Monday, May 30, 2005

Arrrgh matey!, High Spirits, and Freemartins...

Hello all! First let me say that if you read this blog you should DEFINITELY read the post that comes before this one. My mate Mel asked me to let her write a post on here and I let her. It is really a great post, not just because she says nice things about me, but because she's just hilarious!

So now I'm here to give you and update on life in Adelaide...Let me start with Friday....oh what a day!!!

Friday started with Politics lecture, our last friday politics lecture! YAY! Politics lecture is great because I have met a couple of great people there (and of course it's an interesting subject!). Beth is one of the great people I have met. She is also from the U.S. and hails from the sunny state of California. She is very very hilarious and that doubles when you get her with her roomie Lauren (LJ-She's amazing too. Just as hilarious as Beth and another Californian.). Beth keeps me entertained in class when it gets boring, and she also has introduced me to the wonderful person that is Terri. Terri is an Aussie and hails from the Barossa Valley, not too far from Adelaide(they make wine down in the Barossa Valley). Terri is too adorable to even explain...because I suck with words so you'll just have to take it as is! -- So anyway on to the day... The three of us had class together for an hour and then Beth who has been taking an Anthro class and has had to take notes while observing people asked us to join her at UniBar while she did this and to meet up with Lauren. To make the story somewhat short I went along @ noon, Terri joined us later and we sat there until 3:45 having some beers. Funny how that happens when you plan to do work all afternoon! The talk was heaps good and just overall fun! We even took the time to meet new people and had a jug with them because they had been sitting there just as long as we. After UniBar we had to stop to get Beth's dress that she would be wearing for the Fresher Show. We walked back all silly like for footy practice which was a special practice because it was a Goon practice. Goon is the word that is used for cheap boxed wine. So after every drill at practice we were given a cup of Goon. It was quite crazy and Beth, Lauren and I were pretty silly with tackling eachother and goofing off. After practice and dinner, I got my wonderful Pirate costume together for the Fresher show. Arrrrgh Matey! I was a damn good pirate that's for sure. I used all of my own stuff to make my costume besides the tin foil that I used on my sword. I made myself an eye patch out of string and construction paper and then a sword out of cardboard and tin foil. I'm awesome! :-) The fresher show included a big bouncy castle and heaps of people dressed as pirates, fairies, grandmas, hobos, witches, workmen, army men, goths, nurses, hippies, cowboys and indians. The night proved to be heaps good with fun antics and a good time bouncing in the castle. (I'm sure I could tell you all that happened but that would take WAY too long)

On to Saturday. The High Spirits Frisbee Pub Crawl was Saturday night and it was a blast. I got to hang out with frisbee folk again which was exciting and I got to do it at four pubs wearing a fun frisbee pub crawl t shirt. :-) I had a great time hanging out with Karen, she is so much fun and Blair and Anna too. I could sit and explain who they are like I did beth and Lauren but I'm lazy now... Just take my word on it that they are amazingly awesome girls and that I had a great time hanging out with them. I ended up at Hungry Jacks that night and actually called it kind of an early night after two cheeseburgers. Amber had come along to the pubs so I walked home with her, we ran into friends who had been at Law Ball, and once home we popped in a movie which neither of us really watched, we both fell asleep.

Now onto Footy...Sunday Footy was great! We won! YAY! we played against Lincoln College and we kicked their butts. It was a good game but it's crazy how much we all bunch around the footy and don't create enough space. I really really wanted to play and was so antsy to play, but they didn't put me in until the second half. I didn't get to tackle much but I got a goal. It was great, cuz the passing back and forth between me and my team mates was great down the field and then I got to make the kick which was actually crap but it bounced in awkwardly into the goal! The blokes won in the game after us and so we both will be playing in the Grand Finals next sunday! YAY! That night after the games I did a bit of work, hung out with Mel and Amber, watched a movie, took a nap and read some dictionaries. Yes dictionaries. I was pleasantly surprised with a text message from Shannon giving me the definition of the word Freemartin. I joined in on the fun and browsed through the Japanese-English dictionary and the Latin-English dictionary and then stayed up until 7:30am! Yeah things were kind of weird last night. Our mate who was in the loveliest mood from her musical performance at a pub got some bad news on the phone last night. She has just had a very rough start to the year. If you do, and think it helps and if it's your thing, do pray for our mate.

So this morning after a few hours of sleep woke up, missed breakfast, went to lunch, and headed to the library by 1:30 to get some work done. All I've really done is find articles, which I"m not sure will be that useful or not and am freaking out once again about papers! My professor is going to meet with me tomorrow about my Labor Studies paper which i find will be very good, hopefully this way I'll figure out what she really wants out of it and get the assignment right this time! Sigh... I've stalled enough it it now time again for more hour and then a break and back to Aquinas for tea!

much love!


Sunday, May 29, 2005










*cool banana - one seriously cool, hip, trendy (any American's reading this may even use the term 'fly') happening thing or person. Can be a descriptive phrase, ie 'hey, that dance you're doing is cool bananas!', or as a testment to the worthiness of ones character, ie. 'That Westbrook chick is not much of a cool banana'.

Friday, May 27, 2005


So my intention was to go to Uni early today to get some work done but I haven't made it there yet and it's about quarter of ten. The other part of my plan though is to stay there all day after I finish class at 12 so that I can get some research done. Three papers due in about a week and a half! I'm freaking out!

On to happier topics...The past couple of days have been heaps good for the most part. Wednesday night was Exec Dinner where we had to get formally dressed up for dinner. Other colleges student clubs had representatives come and eat at the high table that night. This dinner was excellent! We got wine at dinner and the meal was just excellent in itself! We also got served our food, no buffet style! Anyway after tea the idea was to go out to a pub because it was pub night, but we weren't going to the Cathedral which is our usual pub, but to some other pub because it was a special occassion. Needless to say I did not make it out again... But it was still a good night. We finished off a bottle of wine in Jess and Mel's room and then headed over to Shannon's where heaps of our mates were hanging out having a few before the pub. Sunny and I sat and sang Ben Folds together, of course with the help of whoever else joined in, but Sunny and I did our best to belt out the songs in a terrible tone (at least I did). This is kind of lame to say again, but I got sick and ended up falling asleep for awhile and when I woke up lots had happened... a couple random yelling fights between mates, and people passing out. It was just weird. We had a little scare with one of our mates that night. After hanging out for a bit more with Amber, Sunny, Shannon and Woody we all headed off to bed. I was down for about twenty minutes when the fire alarm went off in Hannan and Beovich. so 4:30 am we had a fire alarm and luckily we were only out there for a little bit. I have no idea what set it off, not sure if anyone does, just theories that it came from the kitchen.

Thursday was a gloomy gross day and it didn't help that I had only had three hours of sleep. To start the day I had breakfast and walked to Uni with Beth and Lauren(two more American mates of mine -- hilarious girls!). This walk hilarious as because we were all just silly. We all lost it too when I got goose poop on my foot. Not on my shoe, i was wearing chacos, so it definitely got on my foot. We all about died laughing. Later while Beth and I were getting coffee before class there were advertisements for a restraunt called THe Greedy Goose that said "go the goose". Beth thought this was so hilarious and picked one up explaining to me that she would make a sign or something out of it for me because after I goose poop on me she had decided that she would now call me "goose". Class was alright, we were locked out of our room so once we got a room it went ok, but I wasn't much in the mood for class. I walked back home after and thought I was going to get attacked by birds in park that kept flying around me! it was weird as... The rest of the day was devoted to making myself feel better and trying to do homework. I got a bit done, but not heaps. After tea was spent looking for Star Wars Episode 4 so Dave and I could watch it but we gave up after awhile. I then spent the evening talking to Amber and Sunny and then watching Family Guy with them and whoever decided to join us. We had another scare with a mate who fell asleep in Sunny's bathroom. After we got them out and Bec took them to their room we kind of sat there in silence not knowing what to say. I just kept thinking about it and was feeling very concerned. After awhile we got to talking about again and then most of us headed off to bed.

Today will hopefully bring good things, like actually finding research that is relevant to the topics for my papers! here's hoping! It's actually sunny out today so that adds to the day. Tonight is the Fresher show and I get to dress up like a pirate! I'm excited! i think I can make a whole outfit from clothes and stuff I already have! The Fresher show is just a get together where we'll have fun games and stuff to do, drinks, and i guess a big air bouncy thing! woo hoo! It should be a fun night. I also have footy practice this afternoon to get ready for our first real game on Sunday against Lincoln College! I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun... this game is great! One other bit of excitement I received this morning was an email from my daddy telling me all about what's going on back home. New neighbors have moved in next door and dad has been building a deck. Kyle only has two days of school left and then he graduates I think next week! Exciting stuff!!! plus I got more pictures of Kyle from prom :-) what a cute little brother I have.
Some sad news I found out was that the mom of a girl I went to high school with just died the other day. It is all pretty crazy because it mostly happened because the hospital screwed up or something. At least that is the story I was given. Weird stuff.
Sorry to end on a sad note... should have shared that earlier...
much love!


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Tuesday Night League Championships!

Wednesday! Woot! -- alright so actually I want to start with news from yesterday...

Tuesday was kind of a crap day at uni. I finally got the group presentation done which was a relief and we actually ended up doing alright. We missed a few things but otherwise our professors feedback was pretty good. WHEW! The rest of the day at Uni was not amusing. Philosophy lecture was pretty boring which was sad because the lecturer we had is usually pretty good with her lectures. The break in my day was great because I met up with some mates and had lunch and then my last class my Philo tut was not exciting. After a crap day at Uni I was sooooo excited for the evening! It was Tuesday night Frisbee League championship night!!!! YAY!!!!! Our Div 2 team played for 3rd place and won. It was crazy because two of our players got there late and we were freaking out! But things went fine, and the game was good. We had awards after which was really neat. My mates Dave and Allie won MVP for Div 2 (they weren't on my team though) they're both awesome and they both just started playing this year! Again, they are awesome!

Then we moved on to playing Div 1 games. Adelaide Uni (the team I play on and love dearly) was playing for first place against Flinders Uni. Sigh... it was a tough game. Flinders was ready for us and they have a pretty mean game, not to mention very tall and fast guys which helps them out a bit! Some of my mates who don't play div 1 stayed to watch the game and my friends Sunny, Bec and Nina from Aquinas came to cheer us on too! It was so nice to have them there. It was a tough game and I got angry easily especially when I dropped a pass or two, or didnt' make a good pass or two! Sigh... but all in all it was fun, and it was my last game with that team so it was heaps good and I'm going to miss playing with all of them! It was kind of sad but so much fun nevertheless. :-) They are great people and I'm going to miss them and miss playing frisbee with them!!! I could probably go on forever about this but I should stop... It's Wednesday morning and I have homework to do and class to go to later!

oh but i want to share this... I had an exciting start to my day... I first got an email from my mum saying that I had received $300 from a scholarship I applied for before leaving the states! YAY! more money to do stuff! and then I also received an email from Britta and Kim saying they were going to Oregon to see Krista and that they needed her number. So I called Britta and Kim, who were traveling through Wyoming I believe and got to talk to them!!! They already had received Krista's number from Marissa but was great talking to them!



Monday, May 23, 2005

this is kind of a boring one...

so I'm not quite sure where I left off from last week. Somewhere around Wednesday I think...

Anyway, highlights from the past few days.:

Friday was Tutor teas. If I haven't already explained Tutors are like RAs back in the states. My corridor went with the kids from Gleeson bowling. It was heaps good, I hadn't been bowling in a long time. My neighbor Dusty won the first game in our lane and he was bowling with his left hand, which is not his dominant hand! After bowling the idea was to meet up at a pub with all of the other corridors and hang out, which I did until they started to kick us out because they were closing. While at the pub my mate Fiona started asking me about when i'm going home and all of that, which got me a little sad...but otherwise it was a good night. I got barely any sleep again...

Saturday I was at Uni at 8:30am to catch a ride to Victor Harbor with the frisbee folk. We had a little tourney that weekend. Very laid back and nothing too special, but it was heaps good. We played two games that day and instead of spending the extra 20 dollars to spend the night I went home with Karen (she's great, she was our women's captain for LSD at nationals) and a couple others. I'm glad I did come home. One is because I got to shower and the other is that I was so tired I fell asleep by 9-9:30pm!

Sunday: This day I had set aside for doing work and I got a bit done but not much. I term it as only slightly productive but it was at least a little bit. I ended up watcing Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas later in the afternoon and then spent most of the night with Amber hanging out eating chocolate and watching episodes of Friends on the network.

It's now monday and it's pretty gross and rainy today so there's no reason why I would want to go outside, which means I really have no excuse to not do my homework. Big day tomorrow... I have my group presentation for my Labor Studies class. I'm excited to get this over with and I hope that my group does well! I really like my group, they're cool people. I went out to lunch with Selina and Shelley from my group on Friday. Very nice girls. Anyway this will also be the last day I have this class which will be so nice! Now it's on to writing three papers and then an exam with hopefully some traveling in there too.

well this one was kind of boring, but i must be off to start my homework for the day. I do have all day, but really I'll only use so much of it...


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

'Oh the Horror!' , Hitchhikers, 'Exies', The Races and more...

Alright, now if that wasn't a long enough title, lets see how long I can make this.
To start, it's 4:30 in the afternoon and I should really be doing homework. I get feeling guilty all too often about this. I have a presentation coming up next week and still haven't started any of my three papers due in less than a month! eek! But in spite of all of that, life in Australia is good. Here's what has been going on lately...

Friday the 13th! : oooh creepy. Ok not really because I don't believe in superstition but this day gave us a reason to rent some scary movies and just chill. My mate Jess and I decided to do so and ended up with a group of us that went to rent some videos. What we ended up with was The Evil Dead, Long Time Dead, Desperado, From Hell, The Nightmare Before Christmas and 24 hour party people. We ended up only watching Evil Dead, Long time Dead and Desperado. I realize Desperado is not a horror, and well Nightmare not so much either, and 24hr party people? that was Rick's pick... not sure what it is exactly. After three movies, some chips and beers in Jess's room a few of us watched Donnie Darko in Shannon's room . Creepy, but not horror and well really good. Of course we all stayed up late yeah.. way too late! 8am maybe? I'm terrible with getting sleep but once again I can not complain about the is worth it.

Saturday: I spent most of the day doing... hmmm good question. I tried doing work i think, then it was a trip to the store, and then participating in Ben's group discussion thing that he asked us to do for a presentation he is doing on globalisation and the media. It went well. I freaked out at Bec at one point about using the word White Trash and talking about class. We'll leave that at that.... Later that evening I went to see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with some frisbee friends. It was a fantabulous time. I don't see them much out of frisbee nights during the week so it was nice to hang out and see a movie and then grab pizza after. I enjoyed the movie although I was told after by Will that he didn't think I would find it that funny since I've never read the books, but I still enjoyed the randomness and the humor. I came back to watch the rest of spiderman on tv and then headed to my room for some studies and bed.

Sunday: Another day of footy! YAY! this time we played against the Exies (ex-Aquinians). They didn't have enough chicks to make a full team so I ended up playing for them instead of for Aquinas. It was fun but not a very serious game. I got at least one really good tackle in (against my own Aquinas team mate) which was exciting because I was told I had done well. The day was beautiful! I came back early to do work and then after Tea a bunch of us walked to get ice cream, although Sunny did push me through the park in a shopping cart for awhile. Star Wars Episode 2 was on tv so Mel suggested we watch it in her room (Jess and her are roomies). So group of us ended up doing that for the night. I then debated where to do homework or go to bed....

Monday: Adelaide Cup Holiday. That's right a holiday! A holiday for horse races! How great is that?! Ha Ha... So what do Aquinians do on Adelaide Cup Holiday? We go to the races to get pissed. (what a country! what a city! what a college!) Basically heaps of us got together, dressed up, and went down to the races to drink all day. From about 11-5. These people are nuts, but I love them! I watched only like two races, but other wise enjoyed the company of my many friends that were there. It was a good day, full of quite a bit of nonsense, but good nevertheless.

Tuesday: This is not an interesting day. i spent the whole day at Uni going to class and trying to work on my group presentation. I keep freaking out about this presentation. I just really need a good chunk of time where I'll just sit and work on it! I had frisbee league again, and although our Div 2 team lost it was a fun game and we play for 3rd place next week, our Div 1 team won! That's right Adelaide Uni beat out team Disco! woo hoo! we play in the grand finals next week! it was quite an exciting game! We all played so well! Our heads were in the game and the spirit was awesome! it was a great game!

Now it's wedesday. Had class and did some work and need to do more work. Frisbee fun and trainig tonight, more homework and possibly a movie later. It is pub night, but I doubt I'll go. Too much work and well I'm just too lazy again to go!
much love!


Friday, May 13, 2005

Grace Emily, Collapse, Tequila, Coffee, and Shorts that hurt!

Everyone like the title? Good! These are just a few highlights from my week:

Monday: I have no class these days and it turned out to be a rather unproductive day doing homework. I tried working on a group presentation but I am having a hard time getting that together. Monday night was great though... my mates Joe, Jessica, and Louise all performed at an open mic night at a pub called the Grace Emily. They were all amazing! The other people who played were also wonderful! We had a good sized group of people that went to support Joe, Jessica and Louise too. None of them had ever played open mic, so it was a little nerve wrecking for them but again they all did so well! They are all great musicians! This whole experience was awesome! the Grace Emily was really cool, the people were heaps fun, and the entertainment was great!

Tuesday: This is my full day of class which started with my Labor Studies class. All we did was work on our presentations and although I found a little bit more focus on my part of the presentation with the help of my mates in my group I am still freaking out about my part of the presentation. I really don't want us to do poorly! During class though I had my laptop with and I discovered the game Collapse on my computer! Oh joy! This game is so fun but heaps addictive. I've been playing it too much ever since. Tuesday ended with frisbee league. Our division 2 team won our game so we play in the finals? , i think next week! The division 1 team I play on lost, 8-12 but it was a good game. In both games I did kind of crap but they were still good games overall! Can't wait for next week! This was also the night I stayed up until 4am chatting with mates. And although it made me tired I do not regret it because it was some great conversation! ( I love these people!)

Wednesday: Apart from being tired it was a good day. I was excited to go to Pub night, but actually ended up not going. After I finished Uni for the day at 1 my mate Amber and I decided to stick around Uni for a bit and participate in the Uni's attempt to break the world record of the longest Tequila shot! we weren't going to stay but then we saw friends from Aquinas and figured we should join them. Unfortunately we did not break the record. They were looking for 1,050 people but only ended up with 800. It was all really funny. Wednesday was frisbee again which was good and then it was pub night. I had been planning to go, but since I hadn't finished my reading during the day I decided I would stick around to finish it. Plus I was heaps tired from frisbee. When I got back from frisbee my mate Jess was prepared to drag me to the pub. Luckily she didn't actually do so and I ended up in the Dining Hall with my mates Nina, Greatsy and Shannon. We sat there and drank coffee for quite awhile and then I headed to my room for some studying which was hard to do. I couldn't focus on the reading, it was rather boring.

Thursday: This was a good hangover, because I stayed away from alcohol the night before! I had one tutorial for politics and it was good. We got our papers back and I did alright. It wasn't exceptional but it was good. After class I headed to the library to do some research for my next politics paper. It didn't go that well...i spent most of the day and evening trying to focus on some sort of work whether it was my poli paper, philo paper or labor studies paper/presentation. I had the worst time trying to focus my attention on anything! ugh! before tea though my mate Amber agreed to go running with me. I just couldn't stand thinking about work anymore, I was going crazy in my room trying to read! I decided I just wanted to run... anywhere! So we took a forty minute run, well more like a jog and it felt great! Except for the fact that my shorts were rubbing on my leg and have left a huge owie on my leg! stupid shorts! And then after tea I went back to not being able to focus and then ended up falling asleep early but getting some good sleep...

now it's friday morning. One lecture to go to today... and hopefully I will get some work done this afternoon. I really should just lock myself in my room and turn off the computer! Anyway... we'll see what the day brings...

much love,


Monday, May 09, 2005


First of all I realize that my last post is labeled for Friday when really it was Saturday that I wrote it. Sorry for any confusion, I forget to change the time and date sometimes to Australia time. lo siento...

Anyway, the weekend is gone and it's on to the beginning of a new week. Sigh... Monday... It's my day off and so far I've done nothing now that it's 12 noon. For once I went to bed early last night at around 11 so I got plenty of sleep but I have not done anything besides eat breakfast, write in my journal and listen to music. I also called home for Mother's Day since it is still Sunday back home. That was a lovely experience though. I got to talk to the whole family because Amanda was over and Kyle actually got on the phone. I got to ask Kyle all about his prom experience...sigh... my lil brudder went to prom. I'm feeling old...

Well the rest of the weekend was good. Saturday I went to a frisbee party at my friend Claire's. It was nothing extreme just people hanging out having a few drinks, eating some food and visiting. It was good because I got to catch up with my friend Blair who I hadn't seen much of during the week. I also got to get to know some frisbee people a bit better and Blair and I had a nice conversation with Chris, who was a frisbee player but doesn't have much time right now to really get into it. Although I think he plays league. He's great and he had much to talk about and ask us about to compare U.S. and Australia differences. I returned from that at about 2 am. Blair and I were lucky and got a ride home from our friend Warren instead of taking the bus or a taxi back. We took the bus to Claire's. We are, what you might call a little bit city transit impaired. Actually we weren't that bad at catching the bus and getting to Claire's although we did miss our stop and had to get off at the next stop which was luckily not too far from the one before it.

Sunday was a lovely day. We had a footy scrimmages on Sunday. Both the chicks and blokes played and it was great. Footy is also called Australian Rules Football. I think I might have described it before but if I haven't, it's wonderful. It's much more fast paced than American Football, has much more running, and is more brutal. We don't wear padding or anything we just kicked and handball it to our team mates to get it down the field and score either a goal(which is six points and is when the ball goes through the two tall poles) or a point (which is one point and is when it goes through the small pole and one of the tall poles on either side). Both of our teams won and the team that we played was really cool. The guys are so much better at footy than us chicks but it's still heaps of fun. It takes me awhile to remember that I can tackle and people can tackle me because I'm used to frisbee being so stop and go and not being and to touch the person. Oh another thing about footy...when you get the ball you can run, but only for fifteen steps, you can keep running if you bounce the ball or touch it to the ground. Otherwise you bump it with a fist from your hand or kick it, kind of like a punt, down the field. The other thing is that you can soccer it (kick it around on the ground) but we try to stay away from doing so. At least on our team, because it's not the best way to play, it's fairly inaccurate and it makes the ball just bounce around. I had such a fun time playing this game and watching the blokes after us. It's a great sport and I enjoy it much more than american football. Hopefully I will be able to find a way to show people back home how the game works. I definitely can not explain it all through a post, and well I don't actually know all of the rules either, but it's great. I for sure am planning on buying a footy to bring home! Haha... new game for us all to play! -- much love...


Friday, May 06, 2005

Sigh...Saturday is finally here. I was so very much looking forward to the weekend ALL week! I know I said I was going to write more because I have been journaling more myself but I haven't even journaled on my own since about Wednesday. I guess I got kind of busy, well not really...probably just lazy. Nothing too exciting has happened in the past few days...

Thursday was nothing special. I went to my one class and it was interesting as usual but it's Aussie Politics and I barely talk in discussion because I don't know what's going on. My mate Beth, who is also American feels the same way, but she at least gets the courage to ask some questions. Our class is really cool, they don't seem to get annoyed with us being dumb and same with our instructor. :-) So it's all good... Thursday night was our pub night. It's usually on Wednesday night but because of basketball on Wednesday we had it Thursday. I haven't been to pub night in ages so I decided to go for once. Only thing is...I never made it to our pub the Cathedral. I went out for drinks at four with my mates Amber, Ben and Tom. We ate, and went out again at 8 to another pub, The British, but had to leave there and go home. I ended getting a little sick and crashing in my friend Shannon's room. But hey, I got heaps of sleep! So it's all good!

Friday felt like Saturday...I didn't go to my lecture. I decided more sleep was a better idea and a bit of homework. We also had some footy training. We have a scrimmage on Sunday, which should be interesting. This game is so awesome! Friday night was wonderful because I didn't go out. I just sat with some mates and watched movies all night. It was beautiful! Of course I stayed up too late again and got up this morning for breakfast. I actually had kitchen duty at 10 so I had to get up. The movies were great. We watched Sin City which I guess has been released in theatres in the states but not here. Some how someone here at college got a pirated copy. It's a weird movie but so good. A little gross, but good nevertheless. The other two were Aussie-made movies. Priscilla Queen of the Desert (very hilarious) and Strictly Ballroom. Anyway, that's all there is to say really. I ended up staying up late last night again because a bunch of us started having a pillow fight basically in Shannon's room last night after our last movie. We are such dorks, but we have fun! Now it's on to seeing what Saturday will bring...



Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Toe Nail clippings

I've been thinking that I should write in this more because well I've been journaling more on my own time so I figure I'll share some of those things with anyone who actually reads this. I actually get a little bummed that I don't get many comments from people on here, but oh well. On with my life...

Tuesday night was great. I went out to play some frisbee! Tuesday night league is so much fun. I got to play two games last night. One for Division 1 and one for Division 2. Both games were a lot of fun which completely made my night. Our Div 1 team for Adelaide Uni won, which was very exciting. We all really got into the game. We had a white head band that we passed around to people who made a great effort on the field. I actually got it once which was very exciting!! I think that definitely got people going and got them more excited to play well and make good cuts and throws. Overall it was great. As usual a group of us went out for KFC afterwards because it's right across the street. YUM! Nothing like hot chips after a couple frisbee games! No, really, they were very very good! When I got home I was so buggered that I pretty much went straight to bed and ended up falling asleep in my frisbee clothes with my lights on and my door open. I did wake up after a few hours and turned off the lights and shut the door but was too lazy to do anything else.

Today, Wednesday, was a pretty good day. I got up early enough to get breakfast in along with a bit of homework before I went to class for a couple of hours. I ended up coming back after Uni and made myself a yummy grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This was a very crazy idea to the Aussies that were around. My American friend Dave thought it was ingenious though! And it was soooo good! I'm sure I've said this before but they just don't eat a whole lot of pb&j here. Oh and they get confused when we use the word jelly. Jelly is the word they use for Jello. And they just use Jam for what we call Jelly. It gets confusing but pretty funny. Most still think we're weird for liking peanut butter and chocolate together too. After lunch I actually got work done for my politics class and also a bit for my Labor studies class. Go me! It was such a beautiful day out that I went outside and sat and studied with my friend Amber. Sigh... it really was nice out! Just gorgeous in the shade! Oh another exciting thing was I got mail today! A parcel! yay! Mom was very nice and sent me my Five Iron Frenzy cd "The End is Near". This is one of my most favorite bands and I stupidly left the two copies I have of it back in the states! It was so good to pop it in and listen to it though! THANKS MOMMY!

Tonight was more frisbee. A little more low key than Tuesday nights, but it was still good. I kind of had to take charge and teach my team what to do because there were a few new people out tonight. It was cool though and I realized how hard it is to coach people. They were all really easy going, but I was concerned I wasn't explaining things well. Anyway we got through it pretty well. I think we won, but I don' tknow, I don't really keep score.

One last share... I just had a bit of a scare a few minutes ago. People are playing some basketball out on the court which if I were to look out my window, the court is right in front of me. And well even though there is a wall sometimes the balls go over the wall. I just had a basketball hit my window. Not only was it startling, but thank God it did not go through my window like the cricket ball did earlier this semester. The basketball also got the window where my computer is... not good if that would have come through!!! Oh, tonight was also basketball. Aquinas mens and womens teams had games tonight. The blokes lost but the chicks won. Very exciting, but i didn't get to see any of it. Well I think that's it for now. Nothing else going on. Footy training in the morning! ugh! too early to get up!


--oh and I finally found my nail clippers so I got to clip my toe nails today :-) in case you were wondering

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

$600 less poor!

This is not really that exciting of news, but I just got the urge to write something... Today I was happy to find out, 1. The boring lecturer for Philosophy is done, she only had last weeks lectures! (thank God!), 2. I got my philosophy essay back, first thinking oh crap! a D?!?! but then remembered that they don't give letter grades. The give High Distinction, Distinction, Passes, and Fails. So really I got a Distinction on my paper! WOO HOO! Better than my Labor studies essay by far!, 3. My mommy was kind enough to put $300 in my checking account and...Dad told me he put my federal tax refund in there too, which was another $302!!!! I can now survive two more months of living in Australia with the possibility of traveling! yay!

Besides all of that the day was pretty... mmm crap. Well it was all gloomy out, and I was heaps tired. But that was my own fault for being tired. I didn't go to bed til mmmm 3 am! ugh! This is what I get for wanting to make friends! I finished my work for today so I first watched a movie. I got to introduce the movie Saved to some Aussies! (great movie if you like sattirical movies about religion) After that I decided to visit with Sunny and Greatzy (Greatzy is really Dave Greatz...Americans tend to call him Gretzky) and we decided to throw the frisbee out on the lawn at about 1:30 am. How genious are we?! After that I was entertained by drunk friends who had gone to the pub on a Monday night! geez! The best part was that I got a bed time story! We were talking about kids books and Shannon loves the book "Where the Wild things are" and he had it so he read it for us.

Well that is all I have. Nothing really exciting just something to maybe enterain anyone who reads this a bit. Tonight I have frisbee league and I'm usually there from about 6:30 til 11 or so... So it becomes a long night. It's time for some food, but I hope you enjoyed reading this.


Sunday, May 01, 2005

a week of recovery...

So the week after traveling proved to be a hard week. I had an essay to work on that I hadn't really started but was actually excited to write. That may sound weird especially if you don't like politics, because it was my politics paper. My topic was on compulsory voting and whether is was anti-democratic (in case any of you really care). And though it may sound really boring, I actually found it really interesting to write about because it is something that doesn't happen in the U.S.

Anyway...I ended up falling asleep at random times of the day for the next few days because I was still so tired. It was no fun to go back to a full day of class on Tuesday where I went to class at nine for three straight hours at first and ended up getting back a bad paper! ugh! Luckily it doesn't mean I will fail the class or anything. Whew! Besides that I was stuck in my room most of the week working on that paper that was due Friday and for the most part it was a good week but I didn't see a whole lot of people because I was in my room so much.

Once the paper got handed in, which took longer than I had wanted because I screwed up my footnotes a billion and one times, I was able to enjoy my weekend. I had a date with some friends at the UniBar at 5. I got the paper in by 4:30 and made it there earlier. I met my friends Amber, Blair, Jess and Sam. This may sound weird but it was nice to sit and relax on a friday and have a few beers. Us girls went back to Aquinas and then we went out with a bunch of people for our friend Sunny's birthday. We went to a pub in the city which was actually not that cool. We had a few beers there and the "bouncers" were weird because they were all around and they made you sit down if you had a drink. We left after a bit, just me , amber, blair and jess and went to get some food. We all ended up crashing in Jess's room to watch a movie but woke up later to hang out in Sunny's room because he was back. My friend and Shannon and I kept ourselves occupied and entertained by trying to do as much as we could to Sunny's room. Like moving things around and putting stuff in the fridge. We also kept ourselves occupied with putting post its around his room and then began writing random words and messages all over them. Needless to say we are dorks because this kept us entertained for hours. Amber, Shannon and I actualy ended up staying up until 7:30 and then finally left Sunny's room.

Saturday was a very low key day doing work and going to bed early, and Sunday was quite uneventful with more homework and just a great day of relaxing. So needless today the weekend was better than the week but overall it has been good, and I'm still enjoying myself. I've decided I'm not allowed to think about going home or about the summer and getting a job and all of that yet. But I know I will have to sooner or later because I will be so poor when I get home and will need the money to get through school. Sigh... there are still so many things I need to take care of for the next year of school! sigh... oh well... I know this isn't the most exciting post but I felt the need to write.
