them. I wish I had gotten to know them sooner!

So have I mentioned how much I love my friend Davina! She's awesome! We have the best conversations even over the internet while she's in MN and I'm in Adelaide! Most of it is about relgion and relationships(well either those or coffee, and coconut shrimp :) ). We tend to have heaps to say about them all. Anyway she is also heaps cool because after introducing her to Shannon and Shannon's comic she posted in her online journal about it. She knows funny when she sees it. :-) so anyway i wanted to share her web journal, it's on xanga so you can't post, but it's fun to read! ALong with hers here are some other friends' blogs...all are good reads.


my sister aj's blog. Hopefully she'll put pics up some day! (she's a photographer and she promised photos) she's so awesome and is the best sister ever. I love her! :

Bec is a friend of mine I met over here in Australia. She's from LA and she has her own blog sharing stories about Adelaide and Aussie fun. give it a go! :

Mel is my mate from Australia. She's a true blue aussie and if I may say so and use this word, she is a legend! She did this quiz thing on her blog that got me thinking about some of the great little things in life. She's can read her quiz answers, mine and shannon schwarz's along with heaps more interesting stuff about her aussie life here:

Shannon Schwarz is the guy who posts as "Thin" on here. He's quite the character and loves to rant and rave himself. He does so on mine, bec's and mel's blogs and he also does some of his own on his own site where we also return the favor:

one other one I think I will share is the site that Shannon Mason and Shannon Schwarz share together and that is their comic Cheesbandits. It's heaps hilarious and although it's been ages since they've put up a new comic, and I'm not quite sure what's going on with it all, it's still good! A little bit of Aussie Uni student humor from two of the funniest blokes i know:

So yeah that's all I've got. I just wanted to share those things. I'm sure I could keep blabbing away about religion or something but it's close to tea time so I'm going to go. Much love to all. Oh by the way the post before this one i wrote while drunk last night in Mason's room and it is a toast that Lauren and Beth taught all of us girls last night. :-) Great times!



Melissa said...

Woohoo! Free plug!

It's really cool that you have been here for a whole semester Em. I relate to you a lot I think, our sense of humour really clicks and we have a lot in common I reckon. It will be weird not having you at college anymore to hang out with. I may actually have to even do my homework =( .

I hope you had a top time in aus and don't forget our good times! We aussies are always there for you!

It's the little things in life that rock too dude.

I will never forget 'Is Amber home?!' (and that one time she actually WAS home and answered the door and I was dumbstruck), and 'Tina you fat lard! Eat your ham! God!'. Looking back on things now we probably should have been locked up or something.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Luv Mel

Anonymous said...

hahahahHAHAHAAHAA!!! You are hilarious! (So is Amanda) AHAHAH! ok i'll stop. *instead..pulls on the Conan O'Brien's Chuck Norris stick and watches a clip* <-- I'd love to do that! We will do lots of playing!! Ya would have been a fantabuloustic (if it was a word it'd be cool word) day to go skinny dipping. It was 96 degrees outside!!! I've been eating ice cream for dinner since there isn't any coconut shrimp!:( Sniff... Alrighty must go! Much love!

Anonymous said...

alrighty. if anyone reads my blog they'll think i'm a freak. "no need to explain" right?

i love you, you know...

Anonymous said...

Aw. She thinks I'm Funny. :)
I'm really just twisted. People find twisted funny.

Anonymous said...

twisted is funny.

i forgot. it's the "Walker Texas Ranger" stick. or is it a handle??

i've been unfaithful to conan lately. :(

em said...

thanks guys for posting. Yes Schwarz you are funny in a twisted sort of way. Davina, I believe it's the Walker Texas Ranger lever, or handle. I don't remember either. I have been VERY unfaithful to conan since I've been in Oz. We'll have to catch up with him when I get home! Manda we will definitely play when I get home. I can't wait to see you either, maybe the two of us can drive your roomies bananas instead of them doing it to you. We will have to sit and watch Garden State together again! ;-) Mel...i think we totally click too, it must be our witty sense of humor and our love to quote Wayne's World, and Napolean ;-) And the hilariousness that we found out of "is amber home?"It will be sad to leave you but hey, we always have the blogs! :-)It will be weird not seeing you in philosophy lectures, oh wait, no it won't cuz you were never there! :-) hehehe just kidding. but it will be weird not being at college and not seeing you bumming on the couch watching big brother:-) Cheers mate! will miss you heaps!

thanks again guys!
much love,

Anonymous said...

i wrote 'i love you, you know' on my xanga. and my cousin in california...replied. 'i know...' crazy! i didn't think anyone else would get it except you! i put office space quotes up. ta-hehe.

Melissa said...

I don't watch Big Brother =S . Really, I don't...

DUDE! Conan rocks my world too! It will be weird you not being at philosophy lectures too. I wish now I'd turned up more. Especially since I'm studying for the exam for it, which is tomorrow =S .

We will go drinking some time in the next few days. YOU'RE NOT GONE YET WHY DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE EVERYTHING SO SAD?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

tOO MUCH SLEep. baed for yuo... ;alew fj