Monday, July 11, 2005

a day well spent...

Another bum day but I did get some things done! Go me!

The day started with getting up a bit later than I wanted to but not too long after I got a phone call from one of my lovely room mates for next year Maggie! For those that don't know she was my roomie fall semester. She's great! What was exciting was that she said she has her tattooing license! How awesome is that?! she can already pierce people but not tattoos are added to that list of things she can do to people's bodies!

After the lovely phone call instead of working extensively on any job applications, I put off finding a job by cleaning the house! Well I didn't do too much but I did vacuum and sweep a lot of the house. Cleansliness is nice. I at least feel like I accomplished something. After getting the feeling of accomplishing something i sat and watched Oprah. It was actually really interesting. She had the second part of her interview with Brooke Shields and her struggle with Postpartum Depression. It was interesting to hear about what mothers can go through after having a baby. Having visions and thoughts about wanting to hurt or maybe even kill your child, seems "crazy" but it happens and it's real. It was interesting to hear Brooke Shields and other women talk about the problems that they had and just to learn about the depression in general. There were stories that they took from the news about women who had actually either ended their lives or their childrens' or both! There was a blurb about a woman who threw her two children (infants I believe) over a bridge into the river and then she jumped too. Guess where that happened? Here in Minneapolis. I was actually on that bridge later after it happened to watch fireworks at the Taste of Minnesota with some friends! I guess I never knew that postpartum was the reason for that lady doing that! The things I learn! Anyway watching this Oprah episode made me think about Tom Cruise again and his interview and the things he said about this type of depression when talking to Matt Lauer. There was a psychiatrist or psychologist, don't remember which one she was, that was on Oprah and she talked with the ladies about how it is a chemical imbalance, but that environment is a factor too. Back to Tom Cruise, I wish he would have watched this and taken it into account. Maybe he did watch this episode of Oprah and if he did I wish he had listened a little more. Basically I was thinking that the psychiatrist that Oprah had on the show knew a bit more about depression than Tom Cruise did and so it just makes me a bit more angry at what he has said. I just think it's not cool. Seriously, what does he know about having a child? Granted I've never had one but really... As Lauren said to me later "he's probably one of those guys that thinks pms is just an excuse". It was really neat being able to talk to Lauren about this later too because she was also a psych major. But yeah, Postpartum is really interesting to me and I'm thinking that I should do my senior paper on it. I'm just feeling quite passionate about the topic now after hearing both sides. I think I'm probably just more mad at Tom Cruise but I guess I can thank him partly for getting me interested in it!

ok so now that I'm done ranting... Something else that highlighted my day was going to frisbee tonight! Women's pickup was great! Nice ladies to play with and although I will be so sore in the morning and I was dying on the field, it was still heaps good! I haven't played in awhile so I was happy I got out and played for awhile. I'll probably be going to another practice/pickup/league thing on Wednesday and then maybe sunday. Coolest thing was that they invited Lauren and I to play with them in the Aquatennial Ultimate tourney! I'm totally up for that?! Playing with women would ge really great! We'll see what happens. Luther is getting a co-ed team together, so I might do that too. Who knows! It was a great time though!

Alright I think that's all I have for now. Hope this all made some sort of sense, especially that rant! much love all!


p.s. Oh it's Fiona's birthday today! YAY! ( i don't think she reads this but...) HAPPY BIRTHDAY FEE! :-)

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