Saturday, May 13, 2006

finals update: who the hell put finals on a saturday?!

well, i can't wait for tomorrow (actually today...saturday) to end. Who the hell puts finals on a saturday?! argh! I have two tomorrow plus a paper due. All I can say is that I will be happy to finish those. I have been in the library most of the day today since about 1 or 2 and now with about half an hour left of the library being open, i get restless...

I still have about two sections of my paper to type up, one of which hopefully will be small, but I'm almost to 8 pages already! gross! I have yet to study for my sociology final at 10:15 am, which should be interesting... I guess I just have a really laid back, not caring attitude about that class and so I'll probably review the article tonight, stress out, look at it again in the morning, along with reviewing some terms and such and just go take the stupid thing. I really don't even want to waste two hours on it. I could be studying for my psych exam and fixing up my paper instead. oh well. by 12:15 that class will be OFFICIALLY OVER! thank god! I probably could have done more last night but with the housemates getting a bit drunk, and getting phone calls from a drunk sister, and being woken up by a neighbor being locked out of his house... not much got done.

I am really hoping that my psych exam tomorrow will not be too horrible. I think I have most of it down.. whew. It's only about 50 points so it's hard to imagine what exactly will be on it.

Anyway it looks to be a long night still. once home I will glue myself to a chair to finish the paper and to study that stupid article. Oh I don't even want to show up for that soc exam! augh! Ok ok, i'm done bitching, but again...who the hell puts finals on a saturday..?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my school does!