Thursday, October 13, 2005


oh finally! that biodiversity test is over! I hope I did alright on it. Definitely were things on there that I did not have in my notes! gross! oh well. Here's hoping for an alright grade! :-P My paper for Learning and Behavior is done too! Just printed it! yay! I'm running off a random amount of sleep right now and caffeine! Skipped work this morning (first time I have ever done so!) Two more classes and then I am DONE for the day and it's off to home for some sitting around and well, catching up on homework! Oh it is such a nice day and I am really looking forward to enjoying the day!i feel like my eyes will drop out of my head soon but I can't express enough how good it feels to be done with this work! in honor of the title, I reckon I will go watch an episode of Teen Girl Squad before I go to class! w00t!


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