Tuesday, January 24, 2006


sucks when you can't concentrate! a noisy place for study and the constant thought of the paper/project I have due on Thursday constantly plagues my mind. And it quite annoys me.

Other than that...J term has been good. It is almost over! Classes end on the 26th which is also Australia Day and as I have just found out... Mel's birthday! She'll be 20!

So I have to revert back to the issue of abortion. I caught a Pro-Life Rally in Washington D.C. yesterday on C-SPAN. I got so mad at the tv. For one these people scare me with all their talk about reversing the ruling of Roe vs. Wade, then how they'll get even more conservativeson the Supreme court and will pass legislation to outlaw abortions. Creepy people they were especially with the constant references to God. UGH. Oh and the constant references to "Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" I heard at least two representatives use that line. They emphasized the Life part. Funny how they were all republican representatives, and mostly MALE! yes because a male knows what it's like. Granted many women were there and a couple spoke but what really got me was the Rep that started reciting not only the 'Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness' deal but the part before it "All MEN are created equal". DAMN! could he not have changed it to at least all men and women? hello idiot you're among mostly women!!! I do not like these people speaking as though they are speaking for all people, expecially women. I still maintain that I have the right to chose. HOwever i only hold that until a certain point. If the baby could function on it's own outside of the womb then I would be against it. All of this got me sooo worked up. These people talking about the value of life when i'm guessing many of them are for the death penalty. Many probably supported the war that we are now in. In which many lives are being lost...very INNOCENT lives. Oh and the lady who got up to say that she regretted having three abortions and can no longer have kids! well no wonder you can't have kids!!! There also lies the issue of how it was done. The abortion that is... According to my lovely housemate who knows much about the workings of sex and all things relating... if the abortion is done correctly then there shouldn't be much of a problem....AHHHH I hate this issue. I wish we could all agree to disagree! And that we would stop telling eachother who is moral and who is not! There is also the problem of defining when life begins... oh boy. is it at conception? I dunno. Someone else told me that a fetus...really it's a parasitic tumor, not quite a human being yet. UGH i don't know. There arguments were purely based on God and primarily Christian beliefs. It all put me in a shitty kind of mood. Sometimes I can't stand people.

am just pissed about that. Otherwise life is good. can't wait for the term to be done, to relax a little and get away from school for a couple days. I am so looking forward to classes next semester which will hopefully be interesting. I dunno it's been a bit of a depressing j term but still good. I mean, well my class kind of depresses me learning about all the injustices against mostly women in the labor force. Kayla is leaving for good on thursday out into the real world! and yeah just random things. But really i have had a lot of fun too. Clearly have had too much fun because I am struggling to get my last project done. :-P bleh. well that is all.


Anonymous said...

Pie is good.

Sorry. Thought I'd try to cheer you up though.

Melissa said...


Eek! i'll stay away from that one...


Just wanted to say that.

Luv Mel =D