Thursday, January 05, 2006


what does it mean to be a feminist?
There are so many negative conotations with that word. I wish there wasn't.

Our professor asked us yesterday in class who considered themselves a feminist?
I guess for awhile I kind of have, but I've never really thought about it or talked about it a whole lot. Then she asked us what that means. What is feminism? Good question. I am so terrible at defining and explaining things like this. People said that to them feminism is about equal rights, mostly between men and women. What was interesting was when our professor explained that feminism is about working towards equality for ALL peoples. I like that. I like it a lot. I believe in that. So I am a feminist. What struck a chord with me later was when I said something about what class I was taking to a couple of friends. One of them very quickly said something to the effect of "feminist class". I was kind of taken a back and then said well there are men in the class (which shouldn't make any difference because men can be feminists too). Still i got the retort of "feminist class". Now really this shouldn't bother me so much because we are looking at gender, globalization and development with a feminist critique. But the tone in his voice made me feel as though he was saying that being a feminist was a bad thing. It really shouldn't be. This got me to think about something else that our professor had said in class about using the terms 'lesbian' and 'dyke' towards a woman who doesn't fit this created idea of feminity and how those are not used in a positive way, but rather in a derogatory way. This is the same friend who used to call me a lesbian and a dyke. It bothered me. Not because I am uncomfortable with homosexuality or my own sexuality but because the terms i felt were being used in a derogatory manner. Like he was putting me down. I wish people would not use these words and terms relating to one's sexuality, whether they are male or female, in such a harsh manner. I think maybe I had higher expectations for him because he is homosexual himself, but I don't know, maybe i expect too much and I need to stop.

I still consider myself a feminist and that is not a bad thing. it should not be taken lightly but it should also not be taken with bad conotations. To be a feminist and to believe in feminism is to consider all people and the equality between them. There can't be anything wrong with that.

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