Monday, January 09, 2006

yay for sunshine!

so the weekend was SUPER fun! it was very relaxed and just plain good.

Highlights: Kim and Will were down to play frisbee with us and other alumni. So nice to see them again and frisbee was great. My body was sore and I was heaps tired, but it was great.

Saturday we just bummed around all day. Kayla and I took a bike ride into downtown so that we could go get some groceries and alcohol. :-) People came over Saturday night to play games and have drinks. That night proved to be wonderful. People actually came and brought games so we weren't stuck with card games. Most of us went out after and had a great time. Just a really fun time out and at the house overall that night.

Sunday was good. Kayla and I took another bike ride to the store on the other side of town to get more grenadine and some 7up so we could have shirley temples. :-) mmmm. We made ourselves a really yummy breakfast that morning too. SO GOOD. Yeah over all a fantastic weekend. THis week have to do the crisis line. SHould be interesting. I haven't done it in forever! What else? oh Krista comes back on Friday. We might go to the cities to pick her up! YAY.

oh it was sunny out today FINALLY! so nice to see the sun again! :-)

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