Friday, August 05, 2005

I *heart* bubble wrap!

today was the first day of work. Most exciting thing about work... the BUBBLE WRAP! :-) How exciting! seriously bubble wrap thoughts got me through most of my day at work. 8 hours of going through boxes of watches putting them in little bubble wrap bags! ALthough the bags were so cool, the best was to see the HUGE rolls of bubble wrap that were in the warehouse near the mail room and also the roll that was a bit smaller but only 100 feet from my reach! I so badly want some bubble wrap and I was temtped ALL day to just sit and pop it! Oh the joy that is popping bubble wrap!!!SO GOOD!

ok so to add to the excitement that was bubble wrap today... I was up so early and it was a long day, but dad bought me yummy coffee and a bagel this morning too. After work we met up with me big seeeeester AJ and went to the Twins game! The twins usually lose when I go to games but tonight was definitely NOT one of those nights. It had been awhile since I had been to a game so what better way to enjoy it all than with my dad and sister, dome dogs, and a 12-0 shutout! YES! GO TWINS! That's right they beat the World Champs from last year The Boston Red Sox! ('amazing how america wins the WORLD series every year!" -Eddie Izzard!) So yeah it was soooo good. Manda made friends with the guys in front of us and overall it was such a good game. Lew Ford played an awesome game! Go him! (Llllllleeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww) :-)

K I think that's all I have. Excited to see Kari tomorrow,a nd will renew my driver's license! w00t!

much love,

p.s. love you "sissyka" :-)


Melissa said...

I *heart* eddie izzard! Dude that guy is so funny...

Emily so great to hear that you are well and not grumpy. I am a chronically grumpy person sometimes and I don't like it when I feel that way so I am glad you are no longer (feeling that way that is). I

Your birthday eh...? Hrm... Will have to think what to do about that one =)

Luv you lots mate,

Luv Mel

Melissa said...

I'd love to take her to a bar but I'm in Australia =( .

Emily I just updated my blog! So go and read it, while I ponder madly over what I can do for your birthday...

Hugs from me to you, love Mel