Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Happy! So happy! It's come to my attention that really it is so much better to think happy thoughts and look for the good in things rather than get pissed off and upset. I don't have much to really be mad or sad about. I've been coming to the realization that you can find good things in heaps of stuff. I find so much joy in the simiple things lately like children's books! How lovely are they?! SO lovely! spending the day looking at books with Justin was so much fun the other day. I am so happy to be able to find the time to appreciate things lately. Really I am so lucky to have all that I do have. I got to go to Australia with my parents unwavering support! Shannon mentioned to me how lucky we are to be a part of a middle class that is well off. Not that Ihave heaps of money in my family but we are always doing fine with money and never have had many if any problems with it. So greatful for this! It's so great to have someone to remind you about these kinds of things in life. It's so true that "Life is Beautiful" (also a great movie). I may be sounding a bit sappy but hey, I'm allowed to be happy. People should try it more often. Of course you can't completely ignore the bad but I choose happiness. I choose not to get sad over not seeing friends.

Other things to be happy about: Have an interview for some summer work tomorrow! YES!
Nat called back tonight and said she'll be in f-town for my birthday! YAY!
Krista will be in town the night of my birthday too! It's been almost 15 months since I've seen her! She might not be able to go out with us that night but so excited that she'll be around for part of the summer before going back to school!
What else?!
how cool is it that Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France again!? it was his 7th time? His story is pretty awesome.
Oh yeah... still stay happy over the fact that I met some of the coolest friends in Australia and that we have done well in keeping in touch since I've left! They're amazing.
This coming weekend--> going down to Decorah to visit with Luther friends! Leah and I will make the trip together and are staying with Rachel and Allison. So many people will be down there I can't wait! The frisbee kids and others from Luther! will be SO wonderful!

Happy! :-)



Bec said...

i'm glad you are so happy! it was great to hear from you the other morning. i miss you heaps. oh, by the way, echidna eating support santa (ok, maybe that one wasn't that good, but i am tired and it was all i could think of!) i love you em!

Anonymous said...

Voluminous cardigan. Of your impending DOOM!