Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I'm a bum...

So I haven't posted anything for what seems like ages but really it's only a few days. I got home the fourth in the early AM and since then it was a trip to grandma's and fireworks...yesterday was sleeping in until 3pm and coffee with D and Jeff later at Pandora's! oh how I missed that place!!! and Today I slep til 1pm and then hung out with some frisbee mates from Luther! Love those girls! Throwing the disc with Lauren and Leah was fantastic and I got to share stories about Australia. Later I went back to Lauren's to hang with her room mates and their friends and Mikhal came over too and we had some fish and corn on the cob! mmmm yummy!

it's been great to be home and I feel like things are falling into place fairly easy and that not much has changed. Well a few things. THere is now a pharmacy at the corner where I turn to get to Jeff's which really confused me and Pandora's is remolding some stuff and you can no longer smoke in there...which i find a good change! Since I've been back I have of course really missed everyone back in Australia and the Americans that are in different states. It's pretty hard trying to share stories to the pictures that I've shown people but still things are alright.
i have had a craving for coffee and coffee houses for the past three days and feel like I could go every day but that might kill my wallet...Plus I don't have much money to spend. Tomorrow will hopefully be devoted to finding a job. I haven't done much in general. I haven't even done anything to stimulate my mind like read! I just sleep and bum and then go out. such a life.

alright so I'm pretty boring. I should probably go to bed so i can get up in the morning and run some errands and stuff and be productive!

much love all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe we should open our own coffee shop. i missed pandoras too. i will try to find out when i get back from texas. i will be so bummered out if i have to miss your b-day. i hope you can find a job!!!