Friday, June 10, 2005

2 down, 1 to go...

sigh of relief! The labor studies essay is done! Finally!!!!!! I had the intentions of never going to bed last night but I ended up catching about 3 hours of sleep and spent all morning and afternoon hurrying to finish up the paper. I'm actually kind of mad that i had to rush it because I wanted it to actually be good. I ended up with about 20 pages! maybe a bit less, 17 references when I was suppose to have 20 and yeah, I don't know what else is wrong with it. probably heaps, but I can't be bothered to figure out what is still wrong with it.

The relief and joy that i experienced from handing up this assignment was SO great! it was sweet as... I then spent a couple of hours at unibar with a great group of friends and enjoyed myself for those two hours. We basically got kicked out because a concert was going to be happening and we had to have tickets for it and so we all departed into the rain a bit drunk some of us, and some of us still with beers in hand. I insisted on jumping in the puddles and amazingly i did not wipe out while running around on the sidewalks. Ben and Shannon headed to a movie and the rest of us got some food. mmm mmm good. Hungry Jacks cheeseburgers, how good are they?! especially for 2 dollars?!sooo good! I shamefully had three! :-P yes I am a fatty. Really badly lately actually because I keep eating food and don't need to. I ate a whole bag of chips last night, had three pepsi colas, and quite a few tim tams. Fatty right here. The rest of the night I spent chilling with most of the group that had gone out for food. Once Mel got back from work a few of us decided to watch Sex in the City. This show... funny... entertaining. yep those are the words that I have to explain it. Now it is a debate of whether I should just hit the sack or maybe go visit people again before I do so. I'm going off to Cleland Wildlife park with Will tomorrow and am heaps excited! He is a big fan and has suggested it to me allllllllllll semester!

by the way, I am a big fan of my mate and neighbor Lucy. She just got back from work and stopped to say hi, and to tell me she can spot my smell. Apparently it is a good smell though, like shampoo. :-) haha. she makes me laugh. Anway, overall good night, ok day...the paper is handed in and now I have one more to go. My last assignment is for politics. Hopefully it's not too crap when I hand it up on Tuesday. i can't wait to be done with writing essays!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like my move to spend the day at the wildlife park is not the best plan, but I got to get it in sometime!

much love all!


1 comment:

Melissa said...

