Thursday, June 02, 2005

"...done, done and I'm on to the next one..."

So I find this title very appropiate, because 1) My brother Graduated today (June 1st, 2005) and so he is done with High School and my whole family is done with the Fridley School System after 19 years, and 2) I'm listening to Foo Fighters. Good lyrics. But yeah... My little brother has graduated from high school and I am so excited for him! I got to listen to it over a pay phone at uni this afternoon after my last class. I actually didn't really hear his name because it wasn't the best of sound and I wasn't in the quietest of places, but I got to hear the excitement and pretend like I could see him walk across the stage. Good news...he didn't fall on his bum as he walked across the stage. I got to talk to him and my whole family (two sets of grandparents included) on the phone after I made it back to Aquinas and got on the phone! Yay I am so proud of my brother. He is done and we are all excited!

I also got to talk to my old soccer coach/ good friend's dad Mr. Falink (Bruce). I will not get to see him again for probably a very very long time because he is moving to Chile on June 27th. Two days after his daughter (my good friend)Ruthie's wedding! He spent last summer in Chile and I got to house sit for him all summer with some friends. He's a great guy and I am very excited for him as well. I hope that I can go down to visit him in Chile sometime for so many reasons! 1) I would get a chance to travel again, 2) I would get to try to use my spanish, which is lacking, but it could be good practice and 3) I'd get to see him again. This is the guy that pretty much taught me how to play soccer back in like 8th grade. I had good times playing soccer and that first year was super awesome. I remember learning soccer with my friend Emily and we always called Bruce, Mr. Falink, just because it irked him so much. :-) He took it all with a grain of salt, we were dorky 8th graders. (yet we still didn't stop after that. All through high school we still did it) Best part was explaining to him that I was in Adelaide, Australia and he responded with "there's a song about Adelaide.." YES! yes there is! 10 points to him for knowing that!

Anyway's been an exciting day so far getting to hear Kyle graduate, talking to the family and Mr. Falink. YAY! Plus it was my last day of class and class was pretty good. Chatting with some of the people in my class after was great, they are such nice people and the walk to uni was so entertaining thanks to the wonderful singing/dancing talents of Beth and Lauren. You would not believe how well these chicas can groove and walk at the same time while listening to Beck.

Things about yesterday...Ugh... nothing special I went to frisbee and had the most random bursts of energy imaginable. I think i was most excited to see Blair and to hang out with her. The rest of my evening consisted of homework, and chatting with mates over coffee. One of the Shannon's told me that for a souvenir I should just bring home an Aussie. I looked at Sarah and told her she was coming home in my suitcase :-) She's definitely small would totally work! I would love for any of my Aussie friends to come and visit me in the States. Shannon and Anna have both talked about coming to the states next year, and if they do I hope they visit me! or I'll visit them! I love them! I love all the people here!

alright well that's it for now. Gotta jet. time for lunch and heaps of studying!!!!!!! mucho amor a todos!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Baby!
I know you are going to miss it there, but glad you are coming home soon! You'll have to come visit me ASAP. :-) I e-mailed you some pics of the wedding I think. Let me know if you don't get them.

;-) Sarah