Thursday, July 21, 2005

the other side of the world called to say 'hello'!!!

Today had to be one of the most exciting days for me since I've been home. The other side of the world called to say hello!(BIG SMILE :-) ). Yep, i got to talk to Mel, Jess, Bec and Shannon today over the phone which was fabulous! Chatting on the phone is just a bit more personal than emails and im-ing people. I was so excited about them calling that I felt like it was Christmas when I went to bed last night! Mel told me a crazy story that did NOT happen :-), Jess told me about the tim tams she sent to Amber (twice), Bec and I talked mostly about her trip home that would begin in a few hours time, and Shannon and I chatted about music and much more! Overall I really really enjoyed my time on the phone with everyone. I felt like I was back in Adelaide chilling with everyone in Shannon's room again. Oh it was SOOOO good! I really really miss them all so much. Even when we had some random silences on the phone I was content because I knew they were on the other line and it just felt good. Needless to say I was ALL smiles today! :-)

I was actually somewhat productive with my day in that, I washed the dishes, washed my sheets, made my bed, and cleaned up my room a bit. Not bad...:-)

I also made a trip to get coffee with Davina again, and looked at books at the bookstore. Oh i love this. I hit up the art books again tonight and then the children's books. It was great to find the books that I grew up with like Harold and the Purple crayon and also the book Where the Wilde Things are. (sooo good ;-) )Davina was so much fun in the bookstore. She is a great listener and listened to me talk about Australia again, and listened to me read. There were some childrens books that I wanted to find but couldn't remember the authors (Shannon... who are the authors' of the goldfish story and some of your other fave children books?). I read some Shel Silverstein to Davina and I think she rather enjoyed it! :-) He is so good. I love his books. Simple poetry and illustrations but soooo good! I really really wanted to buy some of his books but I kept myself from doing so. I really wanted to buy so many children's books while I was there. But the fact that I have about $200 to my name keeps me from doing so.

other things ...
Yesterday was Amber's birthday and I got to chat with her on the phone too! YAY for phone's!
read in the paper today that Canada legalized gay marriage. I guess it is only civil unions but hey still something to be happy about. knowing tha tthe world is becoming more open minded and giving people the rights they deserve is great! I think it is now Canada, Spain, Netherlands, and Belgium that all allow gay marriage. There are three states in the US too that grant at least civil marriages. YAY!
also some joy was to find some pictures that Darci gave me from frisbee which made me very happy!

This weekend should be pretty good. Tomorrow is Emily B's birthday. I get to hang out with my sister again which is cool! Saturday is the frisbee tournament which means I get to see Luther friends! YAY! Think that's all i've got. --I'm out.

much love,


Anonymous said...

Glad you liked it =) So good to hear your voice again, too. Bec got off to Sydney fine at 6 am, and the power tools did not claim any of my digits.

The author is Neil Gaiman, and the illustrator is Dave McKean. Great stuff! I'm not sure why people would ever want to grow out of kids books :)

Melissa said...

I know I never did! I still dig out my enid blyton books from time to time and just finished the new Harry Potter book...

anyway Em, just wanted to say it was great chatting to you on the phone the other night. Sorry I didn't get to talk longer but I had to get to work earlyish the next morning and it was already about two hours later than I had intended staying up. Still, I'm sure you got all the joy you could have from hearing my voice, tinkering gaily like a laughing fountain, advancing towards your ear drums through the awe inspiring medium of the telephone. Seriously though. That (imaginary) bloke I met was hot.

For now that is all I have to say, except that I will endeavour to update my blog more often now that I have more of life falling asleep watching Woody's dvd's and going to work.

Luv from me to you,
