Thursday, December 29, 2005

the holidays

so it's been awhile, but I don't think anyone has really been on lately. Everyone I'm sure has been busy with the holidays. I myself have not been online much since I have been home. I have enjoyed being home though. Seeing friends from high school has been good. Getting to see Natalie, Davina, Jeff and even Ben was awesome! Mind you I haven't really seen Ben for at least a year but it was still pretty cool, pretty chill and it felt like old times. Hanging with Jeff and Nat at the bar was pretty awesome too. Seeing most of Fridley at the bar was kind of crazy, but whatever still had fun.

Geez I'm not sure if I should even talk about the past week. SO much has gone on. Have been working mostly. Had to work in Refurb today! :-P Gross. I hate working back there, and not just because all I did for 8 hours was look at watches but because this lady that works there is SO annoying. She's very negative and in the 8 hours that I was at work today I don't think I heard her say one postive thing! I reckon she needs a job change! Last week...Wednesday was pretty eventful. I got drunk by 9ish, went home by 11 and got up for work by 6:30 and suffered the whole day through a hangover! :-P ugh! that's what I get though. Besides that...ummm ...

The holidays were good. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were the same as usual. Nothing too different. Much time spent with family and friends. so overall a good time. Have been knitting a lot and love it. Finished making my first knitted hat the other day. Finished another on Tuesday which is actually a little big, but it will do because I do not want to take it apart again! :-P I started another hat on Tuesday also with some yarn that one of my grandma's got me for christmas! :-) finished two books that I started a long time ago! God's Politics and In a Sunburned Country. Both great books. Have now moved on to The Bell Jar , which is very intriguing so far... I"m enjoying it.

I have nothing good or meaningful left to say (not to say that the above is really that meaningful...) Going to the eye doctor one last time Thursday and am taking the day off work. One more day of work after that, then the week, New Years and back to Luther. w00t! that's it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


oh love! oh joy! Kare and Will are the best! They brought me Cooper's Pale Ale!!!!! ALL THE WAY FROM AUSTRALIA! :-) many happy faces and thanks! SO GOOD. can't wait to drink it. And of course it was so awesome to see Will and Karen! I miss them and it's so nice to see someone from Australia!!!!!! It's hard to even describe but happiness fills my bones! I miss Australia!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

exams 2&3, and home...

so the last two exams last week went fine.
nothing special and yet nothing terrible. Got my Abnormal assignment back with a good mark on it though! :-) That was Thursday and once I was done, I packed up my stuff and headed home with Krista and Kayla. We sang to RENT most of the way home. Happily we made it home safe. It wasn't snowing liek we heard it was going to be, but the roads were wet and dirty and so we had to make due with the water in our drink bottles and the snow (when we could) to clean the windshield when it got too dirty. May I recommend that no one ever do this! especially hurling water at the windshield from a drink bottle while going 60 mph! Oh what an adventure it was. I did freak out a few times when I could not see through the wind shield! It's quite scary. But like I said we made it to my house safe and sound, and luckily also with no puddles in the car (Krista really had to pee while we sat in traffic in Minneapolis for almost an hour! )

We had intended to go out for krista's birthday that night, and meet up with britta who had also driven to the cities. That didn't happy. krista wasn't feeling well, but her, kayla and I did sit in my house, ate ham salad, enjoyed some colorado bulldogs (courtesy of my Mommy!, yes my mum made us drinks!:-) ) , watched a Bond movie and then quite a few Buffy episodes! Oh what fun we had! We all had a good sleep, and then out to breakfast in the morning. Kayla left us at noonish and then Krista and I spent two hours drinking coffee and wandering/relaxing in a book store. OOOOoooh do Barnes and Noble have THE most comfy chairs! :-) we did mind less things like read trashy magazines! so good! Later I took Kris and her sis Lindsey to the airport. Went to dinner with the family and then out with my sister and Davina, which was SO good. We went to watch some lame comedy but then went to a peanut bar and had a great time just the three of us. Was soooo tired last night but stayed up until 2 and then got up for work this morning. Dad and I went in for a few hours and i was going off of four hours of sleep. We only stayed til about noon, and then headed home and then to Elaine and Wes's for an early christmas. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening eating, opening gifts and chatting. Grandma taught me how to do some more things with knitting so now I can do some different stitches and also make hats! well hopefully this first one turns out ok. Anyway... i believe that's it. I'm going to stay away from too much detail and head out. I reckon a movie and some knitting is what my saturday night holds! :-)
love to all!


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

exam #1

well the first exam is done and over. Luckily it was not too bad. I loathe multiple choice though. :-P Happily I am no longer stressed about that test and can move on in life.

I got my HUGE paper from learning and behavior after the final today. I didn't want to but knew I should so i wouldn't be wondering about it. I was expecting what I got. I got a C. :-( but well at least Laura made me feel better by reminding me that it is a difficult class and that if we can get through this we can at least have some knowledge of what grad school will be like. heh. wonderful. This kind of makes me not want to go to grad school. I also decided to keep the stupid thing, also by suggestion of Laura. Because if I keep it I can learn from it. Good idea, cuz i never seem to do that.

time for lunch.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

an addition to today

so I just went to lunch with Kayla and we sat with Tyler and Joe.
Now I've had issues with Tyler before but lately I have been able to appreciate him more. Although the 'baby killer' thing still pisses me off. I think though that I am learning more about his and Kayla's relationship and am beginning to understand them more.

Anyway to Joe. I have met him only a few times over the last three and a half years and I have seen more of him this year due to the fact that Kayla knows him. My impression of him... ummmm not so good. He was kind of a jerk today. First he bitches about Britta writing about Frisbee too much in the campus newspaper and secondly as I try to make a joke about baby Jesus being white in the scenery for Christmas as Luther he gets super pissy and kind of yells at me "did you even listen to a thing I was saying?" Oops sorry! guess I'm not allowed to make jokes around him. Overall though I just couldn't stand him this afternoon. I didn't even want to look at him so I kept shooting my glance around the cafeteria. Little does he know and understand that since Britta is writing for the first time on the paper they give her the shit stories and i guess the editor is a dickhead. secondly Britta is a good writer but is starting to NOT care about the paper, hence talk about quitting next semester. thirdly he needs to chill out, this is a school news paper, in a small town, small campus, with barely anything to write about. Plus britta only briefly mentioned frisbee at the end of this last.

overall. I want to punch him in the face a little bit and tell him to chill out. I'm actually possibly looking forward to seeing the kid again so I can argue with him. Let him know he is not God's gift to anything.
that's my rant. sometimes I don't like people. and Joe was that person today.

what Bec said...

so I'm with Bec on this one... change.

Everything really has changed. Sucks. But life goes on no doubt.
Life is going to change for me too in the next six months. What the HELL am I going to do once I get out of school? I have so many ideas! Work, intern, grad school, undergrad again?, travel... The list could probably go on. I want to do something I don't want to let these four years go to waste. I want a career, a job in my field. And as much as I like the fact that Asset Marketing will pay me $9/hr to work in the warehouse, that is not what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Other change...our house, friends, and life at school. Our house is different. One has moved out, another will move out at semester graduating early. I miss them both already, and one isn't even gone. Friendships have changed. Boyfriends and girlfriends. Things are different between friends and it's kind of weird. I've changed and so have my friends who went abroad. Good friends and aquaintances. I change my mind every day almost about what I want to do, what I would go to grad school for and where, and how, and what I would write my senior thesis on. My schedule has changed for the next semester and for january. I'm taking a class during january instead of interning.

my blog has changed.

The weather has changed. It's snowing again today.

My ideas and beliefs changed.

Big change that Bec mentioned...change in communication with Australia. Everyone there has moved out of college and they're doing new things, living in new places which all equals less contact with the people I love on the other side of the world. My feelings haven't changed. Lack of communication makes me quite sad and depressed some days. Things are fine though. I still have the Americans in fairly close contact.

And although there has been so much change. Good still comes out of it. I can't stay sad and depressed for long. It just makes life too... well... too sad. clearly.

What will not change is the fact that I have this HUGE essay to write by tomorrow. 12 pages already of which need to be fixed and read through. probably another 4 or 5 or more to type i'm guessing.

"change is good"

Sunday, December 04, 2005

proudest sister

first things first. My brother applied to school for next semester and got in! I think the process of job finding got really boring for him and just started to suck. So now he's going to college and is going to study computers, i believe. :-) YAY! Proudest sister ever! :-) YAY Kyle!

what else...?
Christmas at Luther. Am so happy I am not a part of that production! Three of my housemates are though and Friday night i went to watch them sing along with the other choirs here (there are six mass choirs) and the orchestra. It was really neat. Although I guess the performance Britta and I went to was kind of crap and the one after was spectacular! oh well it was still really beautiful. A wonderful tradition. Went out for drinks after that in a very chill setting, which was so good. Britta offered to buy me a drink so i couldn't turn that down. :-) Ran into some alumni friends and had a good chat with them.

Well because of Christmas at Luther parents came to visit! w00t! I got to meet Krista's dad for the first time! I had never actually met him before, only talked to him on the phone. It was really cool, I like her parents a lot. I got to hang out with her parents, sister Lindsey and Krista last night for awhile before the concert. good fun. Yesterday was also a shopping day. i hate shopping and I hate walmart but the frisbee team had some shopping to do for the christmas cheer family we have. Sunday we will wrap the gifts!

It's definitely beginning to look a lot like christmas. It's been snowing for the past few days and so the ground is covered with a white fluff and is so bright and clean looking! WE also put up deocrations the other day in the house. So nice! The christmas lights around the window are my favorite along with the stockings on the stairs.

so that is basically it. I've been knitting a whole lot too which makes me happy but the fact that finals are coming up in a week does not. I'd rather be knitting than studying and writing a paper. I lack motivation this weekend:-P


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

nothing much...

so now that I'm over the whole bad reviews for RENT, I think i can stop talking about them. But now I just realize I don't have much to talk about...

Yesterday was the first day back in class after the Thanksgiving break and it went just fine. I got home after work and was SO tired though. Pretty cranky too. I am proud to say that I actually did three hours of homework last night to catch up on some reading assignments for psych. I went to bed at a decent hour and let myself sleep a little longer than usual. Am just kind of taking it slow this morning before I head out to study, then class for a little while. I love Tuesdays... I don't have to work! Which means I get the whole afternoon to myself after Lab!:-) w00t! oh the little things.

It snowed again last night! So pretty! The snow makes all the dead stuff look so clean and fresh! :-) Here's a photo from the first time it snowed down here (which was not last night) . Cool huh? I have to say that it was pretty funny showing these photos to Shannon online the other day and having to explain to him what snow is like. Oh you silly Aussies.;-) But yeah it's great and I love snow.

Here's another photo to share although it's not snow. THis one is from the Missy Higgins concert which was WAY fun! She's so cool and so I though I'd share a photo that I took.
Yeah, she's pretty cool. Anyway that's all that I really have for now. Nothing too interesting. I'm behind in time now actually even though I was taking the morning slow...:-P need to get some studying done before class. Much love to all


Saturday, November 26, 2005

did I miss something?

so I'm quite bummed and quite sad and confused about these bad reviews that RENT the movie has been getting. I realize that this is the second time I am talking about this but really I'm wondering if I missed something. The review I read in the City Pages this evening was wretched! I was so sad. For one I had a hard time following all the play on words that the guy was using. Besides that though I just felt sad again when I finished reading it. The guy ripped apart Jonathon Larson and his work, and the message of the play. So I'm beginning to wonder if I completely missed something when I started seeing the play on stage... I always felt like it gave a great message and had a lot to say. Granted it came out on the stage years ago... I dunno, I still feel like there is a good message there and I very much respect it. I'm beginning to wonder if these people who reviewed it had ever seen RENT on stage. I just kind of wonder exactly why they did not like it. I've decided in general that I can't trust newspapers and magazines and news shows in general. Facts are always different in every place and how are we to ever know what the actual truth to a story is? How am I to know that what the guy said in the City Pages review of RENT is true? Especially about how Larson wrote? And then I read the good review in this weekend magazine that comes in the paper that says only good things about RENT, mainly because it's the cast reflecting on the making of the movie and play and what they think it means. Along with that is a longer excerpt from Julie Larson, the sister of Jonathon Larson. Do I believe her and take what she says as truth? Do I personally only look for mostly the good things in a story? AM I just plain ignorant to things and life in general? I think I just have to sit in the middle of it all. Although I think I lean more towards the happiness and good that can be found in the movie and play rather than the bad things that the critics like to pick out. I guess I"m not much of a critic. Sometimes I reckon maybe I need to be a bit more critical about things, because maybe I'm missing some points or am just too damn ignorant to life. I don't know. I was just quite disturbed or upset or something by the bad reviews. I apparently couldn't handle all the bashing. I again wonder who these people are that reviewed it. Did they ever live in these situations? Have they ever been a struggling artist like those portrayed in the movie/play? Did they live in NY in the East Village? I really kind of want to go visit New York and see the place where it's to take place. I want to know if life is like that for struggling artists. Back to being a critic... really how fun can life be if what you do for a living is be a critic? Life seems like it could be so ... I don't know... boring...and just not fun. But who am I to say who is good or bad, right or wrong? I guess I'll just stick to what I like. I liked RENT and that's all that really matters. I think the message is still relevant and it's still amazing. Whatever that's what I think. I like it so to hell with the critics.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I don't have the words to describe really. What I can say is that... I NEEDED this! A break, friends, a sister, a concert, a coffee, and a movie. ( i probably could have used sleep too, but we'll over look that for now)

It was so nice to leave Luther today and make my way home with Leah and Krista. It felt good to get away. THe weather was great, and the ride was a bit long at first, but we managed. We saw Krista off into the care of her sister and Leah and I headed to find my sister and to see one EXCELLENT concert, provided by Missy Higgins. Not only was the venue great, the beer tasty, and Missy's accent a warm reminder of those I miss, but her show was AMAZING! She's, as Leah said, probably "cooler than I'll ever be". It was definitely a nice little intimate concert with Missy Higgins. So good to have her explain some of her songs and just to hear her live again! And of course I loved listening to Aussie talk.

We said bye and happy turkey day to Leah and then headed for coffee and home. SO nice to see mom and dad, and to find some photos from the summer and earlier this fall that mom had taken. Good memories. Oh and let me not forget my phone call from Davina, with some of the most hilarious news!" He's NOT getting married. THey broke up! " -- at least that's one more I don't have to worry about.
And then.......

To Lakeville... almost an hours drive... Why?

Well, To see RENT! of course.......
All I have to say, is that I loved it, and I always did. Mad props to Jesse L. Martin and Anthony Rapp. Kudos to Rosario Dawson, I didn't feel let down. Adam Pascal... how could I not like thee? Overall? L-O-V-E-D... LOVED it! RENT is just amazing in itself. I reckon Jonathan Larson would be proud of what RENT has accomplished and how much more it can. I refuse to have anyone tell me it was a crap movie or that putting it on the big screen is selling out. I can't express myself very well, so just take it as is. Again, i needed this. And it was definitely a great day. NO doubt that I need sleep tomorrow. I said I would work Wednesday morning. :-P It's 3:30 am! I leave for work with dad in 2 and a half hours! I'm sure I can make it.

No Day But Today

Monday, November 21, 2005

something new...

this is just real quick. I decided to be like Mel and do something different with my blog. Hence the different colors and such. It's actually a bit refreshing. The black background was getting kind of depressing. And well with winter just around the corner there's no need for more dark things since it tends to stay dark a lot...less sunlight and all. ANyway this template is called "snapshot tequila". Can anyone guess why I chose it?! :-) hmmmm? Well in honor of it I thought I'd put these photos in as well. They are also some 'snapshots of tequila' ;-)

Yep, before....not sure what cheer we did here, but it might have been: when we drink we get drunk, when we get drunk we sleep, when we sleep we commit no sin, when we commit no sin we go to heaven, so let's all get drunk and go to heaven. ;-) Cheers to that!

Aannnnddd..."make a funny face!"... so we did.

what good times we have with Jose...

That is all I have... enjoy. Need to finish my assignment due today and pack so that I can go HOME! yay for Thanksgiving break!

Friday, November 18, 2005

"last woMAN standing"

yep that's how Seth's last email refering to the game Assassins was titled. Yesterday was quite crazy. Krista went on a 'killing' spree. She got two kids before 11 and that meant that she would then have to 'kill' her boyfriend! Kayla being the biggest help she could ever be helped Krista out all morning and afternoon. Finally Krista got to Frenchie and he was dead. A little upset no doubt because she not only killed him, but she outlived him in the game. From then on Krista and Kayla (who may i remind wasn't actually in the game) sat in choir going crazy. They knew Kris was being plotted against. They switched clothes and although the informer of Krista's killer was around, he was too slow to let him know of the switch of clothes that he witnessed. Thus, Krista and Kayla walk out of choir see who Kris thinks is hunting her, but then a guy off to the side attacks too, except they go for Kayla, not Krista. Krista acting to protect Kayla, stabs the kid that goes after Kayla, and takes off not knowing what's going on. Simon, who inevitably ended up hitting Kayla thinks he has Krista, says her name only to have Kayla yell at him "I'm not Krista Lane. SUCK IT!":-) Krista came home not knowing if she had won or not. The guy that cornered her was the one that was supposed to be killing her but someone else tried instead of he. Later we find out that Simon killed John, and so Krista was Simon's next target. Krista came home panting from loss of breath. Calls Seth who is in charge of the game, explains the situation and they figure out that she's won! It was quite exciting and our house was pretty happy about the whole thing. How the events unfurled altogether is a much longer story. :-) It was all pretty funny though. Needless to say the frisbee boys who were playing and knew Krista were pissed she won. Probably because it was her first time playing and even more likely it was a WOMAN who won! :-) hahaha. overall a fun time. So we celebrated as a house with dinner together and then hung out the rest of the night, or did our own things.

This is probably a lame post but it was pretty exciting. And is all that has been going on. It makes me smile! well it's saturday and I have two papers to get done this weekend. So back to work i go. Much love all!


Monday, November 14, 2005


Well after a long week last week and the craziest f-ing weekend ever, things are kind of settling down and today I have actually accomplished something. For one I got my cover letter completed actually just about five minutes ago. This is for the hopeful internship that I will get to do over j term. There are still so many things that I need to get done school wise. Not only homework but I still haven't figured out if I need that other soc class! :-P bleh! no worries, I am in better spirits about it all since I did finish a cover letter. Although an exam and a paper this friday do not excite me.

On to more fun things... Assassins... yes... Assassins. It started Sunday at midnight. What is it exactly? Well a bunch of people get together on campus to play a game in which you are an assassin and are given a person to 'kill'. How can you kill them? With anything that's the length/size of a ruler or yardstick, those are melee weapons, and also with nerf dart/ball guns. This game is HILARIOUS! krista, britta and I decided to participate and although I was dead 11 hours after the game started ( it was a tragedy right before biodiversity and a story that I think is quite funny) Krista and Britta are still going strong. About half of the people on the list to play were dead by last night. More I'm sure are still being killed off today. Last night we had some kids come to our door with a nerf gun trying to scare us, and to probably get either Britta or Krista to come out of the house. The game is getting funny. The girls are getting intense and it's quite hilarious. People get really intense with this game and even skip classes and do crazy things. :-) It's still so funny though and I love it. I didn't get to kill anyone in those 11 hours that I was alive but yeah... i now get to watch the game unfold and read the funny stories of how people were killed which can be pretty funny. I think that's all i'll say about it for now. Once the game ends i might write more just because i think this game is so great. Overall it's been so much fun to watch it all unfold. Hopefully the girls get farther and get their kills soon.

oh, on another happy note... yesterday after getting killed :-P, I checked my mail and found a lovely package waiting for me! YES my Aussie food had arrived! YUM. This package (which cost quite a bit) consisted of three packages of Tim Tams, some Shapes (of the sour cream and sweet chili variety), snakes, some Milo, and Sa...Ka...Ta.. rice crackers. YUM! My quest to find some Coopers is still in the works. until then...


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Krista Rocks My Face OFF!

so today was a very good day. I got my learning and behavior test back with an excellent grade! that studying REALLY paid off! yes! Later after studying for a couple hours after class I came home to find my room FULL of colorful post-its. They were everywhere! Krista, my loving friend and room mate decided to put post-its all around my room with random words and some phrases. It's quite colorful and just really awesome. She did this for some random reason...and also she knew that Shannon and I had done it to Sunny while I was in Australia. Although her spelling is a bit in question it was still an awesome thing to come home to! I love it when friends remember random things! It's awesome and I love it and Krista is the best. here are a few photos for those of you who would like to see. Also if you care you can kind of get a feel for what my room looks like...:-)
Yep so here's my bed and dresser... um that big poster was not made by krista ... that's finger painting fun from the beginning of the year. I needed something to put on my wall. So colorful! This is the closet. That row of post its neatly placed at the bottom spell out "India has a coast". Yeah one day I randomly asked if India had one. Why? I'm not sure. (Krista has a sense of humor) She stuck them everywhere. All over my photos from Australia next to the flag, but I reckon the Jesus painting was unharmed.Yep, the door, she has written out in the ones placed in rows, "wanted to say i love you" She's precious. :-) ok so I had one more image but it wouldn't up load. That one is more of my desk and the post-its covering that area. Anyway this is the place i call home full of post-its . Thanks Krista! she's a legend!



Thursday, November 03, 2005

being pro choice doesn't make you a baby killer!

Just because I'm pro choice, does NOT make me a 'baby killer'

yeah i've been quite pissed off about comments not even made directly towards me about being pro choice. I believe in a woman having control over her own body. If the child has developed enough though I don't believe in terminating. If the child could live and function on it's own outsdie of the womb, then i say don't terminate. I'm sorry I just don't like being called a baby killer when i don't plan to ever have an abortion myself but that I believe other women can have the choice. And really how do I know if I never would? shit could happen where I think I would need to. I hope that never happens, but really... It bothered me even more that these baby killer remarks came from a man. A gay man at that. The thoughts that later ran through my head were that they will never have to deal with something like abortion directly. They don't have to worry about it happening to them or their partner! Granted he has friends that are girls but when he sat there just saying mean things, saying "you're wrong" and not being respectful of others opinions, well then I don't feel i should be respectful to him. Open your mind up! GOD! I almost wanted to tell him that his opinion didn't matter, but that would just be completely pigheaded of me. or would it?

Thursday, October 27, 2005

yay for academic advisors!

so i started a post last night but didn't finish it, and this one has nothing to do with it either but I just wanted to share my joy. I talked to my new academic advisor today about internships and registering for next semester! Although it is scary to think about next semester and about the future whether or not I will go to grad school it was super awesome to chat with him and have him be very supportive of the things I want to do. The thing I was most happy about was that he was cool with me not having a specific direction in psychology and that I am open to pretty much anything. And really why shouldn't I be? I don't know that much about psychology. Just what I have learned in classes and well I'll take all the real experience that I can take in all different forms. Plus why would I want to settle on a specific area when I haven't even experienced any of them?! Oh and it was also really good to hear him say that my plans of taking a year off and either working or interning is a good idea! YES! Dr. B is my new favorite person!he was very helpful and I am just full of appreciation for his advising skills! :-) That is all I have to say. going to look for classes now so that I can have an idea of classes. it definitely isn't going to be a slack semester next semester! :-P

Monday, October 24, 2005

my sock is too small

I am convinced that either I got two different size socks, or that my right foot is just bigger than the left. hmmmm.

Well i had a pretty good end to the night last night. Chatting with Natalie, Joe and Mel made my evening! I had not talked to any of them in awhile and I got the chance to reminisc about days past.:-) And i did finally go to bed and got some sleep, more than 2 1/2 hours that is... :-)

Yesterday was also great aside from lack of sleep, because i went to an internship meeting and I REALLY want one for J term! I will go anywhere! It would be heaps good if I could go to another state or country. I don't know if I have the money but I reckon that if I work over christmas break I'd be almost golden! Although maybe I should save the money for after graduation and for other things. Hmmm decisions decisions! I really just want to travel again! We'll see I might just end up doing one in Iowa or Minnesota and I'm pretty cool with that too. I am excited to get some work experience!

I got to hang out with Justin last night to do homework. I barely got through any of my info for my senior paper but I suppose I'll keep trucking. I feel a bit better about the fact that I've done something (a whole page of notes! :-P ) We had quite a lot of fun when we weren't studying too. Justin has some mad gymnastic skills. heheeh. Also we had a fun conversation about Punks and what it means to be punk. He mentioned an article that Brett gave him ( a soc prof) and i really want to read it now. Punk culture is sooo interesting! I should have done my paper on that! would be so cool! argh! Oh well.

Today Ben Folds is playing a show at First Avenue in Minneapolis and I wish I was going to be there! Sadly I will not be. I think I shall devote my day to Ben Folds and listen to just him. sigh... Well i have nothing else good to say... Oh well exciting news! Julia (a girl i work with) is back at school! She had mono! so sad, but so happy that she is feeling better!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

oh why do I do this to myself?!

it is already after 1am and I am still up on a sunday night. I ask myself over and over again as I sit here typing away at an assignment why it is that I do this to myself? I clearly had ample time to get my homework done this weekend but I once again procrastinated. I tend to like to make excuses. Clearly friday night talking to friends online and watching movies were much more important. And clearly watching "Girl, Interrupted" while trying to type this assignment was much needed! :-P And although I spent most of the morning into the afternoon in the library I did not get anything done but writing notes and studying for my psych exams next week. Have I started my senior paper? nope! AUGH! I am a mess! Saturday evening... well those plans were quite set in stone. There was no way i wasn't going to hang out with the girls and go to a birthday party for Britta and Sasha! And of course i needed to drink all of that alcohol and then just spew it up again later! ha! (it was quite the fun night though, no doubt! loved it!) And then even after waking up at a decent hour I decided that a long breakfast and tv and discussion with Krista, Maggie, Marissa and Frenchie (krista's boy) was far more important than again working on my assignment. Frisbee practice was a must and then a long hot shower and some soup afterwards, especially since I was feeling quite bummed about my bike gone missing! And then it was off to my study abroad meeting. SO wonderful. To have Terry from the study abroad office ask Bre, Leah and I all about our trips to Australia was fantastic. Also just chatting with the girls about what we saw and what we experienced in the different cities we were in was great! I so hope that I can chat with them again sometime and share photos and the likes! They are wonderful girls and Terry was awesome! She has got to be the one person that has wanted to know just about EVERYTHING from my trip! :-) Well after the meeting I showed up late for Suzanne's voice recital. Well only late to help out. Her recital was fantastic and it was so nice that we did not have to stay too late to help clean up the food afterwards. Krista and I had planned on a movie this evening so after some chai (mine tasting mostly of just warm milk) we came back home and then I at least tried to do some work only to find a message on AIM telling me of sad news of a friend in Australia. I am quite worried and feel very helpless but wish i could help. Although part of this news came to me on Friday it seemed even worse this evening. So sad to learn that things are not going well for Sarah again. So after returning a phone call to dad I could not think very straight. Started to chat with Maggie and Krista, promised to do homework but ended up on the phone with Amber. This was quite a relief and helped in sorting through my thoughts over sarah because I knew Amber would understand the whole situation. Was so nice to chat with her in general. Finally we started the movie, Krista, Maggie and I. Emma was quite the lovely movie and I enjoyed it immensely but oh goodness... it did take awhile to watch and now I am afraid that I will not get much sleep at because it is now almost half past one and I still need to finish this assignment. Oh goodness. I have so much other work I could have gotten done too! And so of course instead of writing the assignment I felt the need to lament over it by writing on here. Goodness, I'm off. I really do need some sleep tonight... have to work in the morning again! many things to get done tomorrow! :-P


Friday, October 21, 2005

Playing in the Leaves! :-)

i love fall days! Today after my first class I found Jordan walking by and we stopped to chat and to make a leaf pile. Sadly with only fifteen minutes between classes we did not get far. Also we had no rake and it was just the two of us. So i tell Jordan that since he's done with class he needs to come back and make a pile for me since he was to meet with more people later. As I left Valders this afternoon after trying to get something to print in the lab, I got a call over to the leaf pile and there was Jordan, Nathan, Nate's gf Ingrid, Cassie, and Aaron! The pile was bigger so we all had some fun jumping and playing in it. This is why my afternoon was so good, even after getting a shitty paper back (I am scared about getting a C in learning and behavior) We played for quite awhile and although the pile could probably get even bigger if we had all of us with rakes....OH WOW that pile would be good! Maybe another day. Well i think I swallowed bits of leaf and actually feel a bit sick to my stomach over it. :-P bleh. overall a wonderful afternoon of leaf pile jumping! I *heart* my friends! Good end to the school day. :-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Went to see MirrorMask this evening with Davina and it was FANTASTIC! i guess I have to say that I didn't know much about the story before I went to see it, only that I knew Shannon said it would probably be great. Neil Gaiman and Dave McKeen are quite the talented folk. Granted I've read one of their children's books, but i don't know much more about them except again from what Shannon has told me. I recommend this movie though to anyone. It was so fascinating!I was intrigued by the story and the fantastic art the whole time. I couldn't have asked for a better date movie to see with Davina! Overall we had an excellent time. I don't know how many times I can say that it was great! I don't know what else to say, except go see it! I was glad that I did!

Anyway tomorrow must head back to school. :-P Fall break was nice. I had a lot of good social time with Davina and it was nice to see Kareem again and also the family although I did not see much of dad. He was very busy with scouts. sigh... oh well. one more month and I'll be back for some thanksgiving. One thing I did not get done while here was getting a start on my genogram assignment for Abnormal. Oh well. Well looking forward, I guess, to getting back to Luther. Did some shopping with mom today, got a haircut (nothing drastic), had a good dinner and then saw the movie. Was not very productive today, but whatever. Starting the trip back to school with some lunch with Kayla and Tyler and then home to Luther we go. Once I get back it will be back to studying.... got to finish up those assignments that are due on friday! gross!

I think that is all. sorry nothing else interesting.


ps. one thing I decided this weekend... while at the 90s... malibu and coke... SO yummy (this is why I made mom buy me some coke while at the store today ;-)... now I just gotta go get some Malibu!;-) )

Monday, October 17, 2005

Gay 90s

yesterday I took my first trip to the Gay 90s in downtown Minneapolis. First of all I LOVE Minneapolis and hope I live in the actual city sometime. Second, the night was a blast! My sister and I met up at her house, and drove on over the 90s. It was so awesome to be able to go to a club in the cities and be 21! Oh the freedom! Anyway sunday nights are quite fun at the Gay 90s... they have a great drag show! I automatically was thinking "Priscilla Queen of the Desert". Drag Queens are so awesome and so entertaining! These ladies put on a great show and they are quite the lookers. It kind of makes you a bit jealous being a girl and knowing that a man looks better in a dress and heels than you do! sigh...

But yes, it was quite the show and was very entertaining. AJ and I spent two hours there and sadly I missed finding Kayla, but we continue to live and breathe. All is well. After a night of fun, came home to talk to all the Aussies online which proved to be wonderful

Today i was of course unproductive, and slept as much as possible. Later in the evening Davina and I studied for about three hours at Caffetto. I still have heaps to do over the next couple of days.Studying was good and we saw Kareem, Sarah and Kristin there. Apparently Caffetto was the place to be because there were barely any seats!

ps. life is good and i have nothing else to say. Am hoping that Carson will not be shitty... maybe his move to LA will make him funnier

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Art Crawl and other fun

being home is really nice. One thing I have to watch out for is when I am driving to keep my eyes on the road. Driving through the neighborhoods gets me looking at the beautifully color changing trees! So nice. There's a couple great one going back into Davina's neighborhood that I am just in awe of! I could sit and look at them all day although I reckon the people who own the yard where these trees are would probably think me crazy.

I got to spend the whole day with Davina yesterday and then most of it with my sister! Davina and i started the day with coffee and studying of course, but little studying got done on my part. After that my sister invited us along to go on an "Art Crawl" in St. Paul. It was SO cool. We went from building to building where a bunch of artists have studios and had set them up with their art work! So great! I don't know heaps about art, but I do know I like looking at it. It was quite the adventure and I really enjoyed the whole day until i felt like keeling over from lack of food. What was also great was the weather, and of course the company, but to add to that my sister was taking photos again. I feel she hasn't in awhile and I also feel that being at this art show got her a little bit revved up to do so again. I asked her like ten times to make me copies of photos as christmas presents. Overall we saw just a crazy amount of fantastic artitsts and enjoyed the day. Later we caught some dinner at Cossetta's (mmm mmm good). Their pizza is fantastic. THen a very tired Davina and I made our way back to Fridley. I spent the evening taking a nap, chatting to mom and then Kareem came over. To fill my desire for some soda we walked across the street to the gas station and bought junk food and then sat down to watch Young Frankenstein. So funny! :-) To end the night well I got a phone call from an intoxicated Amber and had the most lovely chat with her! Oh Amber I do love you! :-) You are great! :-)

Anyway that is life back in MN. Only a few more days at home and then it's back to school. Tonight the plans are to go to the 90s. Should be fun. Tomorrow and Tuesdays plans for me are to study and catch up on work! I really need to!



Friday, October 14, 2005

i'm getting the BEST christmas gift this year!

Well made it home to good old F-town this evening after a good three hour car ride with Joanie, Kayla and Tyler. It felt good to roll into town and immeadiately see the lights again and also to head out to get coffee with my FAVORITE coffee buddy of them all Davina! One of my favorite things to do at the coffee shops in Minneapolis is to pick up the flyers for different concerts and art shows and what not and also to pick up a City Pages to see what's going on. I was so excited (but then so disappointed ) to find some amazing concerts coming up! as in... Ben Folds! Oct. 25th, Bad Religion w/ Pennywise and AntiFlag Nov. 9th, and let's not forget BTE, Ben Lee, Our Lady Peace, and 311. I was mostly excited for the first three, but of course they are on week nights when I will be down in Decorah! AHHHHH I want to see BR and Ben Folds SOOOO BAD! I love Minneapolis. I don't know if I can ever leave! I know I want to live hear again after school even if it's just for the night life and the concerts that come into town! SIGH... here's hoping i can find a way to these concerts or something! AHHHH Maybe I will just devote those days to those bands by listening to their music ALL day! It's just not the same though and I've only seen Bad Religion once! How good would a punk concert be?! AHHHHH ! :-) And how can one not love Ben Folds?! Sigh... again...

Anyway so after some good fun at the coffee shop Davina and I decided that we are both getting sick. Hopefully I am not really getting sick...but it kind of feels like it. Other stuff about home... so many people's yards are full of cut up branches and trees, no doubt from the big storm that passed through a few weeks ago! We even have some in our yard! so crazy. Davina tried to explain what her neighborhood looked like that day. SO I get home from coffee, get online and start to check my email. I find an email from Kaz (Karen, my dear friend and frisbee captain from Australia--amazingly cool chick!). Not only does she tell me she has my Adelaide Uni Frisbee club shirt in and that she will send it to me if I shoot her my address, but.... here's the best part... KAZ IS COMING HOME WITH WILL FOR CHRISTMAS! (this is the best christmas gift I am referring to) She'll be in the cities for Christmas! !!!!!! Not only will I get to see Will, but I get to see Kaz too! I so hope they come down to Luther to visit, but if not I really hope I get to see them in general! I *heart* these two SOOOOO MUCH! I'm SO SO SO SO SO excited! To top off this excitement... it was great to come home and find messages on my phone from friends and my sister saying they are excited to have me home. THe plan for the weekend.. coffee in the morning with D along with some homework, an art show with my sister around 1ish, hopefully dinner with mom later, and then I really really really want to go see Mirrormask which JUST came out in theaters here in Minneapolis! It's playin in Uptown! yay! Oh and Sunday night... Gay 90s here I come! soooo pumped! My sister is going to go too and D! Will hopefully meet up with Kayla and Tyler too. I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I am in love with life right now and all of these things that just happend. I can't even express enough how excited I am for Christmas now. I Love Kaz and Will! Oh joy!!!


Thursday, October 13, 2005


oh finally! that biodiversity test is over! I hope I did alright on it. Definitely were things on there that I did not have in my notes! gross! oh well. Here's hoping for an alright grade! :-P My paper for Learning and Behavior is done too! Just printed it! yay! I'm running off a random amount of sleep right now and caffeine! Skipped work this morning (first time I have ever done so!) Two more classes and then I am DONE for the day and it's off to home for some sitting around and well, catching up on homework! Oh it is such a nice day and I am really looking forward to enjoying the day!i feel like my eyes will drop out of my head soon but I can't express enough how good it feels to be done with this work! in honor of the title, I reckon I will go watch an episode of Teen Girl Squad before I go to class! w00t!


Monday, October 10, 2005

by george I think i've got it!

so this morning over some abnormal psych reading, coffee, cheese and crackers and "The Exhibitionists" I think I figured out more of my life! How awesome! :-) I was reading about perspectives on depression when I came across this little blurb on the side stating: "Insurance influences the type of treatment people receive for depression. Privately insured patients are more likely then Medicaid patients to receive psychotherapy. And among those on medications, the privately insured are more likely to receive second-generation anti depressants than the cheaper tricyclics" (Melf et al., 1999). What does this all mean to me? Well I realized that along with abnormal psychology I have a great passion for wanting to help people who are less fortunate. This statement found in my book kind of bugs me. It makes me sad/mad that people who are on the government's Medicaid are possibly receiving crappy help with their illnesses (I'm guessing it's also not just in the psychological area too). I want to help change that I've decided. How exactly that's going to happen I don't know. I want to see more people who are in poverty or of lower socioeconomic status receive more equal care for things. I want to help people psychologically and socially function more effectively. Does this all make sense? I think it does and I think I need to now find an academic advisor and let them know this and not be afraid to tell them my ideas. I am hoping for some answers as to how to pursue my ideas and passions. Oh this feels pretty good.

on another note... check out photos of my sister running the marathon! how cool is this?! she ran a marathon! :

also photos of us girls from flamingo ball:

the house mates!(Minus Maggie) Krista, Me, Kayla, Britta, Marissa

This is Me, Kayla and Megan... check out mine and kayla's hot thrift store dresses!

That is all I have for now. Will probably get more photos up here or on a yahoo site soon! Sigh... think it will be a good day today! and I think noodle soup will make it even better... off to make some lunch! Love to all!



Sunday, October 09, 2005

a lot of stuff....

first of all this is a bit late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITTA! her birthday was on friday the 30th! she's old now! The best part of that day was when the housemates got together and went out for some very yummy breakfast in town! So good to start off the day with something yummy in my tummy! Oh and lets not forget that this weekend was also Schwarz's birthday. happy birthday to him! Although I am quite fuzzy on the details of the actual day of his birthday. I do hear that his party was quite a good one though. (My apologies for not getting a start on the idea of swimming earlier! my bad)

other than birthdays... (this is a few days old now... but to continue...)

We had a frisbee tourney over the weekend and it was a lot of fun. Exit 69 in Northfield,MN was a blast. The weather was lovely minus the wind that came about.Overall a good time had by all. We went 4-2 over the weekend and had a bit of a tif with one of the teams about time cap. Oh well.The girls were fun to hang out with and nothing says cozy like stuffing 13? girls into one hotel room:-)


alright seriously i put this off all week and so now I will actually finish this post. Last weekend was quite fun up in Northfield. Since last weekend though it was quite a week I guess... academic-wise... kind of bad. Two tests came back to me on friday with not such great grades. I decided to look on the bright side and think about how I have seven weeks I can use to improve those grades! HOPEFULLY. Plus Fall break starts next weekend which gives me a few days at home and away from school and hopefully will help me get caught up on homework. Paper status: the Biodiversity one... not started, apparently my topic isn't good enough. Am pretty confused about that one and pretty bummed that I have to talk to the professor about it. SHOOT! Have another paper due this week and still need an article or two. Am a little scared to write it because my article reviews have been kind of crap already for the same class. The senior paper... didn't work on it at all this week! Not good. Got the book I asked for through the library though. Eek! i just want to write it! Happy thing academic-wise... Laura and I are all caught up on our experiments with our rat!

Enough about academics... life in general ... I LOVE my friends. It's been a good week with them. The frisbee girls are so great! we played in our Luther tournament yesterday with the men because well, no women's teams came! We had a great time though! They are so awesome. Kristin...definitely my new favorite! She wore a gorilla's mask to the games and she tackled Rookie! Oh it was just fantastic and I really hope that someone has a photo of her in the mask! Seriously it is so great to have so many friends. These girls are growing on me and they seem to really like me too! Also yesterday I went to my first wedding. After missing out on three of them because I was first away in Australia and then back at school, I got to finally see a friend get married! Kari and Bryan got married yesterday and it was great. Good weather, good service, nice reception! Plus I got to see friends from home which was also very lovely! I went up to the wedding, and then came back down to school so that I could go to the homecoming dance which was also fabulous! Oh did I also mention that it was Leah's birthday yesterday?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEAH! oh and I think it's Elena's today! So many birthdays!

other things that I wanted to write about in this blog from last weekend... my brother got a job at a restaraunt as a cook! I guess he doesn't cook anything fancy yet, but how cool?!? He has a job and that's exciting! :-) Also my sister did something really really cool! She ran a freaking marathon! Finished in 5hours and 10 mins! How awesome is that?! i feel like I should try that some day. Seriously i just think it's so cool that she ran a marathon. My cousin Jesse ran the same marathon (Twin Cities Marathon) and he was trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon. Not sure how he did but he had to get something like 3 hours i think. That's all quite an accomplishment. Maybe I can train with AJ sometime to run one some day! That would be so cool.

Alright as to keep this from getting too long I will stop here. I'm getting kind of a mental block too anyway. no doubt I will think of something I wanted to inform you probably five people who still read this. I'm quite surprised I haven't been yelled at by Mel to update :-) (ps. Mel so sorry that I'm never online! I am very bummed that we haven't been able to chat in awhile! miss you heaps!)


Sunday, September 25, 2005


so this was the best day ever with the frisbee girls.First it's been raining all weekend so we had one hell of a fun practice! Layouts? Unnecessary bids anyone?! OH YES! we sure did! :) It was such a fun practice playing in the rain and doing heaps of bids and layouts! After we went and found the largest puddle on the field and just started to slide through it. We got very wet and grassy! Here's a photo to give ya'll a little taste of what we looked like. Some of the freshmen girls ran back to their dorm and took a photo so it's only a few of the members of the team but this is why I love these girls!
so yeah... meet Claire, Ellie (Pepe), Melissa, Sanna, Tiffany, and Andrea (Oops):-) What lovely girls. Also tonight we went "Blading". But what it is I can not tell. Just know it was a lot of fun! :-)

Friday, September 23, 2005

saving the world? and soulmates

first of all I need to say how much I *heart* Bad Religion and Flogging Molly and Ben Folds. I have pretty much been constantly listening to all three this past week. Love Love LOVE them! All great music.

Anyway here are some things from the past few days.

Wednesday after a depressing video in Biodiversity telling us how we are overpopulating the world and will kill it by doing so Leah and I chatted about how we could save the world. Leah told me she would do her part by being a repulsive human being so as to not have any children, thus bringing down the population. I mentioned maybe we should get rid of plastic surgeons because then we don't have to worry so much about beautiful people who want to procreate. hmmm good theory huh? The best part of this discussion... on how to save the world... was Leah's quote "Saving the world one dateless friday night at a time". :-) Believe me it was really funny at the time. Kayla also chipped in some insight to this theory when I discussed it with her later. According to her we won't overpopulate the world because of natural disasters. She said it kind of like when the world or God decides that there's too many people on the earth, they do a little population regulation and send out a natural disaster to get rid of some people (ie the Tsunami and the hurricanes) This might not be a good thing to joke about...but really... it's a fairly decent idea. Population control via natural disasters?

Another thing. Kayla and I have determined that we are soulmates. Academic soulmates anyway. We sat around one night doing homework and chatting a bit and we both realized that we have pretty much the exact same attitude and outlook on life when it comes to academics. We're both have B averages, we sometimes feel like idiots around smart people who like to use large words, and we both had a bit of a difficult time trying to get our point or arguments across to people. I don't know if I had ever met anyone on the Luther campus that had these same thoughts. So many people here say they're such "bad students" or are like me when it comes to academics but really they're not. Kayla...she's for real. This probably seems like such a random thing to talk about but it was quite enlightening and just good to hear.

It's parents weekend and well my parents are not coming. It was however they're anniversary yesterday and I did not tell them Happy Anniversary or anything... no card either. I'm a bad daughter. So since my parents aren't coming I get to hang out with everyone else's parents! Ma Pa Schaffmeyer came last night and brought heaps of "hippie food" as they like to call it. It was nice to see them again! YAY! Well it's off to go see Britta's birthday presents and start the day of studying/hanging with people's folks.!


Monday, September 19, 2005

the grinell tourney

well this is a couple days late but i had to write anyway....

The frisbee tournament at Grinell this past weekend was FANTASTIC! we took a team of... 16? girls and had a BLAST! <---- check out the photo! Most of our team consisted of new players but they, and we still did amazing and we even got compliments from other teams! Overall I had such a blast that it's hard for me to explain in words. Not only did I LOVE playing in a tournament again with the Luther Women's Team 'Glad Bestandig' and that I got to be playing with my friends from last year, but I got to meet heaps of new girls too! I now have like 10 new friends and people I have to say "hi" to while walking around campus. I had a blast with these girls. Everyone wanted to play and was excited to play, we had fun car rides -- dance parties in all, great conversations, good times camping and...although our team NEVER goes to the party... this time the WHOLE TEAM went! Most of the men's team went too so we could interact not only with our other Luther team but with all the teams! So good!

Basically I can not explain in any other way than by saying that this weekend was AMAZING FUN! I'm pretty tired and can't really think of much to say either except that i loved playing frisbee this weekend and it was good!

That is all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


So today is Kayla's 22nd birthday. YAY! :-) If you don't know Kayla she is one of my roomies and my new friend. I did not know Kayla until this year and I feel like I missed out on her awesomeness! Anyway exciting times for Kayla's birthday! We got up heaps early this morning and ate breakfast together (everyone) and had mimossa's. Mmmm champagne and juice! Tonight Marissa is cooking Lasagna for the house and some other friends. It should be great! 1. I *HEART* Lasagna, and 2. someone else cooking a nice hot meal for me?! EXCELLENT! Love to Maris! Anyway ...

Besides birthday fun it's been a weird week. I can't think straight. I am having a complete mental block over my senior paper! Eek! There are very mixed feelings I have about it. I thought I had this great topic but now I'm thinking...meh, it's not so great, maybe I want to change it. And I though I had a topic to change it to but now I'm thinking...shoot, it's not a solid topic!

My Mind is Blank! -- not a good thing when i am supposed to have an outline by tomorrow afternoon and well now I'm meeting with my professor any how because I told him via email that I'm rethinking my topic! Eek! I'm very excited to write this paper but I want it to be GOOD! So good that it rocks my face, and my advisor's face off! Not only that but anybody else's face who might read it! It's scary thinking about leaving school after this year and getting a job but then I also think of the great opportunities I could have and find if i would just look. I sat in Abnormal Psych yesterday thinking about how cool it would be to get an internship with a clinical psychologist. My friend Sarah is doing one starting soon. Our Abnormal professor is also a clinical psychologist and so it makes the class very interesting and that's who Sarah is doing her internship with. I"m thinking maybe I'll do an internship over J Term even though i really want to be here. I have to start dealing with trying new things. Clearly I did fine trying a new thing for five months: Australia! Duh! Oooh and about cool to get an email today about having a get together with other people that went to Australia for a semester to talk about experiences and about our programs. Other fun about Aus... was watching "Jeff Corwin Experience" on Animal Planet Tuesday and so cool to watch him in Aus, in Adelaide and then KI. It was quite exciting to sit there and point at the tv and say "i've been there! I rode on that ferry! I saw that site! I LIVED there!" SO GOOD!

alright it's already a quarter past 10 and I haven't done anything I was supposed to yet. As in study and get a check cut for the frisbee tourney this weekend! (that's going to be HEAPS good and I'm sure I'll write ALL about it when I get home!) Love to all!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Hokay, so...Here's the Earth....

alright so Mel was getting all up in my face about needing a new post, so to procrastinate a little bit from doing homework I'm doing so.

First let me tell you all how EXCITED I am that movie production of RENT is coming to theatres November 23!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This afternoon I watched movie previews online for quite awhile and not only did i get excited for Corpse Bride, MirrorMask, Harry Potter, a new Pride and Prejudice and The Chronicles of Narnia, but... I got to see a preview for RENT! I can't explain how much i love this production! The play is so awesome and so inspiring and just gives me an awesome feeling. I was literally bouncing off the walls over the movie this afternoon. Why? well not only is this an awesome production but... get this... the movie cast.... is the original broadway cast (minus the girl who played Mimi --Daphne Rubin-Vega what are you up to?!) Still very pumped though. They are all amazing actors and singers and I can't wait to see it again and be able to watch it over and over and over. I'm hoping it's awesome and that I don't bring too high of expectations. I want to enjoy this movie. I have a feeling I will not be disappointed though. Out of my excitement I called my sister and we're planning on going the day it comes out! I still can not express very well at the moment how much i love RENT. If I figure it out I'll let you all know. But praise and thanks to Jonathan Larson. What a fucking genius!

On to other topics... So to go along with the title of this blog... if you don't know the ebaum's world cartoon about the End of the's a blurb I would like to share:

"Hokay, so here's the Earth. Chillin'. Dame you might say that's a pretty sweet Earth. ROUND! Hanyway... Ruling out the ice caps melting, meteors become crash into us, the ozone leaving and the sun exploding, we are definitely going to blow ourselves up...hokay so..."

So, I don't really think we are going to blow ourselves up, but rather we are just going to destroy the Earth in general with our materialistic life styles. I'm taking a class on Biodiversity this semester here at Luther and for my first journal entry that I had to write responding to what we've been talking about in class i wrote three pages about deforestation. Deforestation. It's a big deal I feel. My deal is that I can't believe how much we still do it. It's going to ruin us if we keep cutting down forests and rainforests! This may just seem like simple logic, or complete common sense but i guess I just don't understand why we still do it. If we keep cutting down for paper, excuse me but what happened to recyling? And if it's to make way for more people because our population is growing, i'm thinking maybe we try to keep the # of children to a minimum, but I really don't want to be the one to tell you to only have one kid and that you can't have the family you've always wanted. Anyway I was also thinking about all the rainforest that gets destroyed and cleared away. This makes me soooo sad. Our professor mentioned in class about how many things we can get from the rainforest. Ailments for diseases and such, but if we keep destroying the rainforest and don't use it resourcefully then we're missing out. Clearly! About being resourceful... When I was in Australia, Ann Marie and I took a horseback ride through a forest that wasn't an actual rainforest, it was kind of low on the scale of what constitutes an actual rainforest but there was still heaps to learn. Our tour guide Glenn was very informative and taught us all about the plants that were in the forest and how resourceful we could be and how useful the plants and things were. Nature and the environment can really be interesting! Glenn lived, I think in a rainforest for years when he was adopted by Aboriginees and they taught him all they knew about the rainforest and its resources. The best thing was at the end of the ride he showed us how this plant when broken up and dipped in water could be used as soap! how awesome is that?! Anyway what I'm getting at again is that resourcefulness is good. I'm thinking we need to be a little bit more of that and a little less of the materialistic. Pretty much it's just a matter of us taking care of the environment and not using so much of it's resources. My question now is... can we do it? Are people willing to make that sacrifice? Clearly i feel like some people do already, other cultures around the world live off the land. Can the rest of us do so?

Monday, September 05, 2005

MISSING: Adelaide!

just a quick one to say ... I Miss You Adelaide! I miss you heaps!

i miss the pubs,
i miss the Cooper's
i miss the people...sha'll i make a list? (I don't think I can... it would take up heaps of space!)
i miss the parks,
i miss the swans and the grace emily
i miss you O'Connell and late night food,
i miss the balconies,
i miss the chats in Shannon's room,
i miss the chats and movies in Mel and Jess'
i miss the one pitcher that turned into six
i miss the frisbee fun and traveling,
i miss it all... i miss all of you....

"and here you know the world could turn or crash and burn and you would never know it! going where the air is clear there's better beer in Adelaide..."

Friday, September 02, 2005

I *heart* my room mates!

so the first week of classes are over. Ok not the first full week of classes, only the first three days of classes! anyway things look like they will be good. I have already slacked a bit on doing some of my readings but that's ok I will survive. Today's plans... well I made a list of homework and things I need to get done but nothing has gotten done yet. Britta and I ate breakfast for about an hour this morning and watched ER, and two eps of Sex in the City. It was all happy and not to sound like a downer I have this terrible feeling that the show Sex in the City is just fucking with me right now and that it will get sad again sooner or later. Have this sneaky feeling Carrie and Aidan will NOT get married (oh shit, I'm obsessed! make it stop!...oh but it's so fun to watch!)

On top of that I *HEART* my room mates! They are all so fun and so crazy. Las night all but two of us went out last night. Krista and I hung around for the night and watched a movie. Good times. Anyway the girls have wanted to get a chance to talk to Shannon on the phone. So they got lucky last night since he was around. He rang and Marissa, Kayla, Britta and Krista all got the chance to say hello to an Aussie. (am still hoping it wasn't very awkward for shannon to talk to four girls he has never met). Anyway it was all pretty funny especially since Kayla was a bit drunk at the time too. The girls are just fantastic and I love living with them! This is going to be a great year!

i'm off now... Britta calls and so does some frisbee socializing i think...

love to all~


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

the last few days (boring, but it's all i got...)

what a great start to the year... besides watching the full third season of sex in the city, i really haven't gotten much done. Uni starts tomorrow. Luckily I don't have class until 11 am! I almost feel like i'm being really slack with having only three actual classes which don't start until about 11 am everyday and no class on thursday. Anyway, the unlucky part about tomorrow is that I'm scheduled to work at 6am tomorrow! gross! Even though the lady that does my scheduling says I don't start until thursday, my schedule says tomorrow morning. Oh well at least i can take a nap after work.:-) Also I have some time to get my shit together for school. Nothing is put together yet! oops! The roomies and I spent the whole night just keeping it real and having some fun by watching a movie and also having dinner together before that. These are a great bunch of girls and we are goign to have so much fun!

Also these past couple of days... there was a toga party last night! So fun! The girls and I got our butts up from the couches in the living room, grabbed our bed sheets and toga-ed it up! It was all great til 11 pm when it got broken up. Kris and I came back to watch some ER and then we all crashed. Well most of us did...

Today was also fantastic because I got to play some ultimate! Heaps of freshman girls and newbies came out to join us which was specatcular! It was such a great feeling. The not so good feeling was how much my body wanted to collapse after. Anyway it was a beautiful afternoon and was so great to spend it playing some disc.

that's it for now! much love


Saturday, August 27, 2005

back at school...

alright so real quick...

am back to uni! YAY! down at Luther College again and it's awesome. I just moved down today and it's still pretty quiet around the joint. I'm hesitant to actually go on campus amongst the academic buildings! hahaha. No one is around at the house either but it's a pretty awesome place. I don't feel like I should be in a house and stuff ... i don't feel old enough. it's weird but good. Tonight's plans are to unpack a little, and to drink some beers with Justin. Am sooo excited for this! yay! beer, hot chocolate and tea are the only things I own for "food" in the house right now. Anyway... that's it. More later... Love to all!!


Monday, August 22, 2005

better day today...

had a much better day today. I didn't let myself think so much and coming home to emails and comments on the blog was very comforting. I somehow made it through the whole day of looking at watches. I don't know how it worked really but I had enough to keep me busy and kept me from thinking too much. So all in all I was in a great mood. Thanks to people who left me comments and all that jazz (specifically Ms. Westbrook! ;-) )

Anyway a good day. An unproductive day when I got home. I thought about dong a lot of stuff after work but what I ended up doing was very little. Didn't do laundry, didn't pack, didn't read, didn't work out, didn't take the new bike out for a ride. Did buy myself some chai and did write a whole 1 email! That's about it though.

Moving back to Uni means packing, which sucks and doesn't put me in high spirits but things that do put me in high spirits about moving to Uni...
-Britta's great idea for dodgeball
-the lovely frisbee team girls
-Living in Baker Village with some very awesome roomies!
-new classes!
- the package I know i will receive not long after i get there (thanks you lovely aussies!)
-fun parties and good times with the roomies and friends and....
-Drinking beers with Justin! ;-) (this is a really exciting thing)

so yeah that's life. not very eventful but that's me.

much love,

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A.D.D. sort of day...

so I decided to start doing some packing for the move back down to uni next saturday. It's been making me go crazy. I barely ate today and realized that at about 3 or so this afternoon. Pretty much I've been a case of ADD all day not being able to finish any one task. One accomplishment was getting all of my books together. Crap! that reminds me I should have ordered books online! Ugh...getting ready for school can be such a drag man! :-) haha...

to brighten my day Amber called which was excellent! She is back from her Lithuania trip and so we got to do some much needed catching up! It's nice to have that connection every once in awhile and to reminisce (spelling?) about Australia. She's such a good listener too! She was lovely and listened to me talk about how I was sick all week and quite an emotional wreck. Oh she's lovely...

So yeah all day has been pretty uneventful. I've checked my email like ten times, and probably should write some back to people, have made lists of things i need for school and am still quite wired from lack of sleep and food. I am not feeling the idea of going to work tomorrow! BOO to getting up heaps early in the morning! :-P blah! I like my weekends that leave me free to stay up late! oh well... until a later day... much love all!


Friday, August 19, 2005


well the 'how do you...?' has been answered... sort of.

basically Shannon told Jess. Not sure where the three of us will go from here or where any of it will go from here. Don't really want to pour my heart our over this one on the blog, but we'll see how things go...

(will try to have something happy on here soon... will probably rant about book shopping tomorrow.)




how do you...?

so Mel informed me that it had been way too long since i have posted anything on here. My apologies. Although I think that is mostly an apology for Mel and the Aussies + my sister and D who are the ones that usually read this. :-) Anyway I've been sick for the past week and am finally feeling better but for most of the week all I did was go to work, come home, eat dinner, maybe check my email and go to bed.

Mel told me I should write about something that would spark conversation. Boobs apparently has worked well for her ( it really has... check out her blog )

so here's what I have to say... it's something i've been thinking about and did a lot of thinking about today... here's my question... it's a "how do you?"

how do you...
tell you friend who, you are told loves you and adores you, that you REALLY like their ex?

how do you...
break this news to them when they are across the world from you?

how do you...
feel like you haven't betrayed their friendship when you already feel like you have?

how do you...
not feel like you've made liking him such a sticky situation that could result in bad feelings amongst no only you and the other two involved but amongst other friends?

how do you...
tell your friend you've kept this secret from them for two months and that they are possibly the last person to find out?

how do you...
know when it's the right time to tell them? and will you ever know?

how do you...
cope with the fact that this could all become a HUGE fucking mess and that things just won't be the same?

how do you...
not cry thinking about this and feeling like I have betrayed a friend by keeping this secret but can't help your feelings for the other?

how do you...
not think about the heartache and heartbreak this could cause?

and how do you...
deal with the feelings of your friends that this affects?

Ok so really i realize this is kind of a depressing one but it's what's been on my mind and it's something I could use a little bit of feedback on. I'm scared about this situation it makes my stomach flip thinking about some of the consequences and about the relationships.

cheers everyone.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

el fin de semana de mi cumpleano

[first of all there should be a tilde ( ~ ) over the 'n' in the the word cumpleanos, but I don't know how to make one. And I haven't taken any spanish in over five months so it's probably bad grammar.]

Anyway, this weekend was a blast! SO GOOD! Friday night was my 21st birthday and it was a lot of fun. Went to see Flogging Molly, hung out with friends, went to a couple pubs and came home to hang out with Krista and Britta. I didn't get sick or throw up which was a plus, but I must say I was a champ. Jeff bought me my first legal shot in the US, Dan my first legal drink in a pub, and my sister the first HUGEST drink I have ever had!! I had heaps of fun and it was great that Krista and Britta could make it to town for the weekend. The three of us are so good together and I love it! We had a lot of catching up to do! I am sorry to those to whom I promised a drunken phone call and did not get one. But thanks Sunny, Shannon and Mel for calling. Twice! Mel I hope the shoe shopping went well ;-). Oh and by the way I remember barely anything from the conversation I had with Sunny and Shannon. :-P

Saturday I got to hang out with Britta and Krista all day and it was fabulous. Got coffee, had breakfast, shopped for ugly dresses, bought dinner and made it, had some drinks and watched some movies. Overall a wonderful day. Today was spent hanging out. Kris and Britta took off for the day but i met up with Britta and her friend Tom to see a movie. We saw the movie 'Crash'. Was SO good. A bit depressing but so good and done very well. Main theme of the movie: Racism. I thought it did well at showing the shit that can go down because of racism and even though I've never witnessed this stuff happen in real life, I know that kind of stuff still happens and that people think that way. Tom said he thought the racism was maybe overplayed, that it wasn't very realistic but I dunno, I think that the things said in the movie are things people still say. I'm not very good at explaining but it was still a good movie and very interesting no doubt.

that's all for now!
great weekend! so happy!
much love all!


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

quick share

today is Justin's birthday! Happy Birthday Justin! (he's now 22! Oldie!) --(My birthday on friday! FLOGGING MOLLY! YES!)

D got in an accident yesterday! :-( She's alive and well but still hurt and on meds and probably can't go our for my birthday on friday :-( bummer! I miss you D and hope you feel better soon! All my love sweetheart! Feel Better!!!!

I can't wait for the week to be over... looking at watches all day at work is getting boring. (Luckily an email in my inbox brightened my day before the work day started :-) )

Britta is staying with me this weekend!

Krista is coming to Minneapolis this weekend too!

I visited with Leah tonight and we threw frisbees! It was so good. she's awesome!

I hung out with Natalie tonight! YAY!

It was GORGEOUS out today!

Traffic was not bad today

I went to Dunn Bros. twice for chai! YUM!

I'm still running out of money but the job will give me money! YAY!

The parcel to be sent to Australia is almost ready to go and...

it was day four at the job and I'm still in love with the bubble wrap! ;-)

much love,

Monday, August 08, 2005

Happy Birthday Lil' Brudder!

So today is my brother Kyle's 18th birthday! Crazy! He's not little anymore! Anyway we celebrated tonight by going out for food and then having ice cream cake. YUM! Happy Birthday to Kyle! (only four more days til my birthday! YES! -- 2 days til Justin's!)

Other things: This past Sunday I actually went to church. I don't think I have been since the February...7th? The Sunday before I left for Australia. Even though I feel like not much of a Christian and don't really consider myself much of one, I still really like going to church and listening to the sermons and stuff. It was a bit awkward I must say because Deb the pastor had us do a little exercise with the people around us about praying. Not only did I feel awkward because of how I feel about religion right now but, I also did not know the people I was talking to and praying in a group was kind of always a little uncomfortable for me. Anyway I still made it through and overall I enjoyed the service. I still can't sing a hymn to save my life, but whatever. My group was this older couple Marlene and Bill. Bill didn't talk much and neither did I so Marlene kind of kept things going. In fact I don't think Bill talked at all, but they were still a lovely couple. After going through a list of things to pray for in our hymnals we were to pray for eachother. So we could share things about ourselves if we wanted. Marlene was smart and asked me about school and stuff to we used that to pray for me. :-) she really was a lovely lady. She told me about their grand daughter going into her last year of uni also and about housing situations and all of that. She asked me what I was studying and what I wanted to do with my major. It was pleasant. Marlene even shared with me that she battled cancer a few years back and about how much she loved the congregation for all their support and letters and notes and things. That was great to hear, and it's good to know that the congregation cares and that they made a difference in her fight to beat cancer. :-)

Overall things are going well. Was kind of a crap day at work. Forgot my two forms of ID for Matt in HR and also forgot my key card! :-P Made it through the day still. Did more packaging of watches! (got some bubble wrap too! ;-) ...hahaha). Also at work today every possible cliche song was on the radio. The ladies that I work with in the warehouse tend to listen to the lite rock station. :-P Every possible song about love or relationships or about missing someone was on the radio today! It kind of got on my nerves but i ended up letting it go... life is a bunch of cliches sometimes! (ok so a lot of the time)

Anyway I think that's it for now.
much love,

Friday, August 05, 2005

I *heart* bubble wrap!

today was the first day of work. Most exciting thing about work... the BUBBLE WRAP! :-) How exciting! seriously bubble wrap thoughts got me through most of my day at work. 8 hours of going through boxes of watches putting them in little bubble wrap bags! ALthough the bags were so cool, the best was to see the HUGE rolls of bubble wrap that were in the warehouse near the mail room and also the roll that was a bit smaller but only 100 feet from my reach! I so badly want some bubble wrap and I was temtped ALL day to just sit and pop it! Oh the joy that is popping bubble wrap!!!SO GOOD!

ok so to add to the excitement that was bubble wrap today... I was up so early and it was a long day, but dad bought me yummy coffee and a bagel this morning too. After work we met up with me big seeeeester AJ and went to the Twins game! The twins usually lose when I go to games but tonight was definitely NOT one of those nights. It had been awhile since I had been to a game so what better way to enjoy it all than with my dad and sister, dome dogs, and a 12-0 shutout! YES! GO TWINS! That's right they beat the World Champs from last year The Boston Red Sox! ('amazing how america wins the WORLD series every year!" -Eddie Izzard!) So yeah it was soooo good. Manda made friends with the guys in front of us and overall it was such a good game. Lew Ford played an awesome game! Go him! (Llllllleeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww) :-)

K I think that's all I have. Excited to see Kari tomorrow,a nd will renew my driver's license! w00t!

much love,

p.s. love you "sissyka" :-)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

grumpy bums are no fun

I was such a grumpy person yesterday. I definitely could have been one of the seven dwarves. Luckily I got out of my funk by this afternoon. Pretty much it was all about missing Australia and a certain someone of course! It blows but then you think about happy stuff and are thankful for the experience and the fun that you had and you manage. I don't feel like thinking so much about the future... a year from now I will get to see Shannon and around Christmas time I will get to see Will. (Maybe others will visit around those times too?!) So i have things to look forward to! So stay happy right?! RIGHT!

life has been good to me. I went to the art museum with Jeff on wednesday and it was great. Free admission and free parking! No doubt a good deal and some great art! It was heaps good overall! So badly want to check out more art galleries in the cities! But summer is quickly but slowly coming to an end. I no longer have that much time to dick around because I am finally working for the next three weeks before I head to school. Sucks to work, but some money will be good even though the job isn't super cool! The people seem nice though and I get to ride to work with dad everyday! I'm looking forward to the coffee he promises to buy me! :)

what else? Life has just been good in general! Nat is coming home on Tuesday to visit, my birthday is coming up ! (8 more days!). I heard from Beth today! So great! Had another chat on the phone with Shannon and Sunny... so good!
must go to bed... I had more to talk about but I have to work in the morning and it's late! much love to all!


Monday, August 01, 2005


This past weekend I spent down in Decorah, Iowa. Why you may ask? Well because Nordicfest was going on and it was the easiest way for me to meet up with heaps and heaps of mates from uni(<--a very Aussie worded sentence there :-) ). Anyway Leah and I made the trip down on Friday night. After getting a bit of a late start because of traffic I ran into on the way to her place, traffic on highway 52 and a freaking detour down in Preston, MN we made it down in three hours and made our way to Rachel and Allison's. We were heaps excited to be going down to Decorah to see everyone but once we got there it was quite anticlimatic. Rachel was home but left to get Chris and Allison was out getting drinks. Finally a group of us congregated and we made our way to the streets of Decorah to check out the Nordicfest goodness. The night was dedicated to the pubs and hanging out outside on the street. So good.

Happily the next morning Leah and I awoke with no hangovers and headed to breakfast at McDonalds and then to get Darci for the parade. The three of us spent most of the day together hanging out at the parade then the festival trying some Norwegian food. Yum! We really enjoyed the small town fun. All day we had issues trying to get a hold of another group of friends but we managed. The three of us took a beautiful little walk/hike at Manaphy Falls ( I think I got the name right, whatever). It was so awesome! the trees so green! The cobwebs I kept running into though not as cool. We made it to the falls and had some fun around there for a bit. It's so great to experience the cool little things in decorah! It really is a beautiful little town! We went to dinner later that night at Sabor Latino , the service took forever! I guess the kitchen lost our order but no worries , a guy sang "Margaritaville" to us and since our dinner took so long we got some free margaritas! ;-) We spent the night checking out some more of Nordicfest and running into friends which was so good! Went to a couple pubs and I got my phone call from Australia again! So good to hear Sarah and Sunny this time! Hadn't talked to them in ages! It really excited me ! I later went to find Suzanne and hung out with her for the rest of evening, walked home only to find no one at Allison and Rachel's and so waited for one of them to arrive home. It was a lovely night out so it really wasn't bad sitting outside on the step!

The next morning we were lazy and took our time to get going. Britta stopped over and we had a chat with her which was lovely. Finally Leah and I made our way back from Decorah and the loveliness that was Nordicfest. Overall--good weekend! Enjoyed every minute of my time there.

Crazy stuff though... I got to learn about all the drama and what not that happened while I was away spring semester! craziness really! I reckon it was good that I was not around for it. It was spectacular to get to see so many people and talk about moving back to school at the end of August! It will be so good! I am so excited to see people and to be living with a great group of girls. It will be even better if I can get Maggie talking to me again before then.

Today is probably my last day of summer freedom during the week. I will most likely start working in the warehouse at Asset Marketing tomorrow or wednesday! It's been a good day althoguh I'm pissed that the art museums are not open today! psh! what is that?! bummer! I did however get to chat with Shannon and Sunny again today which was lovely of course and put some brightness into my day! Well thats it for now I reckon. Not much else to report. much love all!


It's August 1st!!!! 12 days til my birthday!!!!!! YES!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

in the news...

Today I have acquired a job and so I will be paid money for the next month to work in a warehouse at my dad's place of employment Asset Marketing! score! money is something I could use lately! It's a bit of a drive and I had to take a drug test but whatever I have a job for the next month before school! yes!

randomness for the day: I was reading the paper today and read that the awesome Minneapolis based rock band the Olympic Hopefuls, have to change their band name because of some copyright law for the word "olympic" how crazy?!!?! so stupid. The band THe Postal Service ran into trouble with the US Postal Service at one time too but they are allowed to keep their name for some reason. So sad though that the Olympic Hopefuls are now just the "Hopefuls". Stupid copyright law and people being silly about the word olympic. Psh... I don't see how anyone should be allowed to own a word! crazy stuff.

so... this just in: my buddy Joe (Schwan as I like to call him) just informed me that he got engaged! shit! not another one! Davina and I were just discussing weddings this evening and decided that we don't need anymore weddings or baby showers to go to! fuck! YAY for them though! wow! just so random and crazy! geez! I think I will put this kind of thing off for quite awhile. (Davina I am NOT getting married anytime soon! I do NOT have a future husband like you do! ;-) By the way D hope the conversation with him went well ;-) )

and now...THIS just in: went to tell Dad about joe's good news and well Dad gave me some bad news:-( Grandpa Wes called and said that him and Grandma Elaine are going to sell the farm! I am seriously bummed out now :-( I LOVE the farm! it is SO good! shit. really. so sad right now. I am NOT happy with this news. What will the 4th be like now??!?!? no more farm!?!?! sad!

I can't decide if I should continue with the post and write more things or just go wallow in my sadness over the farm. Or chat it up about Joe getting engaged. Sigh... decisions decisions!... think I'm out... but if anyone wants to check out a great post about religion do direct your attention to Shannon Schwarz's blog:

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Happy! So happy! It's come to my attention that really it is so much better to think happy thoughts and look for the good in things rather than get pissed off and upset. I don't have much to really be mad or sad about. I've been coming to the realization that you can find good things in heaps of stuff. I find so much joy in the simiple things lately like children's books! How lovely are they?! SO lovely! spending the day looking at books with Justin was so much fun the other day. I am so happy to be able to find the time to appreciate things lately. Really I am so lucky to have all that I do have. I got to go to Australia with my parents unwavering support! Shannon mentioned to me how lucky we are to be a part of a middle class that is well off. Not that Ihave heaps of money in my family but we are always doing fine with money and never have had many if any problems with it. So greatful for this! It's so great to have someone to remind you about these kinds of things in life. It's so true that "Life is Beautiful" (also a great movie). I may be sounding a bit sappy but hey, I'm allowed to be happy. People should try it more often. Of course you can't completely ignore the bad but I choose happiness. I choose not to get sad over not seeing friends.

Other things to be happy about: Have an interview for some summer work tomorrow! YES!
Nat called back tonight and said she'll be in f-town for my birthday! YAY!
Krista will be in town the night of my birthday too! It's been almost 15 months since I've seen her! She might not be able to go out with us that night but so excited that she'll be around for part of the summer before going back to school!
What else?!
how cool is it that Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France again!? it was his 7th time? His story is pretty awesome.
Oh yeah... still stay happy over the fact that I met some of the coolest friends in Australia and that we have done well in keeping in touch since I've left! They're amazing.
This coming weekend--> going down to Decorah to visit with Luther friends! Leah and I will make the trip together and are staying with Rachel and Allison. So many people will be down there I can't wait! The frisbee kids and others from Luther! will be SO wonderful!

Happy! :-)


Monday, July 25, 2005

birthdays, frisbee, and stillwater fun.

Well what can I say? what a great past few days and an awesome awesome weekend! Friday night was Em's birthday and even though I couldn't go out to the bars after and was the only one under 21 i still had fun hanging out with the group of people and going to dinner. The next morning was a wonderful day. Although it stormed later that morning I was still so very excited because after driving over to Lauren's where I met up with not only her but also, Britta, Rachel and Sarah we all headed off to Maple Plain to play frisbee in the Aquatennial Frisbee tournament! We were playing with a bunch of Luther friends! SO good! Guys and gals from the mens and womens teams down at Luther for a co-ed team! It was sooo good to see everyone and to play some fun fun frisbee. We had a first round by and our first game was at 10:30 which is when it started to pour!!! So needless to say our first game was postponed for awhile.

After the first great day of playing frisbee we all went to Old Chicago together to eat. Later I went to Lauren's again and some of us girls watched the fireworks for the Aquatennial. They were soo good and there was sucha good view from Lauren's place! The next day was just as hot again but still heaps of fun! We only played two games but still i had a great time. After some of us went to Taco Bell as we tend to do after tournaments and spent quite some time there just chatting and eating. It was lovely. We then dispersed and most of us went to Lauren's in hopes of going in the hot tub. Sad to say we found the hot tub out of comission. It was actually gone. They are re-doing the apartment building she is living and making them into condos so heaps of things are being fixed or changed. Instead we went in the swimming pool and had a blast. I had quite the headache and stopped after awhile. Too much sun i think for me. After we said our goodbyes and dispersed I came home and crashed. Was soooo tired! Had a good 12 hours of sleep and woke up this morning at 9 feeling well rested but still sore.

I spent today not doing much at first except I did catch up with Blair, Bec and Shannon. Later I went out to Stillwater to spend some time with Justin since he doesn't work during the day. So we spent the afternoon chilling in stillwater and it was great. Got coffee and food, shared drunk stories. Spent time in downtown Stillwater walking around and going into some book stores where I found some great children's books. The second bookstore we went to was great and full of old books that all seemed very interesting! IT started to rain and so we headed to get more coffee, chatted with some of his mates for awhile and then headed back to his place. I left for home right after. it was pouring! But I made it home safe and sound and it actually didn't take too long! Came home to an empty house so I had time to myself. Wrote an email or two and later started to watch Garden State only to learn that my dvd is messed up! :-( so sad! oh well...

Overall...great day! can't complain. Hoping that tomorrow will be good and can find some work with the temp agency in town. Here's hoping!

much love,