Saturday, July 02, 2005

the goose is flying the coup!

sorry everyone it's been a week since I last posted, it's been a busy week. Well not really busy, more like lazy and I've barely spent any time in my room. I've spent most of my week either out, or in other friends' rooms. It's bee wonderful. So...what's been going on since Monday? well... here's a run down if you care to know...
Monday: finished my exam, shared a bottle of scotch with Shannon to celebrate being done, went to a movie with some mates (our scotch and coke in hand in drink bottles-oh the wonders of Nalgene bottles!), ate some pancakes came back and hung out watching movies til the wee hours.

Tuesday: can't really remember what I did all day. Pretty sure I laid around my room or in someone else's room just hanging out and getting stuff ready for the trip home. That evening I believe was Bec's celebration of the end of her exams. That evening most of us just sat in Shannon's room drinking. Me? yeah... half a bottle of tequila. I ended up falling asleep and sleeping hard til the next morning. I needed that sleep!

Wednesday: Ah my very last pub night! It was a blast. I actually went to frisbee first that evening and got to play once more with all my frisbee mates! YAY! I then made it home for pub night. This was Sunny's night to celebrate the end of exams. We all got together and made our way to the pub for the night where we stayed til they closed and kicked us out pretty much. It was a wonderful night getting the chance to hang out with whoever else is still around. A chance to see people for the last time. This night was also to celebrate mine and Amber's birthday's since we won't be in Australia for them. Basically we wanted people to buy us a jug of something, which they did, and then they sang the skulling song to us while we stood on the bar. People complimented me for a job well done, but really it took me a long time to get the whole thing down. What was my jug of choice? oh yeah...Tequila and Orange Juice...what I drank the night before. This was also Ann Marie's last night in Adelaide so I had to say good bye to her, but the evening was well spent hanging out with friends, getting pizza after the pub, and hanging out in Shannon's again.

Thursday: Oh what a day. WE spent part of the morning/afternoon at the Central Market buying food for a picnic we wanted to have in the park. IT was a blast, and I tasted THE best yogurt i have ever tasted! I think I could move to Adelaide just for that little yogurt shop in the central market. After we finally made some decisions on sandwich food we headed back and just went across the street from college with blankets and some music and sat and had a lovely little picnic. We also decided to play some Twister, which we plan to do at the airport too, and we had fun rolling down the hill. It was a great day. After that I went to Blair's to meet up with her and Warren before the frisbee party. This was the last night I had with the frisbee kids. Chantal who is an amazing girl, threw a party for the American frisbee players who would be going home. Basically it was for me and Blair. It was a good time although I felt mostly depressed the whole time and good byes didn't seem that hard, I didn't cry, because I think I felt like I would be seeing them again. This was also the last night I got to see Blair. She's been such a wonderful friend to me, and i love her! We became good friends over here and I had a blast playing frisbee with her and getting to know her. She left Friday morning with her family to do a bit of traveling before she goes back to the states. was a hard goodbye but I didn't cry until I was sitting in Shannon's room later reading a note that my mate Ric had left for Amber and I. He went home to Perth that same night and he left us a lovely note saying good bye and keep in touch. Lovely boy. I kind of sat around being sad most of that night, but still hung out with everyone. People had gone to our friend Tom's for the night but slowly they returned and we just all hung out again watching vidoes and chatting and what not. It was an emotional night.

wow, this is getting long, but bear with me because this blog isn't only for you guys, it's for me so I need to remember what i did!

Friday: I started packing friday and it was not fun. I've just been saying good byes mostly. But anyway... Amber and I spent most of the day trying to get ourselves to pack, and I think i was the more successful one but whatever. We just hung out most of the afternoon. Later in the evening Bec threw Ben, Amber and I a party, again to celebrate our birhtdays! How nice! it was great. They even got us little gifts and we had cookies and ice cream! Oh and they bought us alcohol! We sat around in Jess and Mel's room all night and had some drinks and talked and had a blast. Again a bit sad, but still it was a good time nevertheless. Ben had some sparklers so we lit those and threw them off the balcony which was pretty exciting and got me thinking about the 4th back home! So excited! So yeah, we chilled all night and just had fun! I am hoping that Sarah will make a copy of the tape that she used to record us being silly. I sound terrible on audio. Barely got any sleep once again.

Now it's Saturday, I woke up today and started the day pretty much with good byes to Ben, Glen, Greatzy and Cagney. Lunch was kind of a fun experience, quite a few of us all sat together at the head table and chatted for quite some time. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon with Lauren, Terri, Sarah, Jess, and Amber doing some shopping down on Rundle Mall. It was a lovely afternoon and now I have a bag FULL of freaking souvenirs! Sorry if anyone doesn't like what they get. I can only be so creative. Anyway, the rest of the night is to be spent hanging out and having as much fun as we can. I need to finish packing up stuff and need to say good byes and all of that. Then it's off to the airport bright and early with my heavy luggage to first say bye to Amber and Lauren at about 6am and then I leave at 9. This is going to be a very crazy time. I think a lot of the IES kids are on my flight which will be weird to see them because the only ones I really hung out with were Blair and Amber and Dave. But yeah, I probably won't talk to them much anyway, will need all the time i can with everyone else who will be hanging out at the airport.

SO yeah, this might be my last blog until I return home. Wow, that's crazy... but I leave at 9 and make my way to Sydney then LA to Chicago and then home by about 10 pm. ! it's going to be a long day! I'm excited to see AJ when she picks me up and it will be good to be home, but it will be sooooo hard to say goodbye. I reckon I will be a HUGE mess when I get home so be prepared all of you back home to console me! Anyway I'll be home soon and we'll see where I go from there... until then... I love you all you lovely Aussies and I will miss you! I will write more to you all later! much love to all! Until I return home....


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