Friday, July 08, 2005

Tom Cruise is kind of an Dickhead!

So some things have changed since I've been gone...first of all... The state of Minnesota is shut down right now. The government is anyway. The only state thing we can access right now are the state parks! I am freaking out that I won't be able to renew my license in a month that will state that I am 21! I know people might be getting a laugh out of this...but as funny as it could be it still sucks! How can the state of Minnesota be shut down?! I guess the deal is they couldn't decide on a budget or something. I should probably read up on this issue a bit more but seriously?! how random!

Other things that are different...well Ruthie is married, I knew that was happening but it's weird to think that she is no longer my high school friend Ruthie Falink. Ok well she's still herself but she has a different last name! Other things...there's road construction, a few different buildings around, nothing major.

One nice thing about being home realizing the many other clothes that I left here. I finally started re organizing things in my room and started to put clothes away and I decided that green is a good color and I should get more of it! I also started to try to get rid of some t-shirts and other clothes that i know I won't wear! Again I didn't get that much done today but it was a start. clothes are finally put away but there is still heaps that needs to be done.

Life in general? I'm missing Aussie friends like mad! It's only been a week!
Life here? I love to read People magazine when i go up to the farm to see grandma and grandpa. I picked up the latest that grandma had and read a bit about Tom Cruise and his interview with Matt Lauer from the Today Show. Cruise is a scientologist and well, what he had to say to Marr Lauer seemed fairly informational but he kind of did it in a dickhead sort of way. Even though I'm not studying psychiatry it is related to psychology which is my field of study and when somebody who is not studying that subject says that they KNOW it (psychiatry in this case) and proceeds to bash it, i'm sorry... i can only feel a bit offended. Sorry Tommy Cruise... but babe there is the possibility that chemical imbalances are a reason for depression and other mental illnesses. The fact that he flat out said that a chemical imbalance is basically crap, well gee, wow! thank you Dr. Cruise! :-P yeah... no! I guess I'm just open to the possibilities of psychology. I really believe that it could be a chemical imbalance for some people and maybe not for others. I don't agree with diagnosing things like depressiond and ADD extensively, I do believe it gets abuse and so do the drugs that get prescribed. I also know that these illnesses can get over diagnosed and that's not cool either. I'm totally against this stuff, but really there are villians i guess you could call them in any field of study that can ruin the name. I agree with Cruise when he says that there are other ways to cure things like depression. THere really can be. I don't believe that drugs are for everyone to help them out with their depression or whatever the case is, there is definitely the need for some people to just be counseled and to find other ways to deal with things but hey, it could be our bodies too. Granted there is no REAL proof that these drugs that are used are the answer but they seem to help so far. There is just so much behind this stuff and I feel like Cruise was being a bit ignorant. I wish I could have seen the interview he had, it would have been interesting. Maybe I will have a chance to read up more on it, but basically i have come to the conclusion that Tom Cruise was kind of a dickhead and that's not cool. Not that I feel like he was really pressuring his scientologist beliefs on people but it was not cool to say other people are wrong. Any thoughts?

Anyway that's been on my mind for awhile and I hadn't talked about it or wrote about it so I thought I'd share it now.
Life is complicated. People are complicated. Religion is complicated.
I want to share with you D's take on life lately. She's awesome, she asks some of the best questions. help her out if you can:

cheers everyone!


Anonymous said...

Any religion started by a science fiction author... well, I think it loses a fair bit of credibility. I took a personality test at a Scientology office one time, and they told me that I was depressed. For them, the solution wasn't buying drugs, but buying hideously overpriced picture books which would allow me to work through my deep (evidently unconscious) depression.
One and a half stars.

Melissa said...

Depression sucks.

But then, so does Tom Cruise.

Emily! Good to hear you got home okay! HOpe all is well with you, look forward to chatting with you sometime!

Peace and love to you!

Luv Mel

Anonymous said...

Shannon only gave Scientology one and a half stars *because* he is depressed. Personally I wouldn't trust his rating on a damn thing.

em said...

oh...i love you guys, thanks for the comments. I'll be careful of mason's ratings. Thanks for the tip schwarz.