Thursday, July 14, 2005

"God must be Australian"

Still no job... but my parents helped me figure out ways to keep busy. Basically by cleaning the house and doing odd jobs around here. They suggested I repaint my room. First I have to finish unpacking and then clean before I do any of that.! Apparently it doesn't bother my parents too much that I don't have a job. I guess we'll get by. I just have to stop spending my money! eek! Went to lunch with Lauren today and then we both ended up buying cds at Best Buy! Shoot!

quick note: I hate not being 21 yet! Some of my closest friends are 21 already and what do they do at night for fun?! go to the pubs, which I can't do! :-P

So tonight I was nice and made dinner for mom and dad. Yumm spaghetti! I broke a glass in the sink though and cut myself on it and cut my thumb. BLEH! It's really not bad at all but dang could that sucker bleed! Other cool thing... my friend Kelly called. I was thinking about her the other day. See what we like to do is go to Barnes and Noble and look at books while we drink our Starbuck's Frappucinos. We also always make a trip to buy planners (diaries as an Aussie would call it) from Barnes and Noble. This was the meaning for the trip. I ended leaving with not only a planner, but also two books: The Bell Jar (because Shannon mentioned it in his last email) and a Spanish Dictionary (because I left the other one in the care of Shannon when I left Australia.) Anyway.. Barnes and Noble is dangerous... I wanted to buy HEAPS of books! I have a list started of books I want to read that I feel i should really shoot for. I don't have a job! i should read more! but I have to finish the book I am currently reading! SO anyway it was a good night hanging with Kelly and telling her about Australia. I love the book store so much! I love to look at all the art books. I really want to take an art class now at school for the heck of it. It'd be good. I should just start drawing again! I do have a sketch book.

Well tomorrow is my sister AJ's birthday, it's Blair's and Nick's Birthdays and it is also myAunt Lori's Birthday! Crazy day for birthdays i guess! Tomorrow is also the Aquatennial Block Party which I'm going to with my sister and her friends to see Howie Day, Ben Lee, Mike Doughty and Missy Higgins! SO excited! Should be heaps good!

oh on a random note... the title.. it's a quote from Davina...funny girl. When we were at Caribou Coffee the other day chilling ... she said that God must be Australian when she read the word 'heaps' in the Bible. :-) I asked her though how it was used in the sentence. The Bible was refering to someone 'heaping' something into a mound or a pile. So although it was not used as how Aussies tend to use the term 'heaps' it was still really funny. Love you D! haha.

Anyway i think that's all i have for now. Nothing special just whatever. I'm going to go write in my planner now for fun! I'm a dork!

much love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay!! i used HEAPS on my blog!! the australian way!