Monday, August 22, 2005

better day today...

had a much better day today. I didn't let myself think so much and coming home to emails and comments on the blog was very comforting. I somehow made it through the whole day of looking at watches. I don't know how it worked really but I had enough to keep me busy and kept me from thinking too much. So all in all I was in a great mood. Thanks to people who left me comments and all that jazz (specifically Ms. Westbrook! ;-) )

Anyway a good day. An unproductive day when I got home. I thought about dong a lot of stuff after work but what I ended up doing was very little. Didn't do laundry, didn't pack, didn't read, didn't work out, didn't take the new bike out for a ride. Did buy myself some chai and did write a whole 1 email! That's about it though.

Moving back to Uni means packing, which sucks and doesn't put me in high spirits but things that do put me in high spirits about moving to Uni...
-Britta's great idea for dodgeball
-the lovely frisbee team girls
-Living in Baker Village with some very awesome roomies!
-new classes!
- the package I know i will receive not long after i get there (thanks you lovely aussies!)
-fun parties and good times with the roomies and friends and....
-Drinking beers with Justin! ;-) (this is a really exciting thing)

so yeah that's life. not very eventful but that's me.

much love,


Anonymous said...

See you tomorrow for coffee!

Melissa said...

Thanks to little old me?

Haha, no worries mate =) .

Hope uni is a blast, live while you're young I say!

Bec said...

I love Emily!
sorry i didn't return your phone call, the firstyears come tomorrow so things are hectic, you are a cool banana and i miss you heaps. much love-