Monday, June 27, 2005


WOOO HOOO! I am done with exams! I had my one and only today at 2 and it actually went alright. I really can't complain. There are probably parts that could have used more writing and thinking and all of that, but whatever! It's done! Now not to sound like a complete alcoholic or anything but my plans for the evening, and also my reward is to share a bottle of scotch with Shannon. After tea sometime it's scotch and coke for the night. The Machinist is playing at one of the movie theatres in town so we're going out to see that too! excitement! Fun! YAY! OH the Machinist is a film that has been out in the states for quite some time I believe because I remember wanting to see if before I left but it just came to theaters here in Australia a little while ago. It stars Christian Bale and it just sounded cool.

Anyway I'd like to explain the craziness that was this exam. Ok well it wasn't that crazy but the exam process was SOOO different from back home. First of all it was at the show grounds, not on the campus at Uni. Secondly, there are just HEAPS of people, with quite a few exams going on at once in this very very LARGE warehouse room, that holds probably as many kids as actually attend my school, Luther College, back home in the states. They have a lady on the loud speaker whom you really can't understand and sections and sections of people. My exam was only two hours long and we were the first exam to get done but if you're taking a longer exam you have to sit there and listen to all of the kids from the two hour exam get up and leave the HUGE warehouse room, push in their chairs and all of that! UGh! glad I wasn't one of those kids with a longer exam! Anyway it all went alright. I started coughing quite a bit at the start of the exam and felt bad for the people around me, but it stopped after a bit and I made it through!

I really could go on and on about how excited I am that I AM DONE! but I can't quite think of anymore words to describe the excitement that is being done! Here's to the week before I leave! It shall be a good one no doubt!!!!!!


Saturday, June 25, 2005

the start of goodbyes...

Well it's on to doing some actual studying finally for my exam on Monday. I have barely done any today but plan to do more tomorrow. It's hard because everything is coming to an end so I'm trying to spend as much time with my friends as I possibly can. I don't plan to sleep at all this week. I got only four hours last night. I think I can last on that most nights this week! Maybe it will help with sleeping on the plane ride home next weekend.

News in my life... Since thursday it's been mostly hanging out. I was feeling a bit sick on wednesday night, I didn't have much of a voice which I could really tell when trying to talk to Mel in the early morning. Thursday was pretty good, I went to the city to run errands with Sunny. He needed to buy a few things and get a few things done for his trip to Europe. He is so lucky, he is going for three weeks to places like Rome, Paris and London! One of his sister's actually lives in London so I'm sure that will be heaps cool! I'm so excited for him. I wish I could go to Europe! Anyway we did that and came back and I hung out for most of the night. Watched Life is Beautiful in Cat's room and later almost fell asleep in Sunny's room because I felt a bit more sick. Bec was kind though and took care of me by buying me soup and making it for me! I felt heaps better after that.

Friday morning I woke up to a phone call from my mum about my flights back home. One of my times had changed so I needed to check with student universe and make sure it was ok. Things are fine, I decided to ask for my full itinerary just in case but all is good. I should be arriving home on July 3rd around 10 or so i think. The rest of the day I spent hanging out with Bec shopping and then bumming around all night, watching movies and spending time with friends. I stayed up til 8am watching the sun rise. The night was so good overall. I had a blast just hanging out watching movies. Sunny, Shannon, Bec and I were all super crazy by 5am, but it was a good crazy.

Today... well it's now sunday early morning here in Australia, and Beth and Joe's flight leaves at 6am today :-( . A bunch of people went to the pub tonight, but I was feeling under the weather so I am waiting for their return so I can say bye to Beth before she catches her flight. I've come to the realization that maybe why I feel a little bit like crap is because I stay up late, eat like crap and barely sleep. Oh and throw in a few nights of drinking too. Anyway I'm sad to say bye to Beth and Joe. Joe gave me an amazing cd full of pictures. He's quite the photographer. We've done the exchanging of numbers, and email addresses so we're good, but still, they are going bye bye. And I will be in a week.

Right now I am also missing Ruthie's wedding! It's about 11:11am back home in good old Fridley and Ruthie Marie Falink is getting married today (it's Saturday the 25th back home still). I'm so excited for her and wish there was an easy way to know if I could call her but I'm sure she is super busy. Sigh... it is a big bummer to have to miss out on this. I tried my hardest to talk Ruthie and Nate into having their wedding in July, but it didn't work. I will miss the wedding by a week :-( Well it's off to find Beth and Joe and people so I can get one last good bye in.

This is hard stuff.


Thursday, June 23, 2005

few things to share

it's been a really quiet day. Nothing has gone on. I stayed up all night and I said bye to Amber (australian amber). My night last night was pretty good. I spent the night with friends drinking and going to pub night. I played my first drinking game and we had a blast! Pub night was good, lots of fun, but sad because it was Beth and Joe's last pub night. They are great friends and I'm going to miss them. I wish I had gotten to know them sooner!

So have I mentioned how much I love my friend Davina! She's awesome! We have the best conversations even over the internet while she's in MN and I'm in Adelaide! Most of it is about relgion and relationships(well either those or coffee, and coconut shrimp :) ). We tend to have heaps to say about them all. Anyway she is also heaps cool because after introducing her to Shannon and Shannon's comic she posted in her online journal about it. She knows funny when she sees it. :-) so anyway i wanted to share her web journal, it's on xanga so you can't post, but it's fun to read! ALong with hers here are some other friends' blogs...all are good reads.


my sister aj's blog. Hopefully she'll put pics up some day! (she's a photographer and she promised photos) she's so awesome and is the best sister ever. I love her! :

Bec is a friend of mine I met over here in Australia. She's from LA and she has her own blog sharing stories about Adelaide and Aussie fun. give it a go! :

Mel is my mate from Australia. She's a true blue aussie and if I may say so and use this word, she is a legend! She did this quiz thing on her blog that got me thinking about some of the great little things in life. She's can read her quiz answers, mine and shannon schwarz's along with heaps more interesting stuff about her aussie life here:

Shannon Schwarz is the guy who posts as "Thin" on here. He's quite the character and loves to rant and rave himself. He does so on mine, bec's and mel's blogs and he also does some of his own on his own site where we also return the favor:

one other one I think I will share is the site that Shannon Mason and Shannon Schwarz share together and that is their comic Cheesbandits. It's heaps hilarious and although it's been ages since they've put up a new comic, and I'm not quite sure what's going on with it all, it's still good! A little bit of Aussie Uni student humor from two of the funniest blokes i know:

So yeah that's all I've got. I just wanted to share those things. I'm sure I could keep blabbing away about religion or something but it's close to tea time so I'm going to go. Much love to all. Oh by the way the post before this one i wrote while drunk last night in Mason's room and it is a toast that Lauren and Beth taught all of us girls last night. :-) Great times!


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

here's to...

Here's to the boys that we love. And here's to the boys that love us. But the boys that we love aren't the boys that love us. So f*ck them and here's to us!! -- Beth and LJ :-) I love you girls!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I don't know how much I want to do this right now, but I'm going to do it anyway and fill you all in on the trip that was Cairns!

First of all it was amazingly great. The weather was lovely, it was actually warm, a bit humid and sunny all three days! It started with an early morning plane flight that Ann Marie and I couldn't take any longer by the time we left Sydney for our connecting flight to Cairns. We made it though and all was good. I made it through the jerk next to me taking up heaps of space with his stupid elbows...

The first day we just chilled and kind of checked out the city. We got about $24 back from the hostel each because STA had booked us for three nights instead of 2. This we used as an excuse to spend more money. Basically we shopped for things not really needed and then for food that wasn't really needed either, but we did it anyway. I think Ann Marie and I are are a terrible combination when it comes to shopping in the sense that we are just bad influences on eachother. The shopping trip was good, it was all rather funny especially when picking a color towel (neither one of us had remember to grab a towel), she wouldn't let me choose black, so I chose purple and she was pleased.

Our second day consisted of spending the whole day, a very beautiful and sunny day, on a sailboat and snorkeling in the reef. We went on the trip with the Passions of Paradise boat and crew who were all completely awesome and good fun. The ocean was beautiful and the hills/mountains all around were amazing as we left the dock. We did two dives and both were amazing. Ann Marie and I both had issues with our snorkels at the first spot but were able to get them working so that we could enjoy ourselves. THe first spot was Paradise Reef, the second was Upolu Cay. Both had heaps of coral and sea life to see. At the second spot we swam to a little island and chilled there for a bit. Needless to say we got a lot of snorkeling in and also heaps of time just sitting on the boat soaking in the sun and taking in the wonderful views. I don't know how else to explain the gorgeous-ness that was our day. Ann Marie made friends with Simon one of the crew members who was heaps cool. We got back and we walked around the city more and spent more money that we shouldn't have. Got dinner and ice cream. Ann Marie ended up buying almost 21 postcards! Haha. this again is where we are bad for eachother, we let eachother spend too much money. We were completely pooped from the day and laid around most of the night and were out by 10 pm, again.:-)

Our third and final day in Cairns began with us not wanting to get up once again, but we did anyway. We checked out and all that good stuff and then we went on a half day excursion. We did some horseback riding in the rainforest. IT wasn't real rainforest, it's kind of low on the rainforest scale but technically it still has some of the qualities of one, which we learned from one of our guides Glenn. He was awesome. He was adopted by aboriginals and lived in the rainforest for something like 13 years! The best thing he had to say was what he learned while living there which was the concept of "no worries". If you're worrying, you're not living life. The horse ride was really neat. I had never ridden a horse before so it was really cool to experience it for the first time. Nope, girl scouts or nothing I was involved in ever took me horseback riding. My horse's name was bob tail. He liked to stop every once in awhile, but otherwise he was cool. After that we went back to the hostel and chilled until we could get a ride to the airport. We sat in the airport and some how when I tried ordering a flat white with a vanilla shot, I got a flat white with no vanilla and then a "vanilla milk shake". I was so confused. The "milk shake" was terrible and I tried to put some of it in my flat white. I was too nice to go back and say that they fucked up so I just drank both drinks. It was kind of a waste of $7. We were really good on the plane to Brisbane. We had our cosmo and we had some energy so we kept ourselves fairly busy for that whole trip. We even had a chat with the lady next to us. We got off in Brisbane for a couple of hours, had a shit dinner, and then waited for the flight. The flight seemed to take forever...we got really tired and cranky again, but we finally did make it to Adelaide where Ann Marie's boyfriend Nick was there to pick us up!

Overall I had an amazing trip. Ann Marie and I had a great time and we got along really well which was awesome. I'm sad that we hadn't spent more time together before this trip because she is so awesome and that this trip is where I really got to know her because we have to leave eachother in two weeks! :-( She's awesome and we've already made plans to get together when we are back in the states. :-) Oh the wonderful joy of making friends!!!

Anyway I'm pretty buggered now and I'm amazed that I made it through this post alive, but hopefully it explains most of what went on. Hope you enjoyed reading that one. It's great to be back in Adelaide except that it's freaking cold and rainy! :-P ah well... I love this place no matter what!



Saturday, June 18, 2005

One Last Trip

It is already 1am here on what is now Sunday morning and I'm getting on a plane one more time to go to Cairns. This is my last trip, my last travel in Australia. I have barely any money left so I can only afford one more trip. I am pretty bummed I never made it to the outback which sucks, but it gives me reason to come out here again some day! Yeah the whole outback part is kind of a let down. :-(

Anyway I am fulfilling Lauren Soderstrom's command of needing to see the Great Barrier Reef because I am in Australia! Cairns will only be a three day trip so nothing too long, but Ann Marie and I will be able to fit in a trip to the Reef. That is pretty much the reason for our trip. I am getting bummed that there are places that I have not been to and have not seen. There is just too much to do and see here! And I only have so much more time and only so much left for funds. But it is definitely not a complete loss. I will be so happy to come back to Adelaide after my trip and be able to spend time with the wonderful friends that I have made. Oh and possibly study for an exam in there too ;-).

Many of my American friends will be leaving on the 26th so when I get back I plan to spend as much time with them as possible and with the Aussies that Iwill not be seeing after I leave. I think about this stuff everyday and it's getting harder and harder to deal with. These are great friends I have made and I don't know how I can leave them, but I know that I have great people waiting back home for me. No worries, I have many many plans already for the people here. We have already agreed to call and write (even when drunk. i mean... ok yes I did mean that). We already have visits planned for the Aussies to come to the U.S. and us to go back. We have plans to meet up somewhere in the U.S. for different celebrations or just for the heck of it (us Americans). We have all these plans but I still worry. We have talked about emails, and messengers and phone numbers...I hope that none of these get lost. We have plans and I definitely plan to keep them and see them through.

Well maybe I'll catch some sleep before I head off in the morning. Only a few hours left. Still have to get up early to call a taxi to get us to the airport. oh joy! I'm very excited for this trip. I can't wait! I'm looking forward to some warmer climates up north too! :-) I probably won't write until I get back.


Friday, June 17, 2005


Alright so I went out to see Batman this evening. OK well friday evening it's now early Saturday. Anyway... I LOVED it! I don't think I talk about this much but I am a HUGE Batman fan! It was always my favorite cartoon, I used to watch the old tv show with Adam West and I've now seen every Batman movie! Batman Begins was wonderful. Christian Bale did a wonderful job at being Batman. I'm not quite sure if they made the story fit together with the first Batman movie. What do I mean by this? Well the Joker was actually the guy that killed Bruce Wayne's parents in the first movie but in Batman Begins they make it look as though the guy who killed his parents died in the very beginning after he tried to get parole or something. Not sure. Whatever. I think too much about it. But really, I do love the movies and was very very pleased with this film. It wasn't really anything like the ones Tim Burton made with Michael Keaton, but I was still very pleased. Yay for good movies! Oh and of course the good friends who accompanied me to the movie! :-) May I also say that Cillian Murphy was wonderful as the scary doctor/scarecrow. He's the lead in 28 Days Later, and I think he's a great actor but he doesn't really get noticed. I think he was also in The Girl with the Pearl Earring but he only had a small part in it I think. Oh and I was actually also fairly pleased with Katie Holmes in the movie. I was actually convinced she wasn't Joey Potter from Dawson's Creek. I was happy, she didn't ruin the movie for me. Sometimes they pick crap women for these movies.

"I am BATMAN" (anyone who has watched enough celebrity jeopardy's from SNL will find that funny... anyone? anyone? Bueller? AJ you should at least be able to find it funny)

So besides my crazy batman-ness the day was pretty good. I spent most of the morning in bed relaxing and then got our for a run with Amber and then threw the frisbee with Blair. YAY! She talked me into going to some party tomorrow (Saturday). Meh, it's for Dutchy's girlfriend. Dutchy is a frisbee player, who I don't even feel like I know THAT well and I know his girlfriend even less so I think I might feel weird going. The rest of the day I tried to read for a bit and then hung out with Mel. We decided to watch Wayne's World before tea. We didn't get to finish but we were both reminded about how hilarious that movie can be. ( "I'll have the cream of sumyoungguy" -- Mel's favorite quote it seems :-) ) A group of us went to theBatman movie after tea and then I spent the rest of the night in Mel and Jess's watching random movies on tv. Overall a day well spent. Tomorrow's plans are not plentiful...I have kitchen duty in the morning and then will probably be packing for my trip to Cairns. I leave bright and early on Sunday morning. 6am flight! blah! I plan to sit and read for most of the day or maybe sleep!



Thursday, June 16, 2005

random news

It's early in the morning here in Adelaide on Friday. It's about 1am. My thursday was great. I slept in, I chatted with Beth and Cagney for awhile. Later I went to lunch with Sunny. Just me and Sunny. It was rather nice to get a chance to just sit and talk with him (he's been busy studying all week and I haven't seen him much). We had some great food and great conversation just about life, friends here, and all that. Oh and how I'm leaving in two weeks and how we'll all be BIG messes when we say good bye. Anyway... the rest of the day was spent being lazy and writing in my journal mostly. Later after an interesting conversation with Kareem and then Tea, Jess and Mel every so kindly let Amber, Bec and I watch tv in their room. This is all i did all night and it was soooo lovely. Mel, Jess, and Bec ended up going out to the Banque for some drinks and Amber and I stayed back watching Batman Returns, getting ourselves ready to go see the new Batman movie tomorrow night. Another thing on my mind... Bec has been thinking about throwing some of us a little party. I guess mostly for Ben, Amber and I because our birthdays are all in the summer and we won't get to celebrate them here. Bad news is that her planned date is the same as that of the one Chantal decided on for throwing a frisbee party for some of the americans who are leaving. Overall I'd say I'm screwed.Bec wasn't happy about this news so now I have it on my hands to figure out if we can switch things around. UGH!

I'm sorry that this is not a very exciting blog post but as I was sitting here checking my email before I headed to bed I got an email from my dad. It was actually an email from my mum that he forwarded. Sad news appeared. My mom's uncle Dewayne passed away on Monday the 13th. The funeral is this friday. It's sad to learn this information while overseas. I am hoping that mom is doing alright and the rest of my mom's side of the family. Dewayne had some form of cancer. I don't remember what kind, I just know he had been getting treated for it for some time now. He was a great guy. I think i used to be scared of him when I was little because he was kind of big and always had long hair and a long beard. That never changed. I'm wondering so much what home is like right now and how mom is doing and how my grandma and auntie mary are all doing. mom is going to Duluth thursday and kyle and dad are going up friday. It's all kind of weird. Don't know what to do or what to think about the whole situation. I haven't had a family member die since my great grandpa did when I was... oh i don't even know how old i was. all I know is that I didn't know what was going on. My other grandpa's brother died, and I think my dad's uncle did too some time since then, but I didn't really know them. Wow how depressing can I be? I just needed to get these things out. I'll stop here. no need to say any more. If you do it and think it helps, pray for my family. Thanks.

much love,

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

lazy day

Well it's bee a few days since my last post and what have I been doing for the past few days? Oh, nothing too exciting. Seriously it's been a whole lot of me finishing up that last essay I had to write and now it is finally done! YAY! I am officially done with essays! I am now allowed to sit on my butt and do absolutely nothing until my trip this coming weekend and then my essay on the 27th! The days before the essay was due were spent well. Sunday I spent time researching and writing a bit and then watched the movie Chocolat with some friends. Such a good movie! loved it! great story! After that I spent time in my room with Bec eating pizza and then we were visited by Shannon, Sarah, Cagney and Drakey. Needless to say not much more got done that night. Monday was spent writing all day and I actually went to bed early that night even after going to the Grace Emily, and got up a bit late but managed to finish my essay before 4 anyway!

The turning in of my essay was still well celebrated with a pint of pale at unibar. Beer tastes even better when you have one after turning in a dreaded assignment, and also when it's free. Yes I didn't even have to pay for my beer, Shannon was kind enough to buy me the beer as a reward for completing my assignments! It was Sooooo Good! :-) The rest of the evening was well spent by just sitting around. Oh the concentration that takes up! haha no. I watched Office Space with some mates and then Secret Garden and Never Been Kissed. A random range of movies but a well spent night nevertheless. It was nice to hang out in Jessicas room for most of the night. Later Joe(another american) played some tunes for a bunch of us in Jessica's room. Jessica is going home for a couple weeks before next term starts and she won't get to see Joe again because he'll have left before she gets back. :-(

Today was my laziest day ever since the beginning of the semester and it was wonderful! I got up to have breakfast but went back to bed after that. I just laid in bed all morning until lunch time. After lunch I actually got my butt up and went to Uni with Ann Marie so we could book our trip to Cairns. We're only going for three days but it should be fun. The most ridiculous thing was the cost of the plane tickets! ugh! Anyway we are happy we finally got our act together and booked a trip. Yay for us! Tonight will be spent well with frisbee possibly and then pub night. It's kind of cold and wet out so I'm no so sure how excited I am to go to frisbee and get cold and wet but I didn't go last week so I might as well. After frisbee I think I will go to pub night which I have not done in ages!!!!!! Anyway that's about it. Nothing too exciting.

I just had to add this last bit and say thanks to Mel, Schwarz and D for sending me great comments. Oh and no worries Mel and Schwarz. I'll watch out for Sunil :-)

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Wildlife Park with Will...

Yesterday I spent the day at Cleland Wildlife Park. It's up in the Adelaide Hills and so it was about half an hour bus ride. I met up with my friend Will at the bus stop and we went from there. (this is American Will who used to go to Luther--frisbee player). The day looked like it was going to be really nice. It was a bit cloudy but the sun was peeking through. So we rode up into the Adelaide Hills and once we got up there it started to look a little bit more cloudy. We got to stop at Mt. Lofty for a few minutes to try and check out the view of the city but you really couldn't because of the clouds, which completely rolled in just as we were leaving. The bus then took us to the wildlife park. It rained for a bit while we were on the bus but stopped soon after.

The wildlife park was great! We sawe heaps of great animals from Australia. Kangaroos, which loved us when we gave them food. I had about four around me at one time that i was trying to feed. Will was nice enough and took pictures for me. We actually got to see a wombat that wasn't curled up and sleep in its hole. Saw a tasmanian devil, and got to watch him be fed. Saw all sorts of wallabies, some red kangaroos, some little animals that we weren't sure what they were, possible bandicoots. Will also tried to feed the Emus but they were not interested. They are scary looking animals. There was this animal called a Euro that looked pretty much just like a kangaroo. Saw a dingoe and a koala (actually saw it move! they are never moving when I've seen them.) Saw some cool birds, snakes, one of which actually moved, otherwise we assumed they were all dead, and we finished the whole park in like 2 hours. thing was that we had to kill another hour or so because the bus wouldn't be back until about 4:20. It was pretty funny because Will had said that it would probably take us four hours to really get through the park and see everything. I guess it would have taken longer if we would have sat in line to get a chance to hug the koala but I wasn't game to stand in line. So we got some food and sat and talked for awhile. Caught the bus again and went our seperate ways home. Overall a good afternoon. It was nice getting to hang out with Will and have a chat with him all day. Most of which I guess I did the talking. It was nice to talk about home and talk about MN and Luther and have someone know what you are talking about. Like when I asked Will as we passed a mongolian bbq place if he had ever been to one and he responded with "Khan's Mongolian BBQ off 494? yeah." YAY! love that place!

So one would think that once i got home I would eat tea and then go to do my homework, and get started on that essay of mine. Well I went to tea, had a chat with Amber and Sunny, then fell asleep, woke up at 10, 11, 2:30 and then just went to bed and got up about 8:30. Sunny, Amber and I were supposed to watch a movie later after Sunny and I had done some homework, but that didn't happen. heh. oops. Anyway, today I will hopefully get most of my research done so that I can type away tomorrow. I just need to actually sit down and concentrate!:-)

much love,

Friday, June 10, 2005

2 down, 1 to go...

sigh of relief! The labor studies essay is done! Finally!!!!!! I had the intentions of never going to bed last night but I ended up catching about 3 hours of sleep and spent all morning and afternoon hurrying to finish up the paper. I'm actually kind of mad that i had to rush it because I wanted it to actually be good. I ended up with about 20 pages! maybe a bit less, 17 references when I was suppose to have 20 and yeah, I don't know what else is wrong with it. probably heaps, but I can't be bothered to figure out what is still wrong with it.

The relief and joy that i experienced from handing up this assignment was SO great! it was sweet as... I then spent a couple of hours at unibar with a great group of friends and enjoyed myself for those two hours. We basically got kicked out because a concert was going to be happening and we had to have tickets for it and so we all departed into the rain a bit drunk some of us, and some of us still with beers in hand. I insisted on jumping in the puddles and amazingly i did not wipe out while running around on the sidewalks. Ben and Shannon headed to a movie and the rest of us got some food. mmm mmm good. Hungry Jacks cheeseburgers, how good are they?! especially for 2 dollars?!sooo good! I shamefully had three! :-P yes I am a fatty. Really badly lately actually because I keep eating food and don't need to. I ate a whole bag of chips last night, had three pepsi colas, and quite a few tim tams. Fatty right here. The rest of the night I spent chilling with most of the group that had gone out for food. Once Mel got back from work a few of us decided to watch Sex in the City. This show... funny... entertaining. yep those are the words that I have to explain it. Now it is a debate of whether I should just hit the sack or maybe go visit people again before I do so. I'm going off to Cleland Wildlife park with Will tomorrow and am heaps excited! He is a big fan and has suggested it to me allllllllllll semester!

by the way, I am a big fan of my mate and neighbor Lucy. She just got back from work and stopped to say hi, and to tell me she can spot my smell. Apparently it is a good smell though, like shampoo. :-) haha. she makes me laugh. Anway, overall good night, ok day...the paper is handed in and now I have one more to go. My last assignment is for politics. Hopefully it's not too crap when I hand it up on Tuesday. i can't wait to be done with writing essays!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like my move to spend the day at the wildlife park is not the best plan, but I got to get it in sometime!

much love all!


Thursday, June 09, 2005

not holding my breath...

Philosophy Essay done and handed in!(It's not the best thing I've ever written but I guess it will do. Here's hoping for another Distinction, but I'm not holding my breath) One down two to go! Labor studies is due tomorrow...can't wait to get that sucker in! I'm a little scared about it just because I did so poorly on my first essay. I could really use a good mark on this one. I don't want a terrible grade for the class.

So anyway I get my essay done fairly early today and what do I do? Do I work on my other essay due tomorrow? No. But I did clean my room a bit, made my bed, spent too much time at lunch, then finally got my act together, walked down to Uni with Bec and LJ, walked to Rundle for some juice, stopped at a travel agency for Bec (LJ found a weekend surfing trip... i really want to go! we might do it!!) and then walked home. Now it's a matter of do I take a nap before tea or work on my paper for an hour and a half? Eventhough I haven't done any work since lunch time I don't feel that bad about it. When it's 2 am and I have heaps of writing left to do then I'll stress! I've decided that getting crabby about all the work I have to do just doesn't help the situation. Instead I choose laughter, humor and goofy-ness! :-) I choose to be ridiculous! HA!

Other thoughts... the other night while sitting in Shannon's room listening to Bec talk about Judaism, I found the need to pry and ask her if drinking and getting drunk was considered a sin in Judaism. What I found out was that it's not at all, and that they have a celebration, or a holiday in which they are to drink heaps. I could try to tell the story of why they do so but i would do a terrible job at it, so just take my word for it. I found this all very interesting and so I was thinking just yesterday that maybe I should become Jewish just for that. It's a terrible reason but then I wouldn't have people telling me I was doing something I knew was wrong. Or maybe I still would, I guess I would still get people who think Judaism is the wrong religion telling me I was a sinner still. Well I'm not really going to become Jewish... it's terrible reason to become Jewish just for that one holiday to drink. Now I sound kind of like an alcoholic. hmmm. I also don't think I have the drive or the ability to become an actual practicing Jew. Mad props to Bec for being one!

I could keep going but I will stop. Time to work on that huge assignment! Wish me luck!


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Swans, too much work, too little money

Wednesday is already here and what do I have to show for it? An introduction written for my philosophy paper and a few sections of my labor studies paper written. UGH. The philosophy paper is due tomorrow afternoon. I probably could have done more work yesterday but instead I spent most of the afternoon with Ann Marie (another american) planning a trip to Cairns. The scariest thing is that this trip is going to cost me HEAPS! at least $700 AUD which I do not have! I shamefully wrote an email to dad asking for money :-P My parents are great, because they love me enough to give me money to keep traveling and living here in Australia.

On to happier topics... Monday night I forgot to write about, but it was heaps good. Sarah (Tiny) insisted that we get a group together again and head down to the Grace Emily. She also told American Dave that he was going to play at the open mic. She's very persuasive like that :-) So we got a group of like 10 of us to go down and watch Dave on his guitar. Open mic nights are great at the Grace Emily. There are always so many talented musicians that get on stage. We stayed until about 1 am watching people on the mic. Shannon, Amber and I walked home together while most of our group caught a ride with Sarah's friend Joel. I was in such a good mood all night -- just very goofy so I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Our walk home was very entertaining. We took a little detour and walked down by the Torrens (lake that is shaped like a river) and there we stopped to watch the Swans and their babies in the water. To say the was precious and "So Good" :-) Most of us spent the rest of the night up late in Shannon's room chatting again til about 5am.

Yesterday as I said was a pretty crap day... it was a beautiful day outside but I just didn't get anything done! I did however go back to the spot where we had seen the swans the night before and found them there again. The best was when this older man came by all the birds kind of flocked to him. He had bread crumbs for them and it was as if they knew him by sight. It was neat! I intended to do work after tea but I fell asleep twice! After taking a walk and having a chat in Shannon's room and then the dining hall a couple of my neighbors joined me Bec and SHannon in a chat. I finally kicked out the remaining two Bec and Brad(my next door neighbor--we call him Cagney or Cags usually) at about 2:30-3:00. Now to start off Wednesday... it took me an hour to wake up this morning. But I am determined to get things done. I also have wash to do! ugh! Have the philosophy essay due tomorrow and then labor studies due friday. I have weekend plans for Saturday but hopefully I will still get my politics essay done on time for Tuesday. Ugh!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

A Footy kind of Weekend!

ok so wow...that last post was pretty long huh? no wonder no one reads these!
Alright, so... know how I was going to do all that apologizing and talking with Bec? Yeah, it kind of happened but not really how I wanted it to because I haven't shared all the other things I wish to share with her. But on to other things in life....

It's been a footy kind of weekend! Saturday night we were suppose to go to the footy game but it ended up being sold out so we couldn't get tickets that night.:-( Instead Mel, Amber, Bec and I decided to sit and watch the footy in Mel and Jess's room. It was great. It's such a fun game to watch and I wish that I had a way to watch it when I go back home. The Adelaide Crows smashed Essedon (forget where they are from) so it was an exciting game but then we just knew that the Crows were going to win so our attention kind of shyed away from the game. I ended up kind of falling asleep on Mel and Jess's futon while Mel got ready to go to work and then I finally went to my own room and hit the sack by midnight-ish but not without receiving a few hilarious text messages from Mel. My favorite was the one I found when i woke up in the morning stating that Shannon Schwarz is a drunken bafoon. :-)

More Footy happened yesterday... Glory Glory to Aquinas!!!! It was the Grand Finals for the college footy teams. Both Aquinas chicks and blokes were competing against St. Marks college down the hill. I was quite unhappy that I never got put in to the chicks game but it sucked even more that we lost! sigh... The girls were soooo bummed and it was pretty sad, but we didn't stay sad long because we had the blokes to support! And they kicked some St. Mark butt! (We don't like St. Marks much. There is quite a rivalry with them) The rest of the day/night was pretty damn good and was full of people drinking it away. The guys all buzz cut their hair, which I hear made quite a mess.
Well there we go... that was a bit shorter than usual. No need to take forever. Not only that but i have work weighing on my mind. much love to all!


p.s. D-- thanks for the comment :-) you're a hilarious girl!I sure hope people stop insulting you!

Friday, June 03, 2005

All apologies, being bold and comics

so I have a lot to say...
Let me begin first with this notion of "all apologies". Ah yes, lyrics from a wonderful Nirvana song, but today it is kind of my theme and probably has been for awhile. Apologizing. I feel like I don't do it much except for the occassional "sorrys" for small little things, or when someting bad happens to someone and all you can think to say is "sorry" even though you have nothing to be sorry for because you didn't do anything to make it a bad situation. Again I don't find myself in many situations where I feel like I need to apologize for what has happened but today I have found a reason to actually apologize to someone. I've been a bit of a dickhead lately to Bec and so after missing her music night performance because I was out with other friends, and after feeling guilty, then not guilty, mad, sad... everything I whinged about it all for awhile, went to bed and now think I should say something. I think my issue was that I felt like I catch all the flack on this kind of stuff, and that I have been given almost very high standards in the mind of Bec. I love Bec, she is my dear friend and although I have my times where I am annoyed I still find joy in hanging out with her and I also find a wonderfully interesting human being. But i am going to stop being a dickhead and I am going to be a real friend and talk to her about what's on my mind and tell her sorry but that I do not feel guilty for having a fun night still. I hate feeling guilty. I just felt like a jerk.

To give a bit of background...last night was music night here at Aquinas College. We have many many talented musicians that were performing. Anyway, after footy practice (our last before the grand final) I went out with some friends to the unibar and just had a blast hanging out. We of course were bad with time and I didn't go back to Aquinas until a little ways into the second half of the Music Night. I left the pub feeling guilty about Bec's performance but was still able to enjoy myself and just smile while watching others show off their talents. We spent the rest of the night just hanging out and I think overall I talked and maybe yelled a bit too much because now I have a sore throat. UGH! anyway that was the jist of my evening from yesterday. Tonight I was meant to be going to the Footy game but we caught a bit of bad luck and the tickets sold out a few days ago. Our plans now are to watch the footy on tv maybe and just hang out. There is a frisbee party tonight too but I doubt i will go. It's for a player's birthday and I don't know him that well and I really can't have a big night of drinking or anything because of the footy game tomorrow afternoon! I am so excited for this and can not wait for the game. I hope I get to play! I'll be pissed if I don't get to!

On to the topics of being bold and comics. In what i consider my spare time (which has really been time that I just don't want to write my papers) I have been reading Shannon and Shannon's comic online Cheesebandits. I find this so entertaining because the humor in their comics is definitely them! Does that make sense? It's just that I know they are like that and their sense of humor is great on both ends. Reading it also makes me wish I was talented enough to be that witty, artistic and funny. Maybe some day I will be and will start a comic myself... I was thinking this today because of the conversations I have had recently with Davina. We can be pretty funny together sometimes. Lately her and I have talked a lot about religion which always seems to come up in conversation with us. She has been through a lot with religion stuff, mostly in a bad sort of way. People just never seem to understand her and she always seems to get the dickheads that don't make religion sound good because they are too absorbed in telling you that you're a bad person for the things you do. This is just ever so ridiculous! Doing this kind of thing does NOT make people want to become Christian or whatever relgion it might be. Two of my most favorite things that have been said to her were when she was told she had "issues" for having been out drinking one night and along with this one came the statement from the same person that they couldn't see why she would drink and get a bit drunk when she "knew what she was doing was wrong". Ahem...she's 21! she's allowed to drink! oh and the other favorite thing that has been said to her lately was the one about how this guy just couldn't find a datable girl(there are options but...) because " most of u girls just aren't bold enough in where you stand" We got a laugh out of this one. Yes...insult someone, that will get you a girlfriend ;-).

But seriously, I guess I am not the most BOLD person, but really what does one mean by being bold? I have my beliefs, and I stick by them. They may be all around the place; bits and pieces of different sets of beliefs, but I will always be ready to tell you what I think about certain things. Now if bold is to be defined as being one who goes out and preaches their beliefs to people (that's alright, i guess, i mean yeah, let people know what you think) and then tells them that their beliefs are no good enough or that they are believing the wrong thing, than I am sorry, that's crap. Again go for it and preach what you may, we have freedom of speech and maybe along with that comes the freedom to be a dickhead, but really... that's not going to get us very far and it's certainly not going to get you anyone to want to be religious, for example. I guess I'll just find my own idea of what bold is (I'm sorry if this has gotten completely off track and no longer makes sense. really... "All Apologies") Anyone who cares... here's a link to the word bold. enjoy! : Hopefully it works!

alright I should stop with the rambling. I'm only putting off homework that desperatly needs to get done and a sore throat that needs to be taken care of. Much love to all!


Thursday, June 02, 2005

"...done, done and I'm on to the next one..."

So I find this title very appropiate, because 1) My brother Graduated today (June 1st, 2005) and so he is done with High School and my whole family is done with the Fridley School System after 19 years, and 2) I'm listening to Foo Fighters. Good lyrics. But yeah... My little brother has graduated from high school and I am so excited for him! I got to listen to it over a pay phone at uni this afternoon after my last class. I actually didn't really hear his name because it wasn't the best of sound and I wasn't in the quietest of places, but I got to hear the excitement and pretend like I could see him walk across the stage. Good news...he didn't fall on his bum as he walked across the stage. I got to talk to him and my whole family (two sets of grandparents included) on the phone after I made it back to Aquinas and got on the phone! Yay I am so proud of my brother. He is done and we are all excited!

I also got to talk to my old soccer coach/ good friend's dad Mr. Falink (Bruce). I will not get to see him again for probably a very very long time because he is moving to Chile on June 27th. Two days after his daughter (my good friend)Ruthie's wedding! He spent last summer in Chile and I got to house sit for him all summer with some friends. He's a great guy and I am very excited for him as well. I hope that I can go down to visit him in Chile sometime for so many reasons! 1) I would get a chance to travel again, 2) I would get to try to use my spanish, which is lacking, but it could be good practice and 3) I'd get to see him again. This is the guy that pretty much taught me how to play soccer back in like 8th grade. I had good times playing soccer and that first year was super awesome. I remember learning soccer with my friend Emily and we always called Bruce, Mr. Falink, just because it irked him so much. :-) He took it all with a grain of salt, we were dorky 8th graders. (yet we still didn't stop after that. All through high school we still did it) Best part was explaining to him that I was in Adelaide, Australia and he responded with "there's a song about Adelaide.." YES! yes there is! 10 points to him for knowing that!

Anyway's been an exciting day so far getting to hear Kyle graduate, talking to the family and Mr. Falink. YAY! Plus it was my last day of class and class was pretty good. Chatting with some of the people in my class after was great, they are such nice people and the walk to uni was so entertaining thanks to the wonderful singing/dancing talents of Beth and Lauren. You would not believe how well these chicas can groove and walk at the same time while listening to Beck.

Things about yesterday...Ugh... nothing special I went to frisbee and had the most random bursts of energy imaginable. I think i was most excited to see Blair and to hang out with her. The rest of my evening consisted of homework, and chatting with mates over coffee. One of the Shannon's told me that for a souvenir I should just bring home an Aussie. I looked at Sarah and told her she was coming home in my suitcase :-) She's definitely small would totally work! I would love for any of my Aussie friends to come and visit me in the States. Shannon and Anna have both talked about coming to the states next year, and if they do I hope they visit me! or I'll visit them! I love them! I love all the people here!

alright well that's it for now. Gotta jet. time for lunch and heaps of studying!!!!!!! mucho amor a todos!!


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

An Early Farewell

Ok so really I feel like this stupid thing never gets read. And it saddens me( i know there are some people who do read this and I thank thee!) I still hope this gets read once I leave this wonderful country.... and Really I try to be witty and all! sigh...

Alright well I'm going to talk away in my usual way now... I left you all with Monday in the last post, which was not very exciting at all besides hours and hours of sitting in the library finding nothing much for my papers and wanting to pummel the computers! Monday was probably the nicest day in a long time too! The sun was shining, it was nice and warm when I left for was great! but I sat in the library all day!:-( hmph! I was not amused.

Usually Tuesdays are my days that I loathe, and this one was not unlike any other, except that I did not have my three hour class in the morning starting at 9! YAY! Instead I went to uni fairly early still to try and find more references for my papers. :-P I still had philosophy lecture and a philosophy tut at 12 and 2. I got Mel to thinking that she was going to be Mr. Nigel-no friends because I didn't ruck up to philosophy lecture that early. No worries though I did make it and she was not Nigel-no friends. I think we both got to the point of almost falling asleep and not caring because the lecture notes always go up online and so there's no use to actually copy them down. Along with the fact that it is almost completely impossible to do so because the lecturer goes through the notes quickly. To make the most of our afternoon, Mel skipped her tutorial for philosophy and had lunch with Amber and I instead. Something that was somewhat exiciting , or maybe just a relief to me was that I met with my professor for my labor studies class to talk about the HUGE paper we have to turn in. SHe was helpful and I think I can get on track with it now! WHEW! too bad I didn't work on much of it after that...

Last night I got to experience an early farewell. It was really rather odd, but it was good nevertheless. We had a farewell get together with our IES program. They provided food and drinks. And well after a very long search for the room that it was in i made it there and thought to myself..."who am I really going to talk to?" I mean I have Blair and Amber whom I see all the time and hang out with quite often but there was quite a handful of kids that I never really see or talk to anymore. The night was still good, and entertaining, had a few beers, had some chats with people (which actually turned out really nice), then made my way back to Aquinas. I don't like to think about this whole leaving thing, but it was brought to my attention this morning that I seriously have 1 month left! 4 1/2 weeks! and what will I be doing in that time? -- writing papers, studying, traveling, and hanging out with my mates until they get so sick of me we'll maybe be ready to leave eachother (probably not really)

other things going on.... Kyle graduates today, June 1st even though it's not June 1st back home yet. My little brother...sigh... this is a weird feeling. I'm heaps excited for him! My parents are planning to give me a call from the graduation ceremony. I have class tomorrow morning but hopefully it will all work out. I'll at least get to hear my brother graduate! I hope he doesn't fall on his bum when he walks across the stage! :-) I proudly display his graduation announcement that my family sent over to me, along with his open house announcement and graduation picture. :-) Not to sound too dorky, but this makes me smile. Alright I think that's it for now, must get a move on with the day.

much love,