Tuesday, January 24, 2006


sucks when you can't concentrate! a noisy place for study and the constant thought of the paper/project I have due on Thursday constantly plagues my mind. And it quite annoys me.

Other than that...J term has been good. It is almost over! Classes end on the 26th which is also Australia Day and as I have just found out... Mel's birthday! She'll be 20!

So I have to revert back to the issue of abortion. I caught a Pro-Life Rally in Washington D.C. yesterday on C-SPAN. I got so mad at the tv. For one these people scare me with all their talk about reversing the ruling of Roe vs. Wade, then how they'll get even more conservativeson the Supreme court and will pass legislation to outlaw abortions. Creepy people they were especially with the constant references to God. UGH. Oh and the constant references to "Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" I heard at least two representatives use that line. They emphasized the Life part. Funny how they were all republican representatives, and mostly MALE! yes because a male knows what it's like. Granted many women were there and a couple spoke but what really got me was the Rep that started reciting not only the 'Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness' deal but the part before it "All MEN are created equal". DAMN! could he not have changed it to at least all men and women? hello idiot you're among mostly women!!! I do not like these people speaking as though they are speaking for all people, expecially women. I still maintain that I have the right to chose. HOwever i only hold that until a certain point. If the baby could function on it's own outside of the womb then I would be against it. All of this got me sooo worked up. These people talking about the value of life when i'm guessing many of them are for the death penalty. Many probably supported the war that we are now in. In which many lives are being lost...very INNOCENT lives. Oh and the lady who got up to say that she regretted having three abortions and can no longer have kids! well no wonder you can't have kids!!! There also lies the issue of how it was done. The abortion that is... According to my lovely housemate who knows much about the workings of sex and all things relating... if the abortion is done correctly then there shouldn't be much of a problem....AHHHH I hate this issue. I wish we could all agree to disagree! And that we would stop telling eachother who is moral and who is not! There is also the problem of defining when life begins... oh boy. is it at conception? I dunno. Someone else told me that a fetus...really it's a parasitic tumor, not quite a human being yet. UGH i don't know. There arguments were purely based on God and primarily Christian beliefs. It all put me in a shitty kind of mood. Sometimes I can't stand people.

am just pissed about that. Otherwise life is good. can't wait for the term to be done, to relax a little and get away from school for a couple days. I am so looking forward to classes next semester which will hopefully be interesting. I dunno it's been a bit of a depressing j term but still good. I mean, well my class kind of depresses me learning about all the injustices against mostly women in the labor force. Kayla is leaving for good on thursday out into the real world! and yeah just random things. But really i have had a lot of fun too. Clearly have had too much fun because I am struggling to get my last project done. :-P bleh. well that is all.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

so far, so good

well it's only the second week of the new year but so far, so good. Things have been going really well. I have kept to my resolutions. I began working out with Kayla most nights during the week, and if not working out, being active like taking bike rides into town instead of driving. It feels really good, although I am looking forward to not being sore all the time. I've also been doing a better job with taking care of my teeth. Have slipped up a couple of days but am usually brushing twice, flossing at least once and using mouth wash. Feels good. What else? oh yeah, have been holding back that urge to drink soda. Have only had it about twice while having drinks with friends like I said I would only do.

Besides me... my sister is having a kick ass year so far. Her best friend from college got married new years which was exciting for her. Another of her closest friends and her couldn't be happier. They have gotten closer and things are just good. Also today she FINALLY got full-time at her job at TAGS, coaching gymnastics! She was very excited and even called to tell me! I felt very special that she did call. SO yeah a good year for her.

Kyle started school at Anoka-Ramsey yesterday. He didn't sound too enthused (spelling?) but it was the first day, a monday and he had math class, which he is not a fan of. Hopefully things will look up for him. I hope that he enjoys going there. He sounded pretty excited about getting a chance to study computers, although right now he has to take a bunch of core classes. Good Luck to him!

Mum turned 50 on the 2nd and Dad will be 50 on the 13th. A big year for them both. :-) They are taking a cruise with their other 50 year old friends in June to celebrate. Mom and Dad brought me back to school on mom's birthday. I bet that was exciting for her. :-P

What else? oh, class is really good so far for J term. I got really excited about it today and am actually enjoying the book we are on now. I'm very proud of myself for actually speaking up in class. It was nice today because I was actually prepared pretty well for class. Got a chance to take my time on the reading and take notes and everything. I finally finished reading The Bell Jar and have now started Girl, Interupted. I like it so far. It's very interesting to read about people who have dealt with mental illness and hear about it from mostly a first person perspective, them being the narrators pretty much. Anyway... i'm excited to read Girl Interrupted because I love the movie so I'm excited to read the actual accounts that Susanna Kaysen wrote about.

Krista is coming back on Friday afternoon and I can't wait to see her! I miss her so much and I know she misses us! I'm sure she'll be really really really excited to see Frenchie too. :-) They make me happy because they are happy. Oh things are really good with Maggie too. I have seen her quite a bit lately and she seems to be doing SO well! She looks good and we had such a wonderful chat today about school, and her senior project which sounds heaps cool. She's so amazing and talented and just full of so many good ideas!

Ok I think that's all I have I'm supposed to be doing my homework. Have to work in the morning but don't have to go to class. We are having a 'reading day'. Which means I have extra time to get my reading done and also should figure out my paper/project topic for the class. I'm excited to check things out. Hopefully i will look up topics again for my senior paper. That is all.

Monday, January 09, 2006

yay for sunshine!

so the weekend was SUPER fun! it was very relaxed and just plain good.

Highlights: Kim and Will were down to play frisbee with us and other alumni. So nice to see them again and frisbee was great. My body was sore and I was heaps tired, but it was great.

Saturday we just bummed around all day. Kayla and I took a bike ride into downtown so that we could go get some groceries and alcohol. :-) People came over Saturday night to play games and have drinks. That night proved to be wonderful. People actually came and brought games so we weren't stuck with card games. Most of us went out after and had a great time. Just a really fun time out and at the house overall that night.

Sunday was good. Kayla and I took another bike ride to the store on the other side of town to get more grenadine and some 7up so we could have shirley temples. :-) mmmm. We made ourselves a really yummy breakfast that morning too. SO GOOD. Yeah over all a fantastic weekend. THis week have to do the crisis line. SHould be interesting. I haven't done it in forever! What else? oh Krista comes back on Friday. We might go to the cities to pick her up! YAY.

oh it was sunny out today FINALLY! so nice to see the sun again! :-)

Thursday, January 05, 2006


what does it mean to be a feminist?
There are so many negative conotations with that word. I wish there wasn't.

Our professor asked us yesterday in class who considered themselves a feminist?
I guess for awhile I kind of have, but I've never really thought about it or talked about it a whole lot. Then she asked us what that means. What is feminism? Good question. I am so terrible at defining and explaining things like this. People said that to them feminism is about equal rights, mostly between men and women. What was interesting was when our professor explained that feminism is about working towards equality for ALL peoples. I like that. I like it a lot. I believe in that. So I am a feminist. What struck a chord with me later was when I said something about what class I was taking to a couple of friends. One of them very quickly said something to the effect of "feminist class". I was kind of taken a back and then said well there are men in the class (which shouldn't make any difference because men can be feminists too). Still i got the retort of "feminist class". Now really this shouldn't bother me so much because we are looking at gender, globalization and development with a feminist critique. But the tone in his voice made me feel as though he was saying that being a feminist was a bad thing. It really shouldn't be. This got me to think about something else that our professor had said in class about using the terms 'lesbian' and 'dyke' towards a woman who doesn't fit this created idea of feminity and how those are not used in a positive way, but rather in a derogatory way. This is the same friend who used to call me a lesbian and a dyke. It bothered me. Not because I am uncomfortable with homosexuality or my own sexuality but because the terms i felt were being used in a derogatory manner. Like he was putting me down. I wish people would not use these words and terms relating to one's sexuality, whether they are male or female, in such a harsh manner. I think maybe I had higher expectations for him because he is homosexual himself, but I don't know, maybe i expect too much and I need to stop.

I still consider myself a feminist and that is not a bad thing. it should not be taken lightly but it should also not be taken with bad conotations. To be a feminist and to believe in feminism is to consider all people and the equality between them. There can't be anything wrong with that.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

the new year

so the new year is here. w00t!
ringing it in with Leah was heaps of fun.
I even have resolutions-- take better care of my teeth and drink less soda.
Last year was great, the end of it, not so great, but over all it was fantastic. Well I got to go to Australia for one, and that has to top pretty much everything else that has happened in the other 21 years.

Am back at Luther now. J term starts today. I hear the class I'm taking is actually pretty awesome. Here's hoping! It's called Gender, Globalization and Development (sociology). Looking forward to it. It's nice to be back. Sad that the snow is almost gone and that Britta and Krista are not around. Happily Kris will be back in two weeks. I'm looking forward to having lots of fun with the few people that are around for J term. Will is coming to visit next weekend and to play frisbee! Am very excited about that.

sigh... the holidays are over! thank goodness..!