Thursday, July 28, 2005

in the news...

Today I have acquired a job and so I will be paid money for the next month to work in a warehouse at my dad's place of employment Asset Marketing! score! money is something I could use lately! It's a bit of a drive and I had to take a drug test but whatever I have a job for the next month before school! yes!

randomness for the day: I was reading the paper today and read that the awesome Minneapolis based rock band the Olympic Hopefuls, have to change their band name because of some copyright law for the word "olympic" how crazy?!!?! so stupid. The band THe Postal Service ran into trouble with the US Postal Service at one time too but they are allowed to keep their name for some reason. So sad though that the Olympic Hopefuls are now just the "Hopefuls". Stupid copyright law and people being silly about the word olympic. Psh... I don't see how anyone should be allowed to own a word! crazy stuff.

so... this just in: my buddy Joe (Schwan as I like to call him) just informed me that he got engaged! shit! not another one! Davina and I were just discussing weddings this evening and decided that we don't need anymore weddings or baby showers to go to! fuck! YAY for them though! wow! just so random and crazy! geez! I think I will put this kind of thing off for quite awhile. (Davina I am NOT getting married anytime soon! I do NOT have a future husband like you do! ;-) By the way D hope the conversation with him went well ;-) )

and now...THIS just in: went to tell Dad about joe's good news and well Dad gave me some bad news:-( Grandpa Wes called and said that him and Grandma Elaine are going to sell the farm! I am seriously bummed out now :-( I LOVE the farm! it is SO good! shit. really. so sad right now. I am NOT happy with this news. What will the 4th be like now??!?!? no more farm!?!?! sad!

I can't decide if I should continue with the post and write more things or just go wallow in my sadness over the farm. Or chat it up about Joe getting engaged. Sigh... decisions decisions!... think I'm out... but if anyone wants to check out a great post about religion do direct your attention to Shannon Schwarz's blog:

1 comment:

Melissa said...

What the heck did you have to take a drug test for?

Hope you're well! (Sounds like you are)...