Friday, August 19, 2005


well the 'how do you...?' has been answered... sort of.

basically Shannon told Jess. Not sure where the three of us will go from here or where any of it will go from here. Don't really want to pour my heart our over this one on the blog, but we'll see how things go...

(will try to have something happy on here soon... will probably rant about book shopping tomorrow.)





Anonymous said...

I have to admire your courage for facing up to something like this. To be honest, to most of your "How do you?" questions I would reply "I dont" ... The real problem is your feelings, you have to remember that there is very little you can do about how you feel, and how someone else feels. You shoudl rest easier knowing that you haven't done anything wrong ... and have no reason to feel bad.

You feel bad because someone else feels bad, and if everyone did that then the world would be a mess of bad-feelings. Deal with yourself and how you feel, and *then* see if you can solve other peoples problems :D. My advice generally comes along the lines of "stop caring;" only because I realised how much my life was easier when it was seperate from other peoples problems.

em said...

thanks schwarz. I appreciate what you had to say.

Melissa said...

Haha schwarz, supportive looks good on you!

I don't want to write what I have to say on here, I'll ring you sometime Em =) Look forward to it!

I just had to walk to uni in the rain =( That sucks!

Love to all.