Tuesday, November 29, 2005

nothing much...

so now that I'm over the whole bad reviews for RENT, I think i can stop talking about them. But now I just realize I don't have much to talk about...

Yesterday was the first day back in class after the Thanksgiving break and it went just fine. I got home after work and was SO tired though. Pretty cranky too. I am proud to say that I actually did three hours of homework last night to catch up on some reading assignments for psych. I went to bed at a decent hour and let myself sleep a little longer than usual. Am just kind of taking it slow this morning before I head out to study, then class for a little while. I love Tuesdays... I don't have to work! Which means I get the whole afternoon to myself after Lab!:-) w00t! oh the little things.

It snowed again last night! So pretty! The snow makes all the dead stuff look so clean and fresh! :-) Here's a photo from the first time it snowed down here (which was not last night) . Cool huh? I have to say that it was pretty funny showing these photos to Shannon online the other day and having to explain to him what snow is like. Oh you silly Aussies.;-) But yeah it's great and I love snow.

Here's another photo to share although it's not snow. THis one is from the Missy Higgins concert which was WAY fun! She's so cool and so I though I'd share a photo that I took.
Yeah, she's pretty cool. Anyway that's all that I really have for now. Nothing too interesting. I'm behind in time now actually even though I was taking the morning slow...:-P need to get some studying done before class. Much love to all


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