Saturday, October 15, 2005

Art Crawl and other fun

being home is really nice. One thing I have to watch out for is when I am driving to keep my eyes on the road. Driving through the neighborhoods gets me looking at the beautifully color changing trees! So nice. There's a couple great one going back into Davina's neighborhood that I am just in awe of! I could sit and look at them all day although I reckon the people who own the yard where these trees are would probably think me crazy.

I got to spend the whole day with Davina yesterday and then most of it with my sister! Davina and i started the day with coffee and studying of course, but little studying got done on my part. After that my sister invited us along to go on an "Art Crawl" in St. Paul. It was SO cool. We went from building to building where a bunch of artists have studios and had set them up with their art work! So great! I don't know heaps about art, but I do know I like looking at it. It was quite the adventure and I really enjoyed the whole day until i felt like keeling over from lack of food. What was also great was the weather, and of course the company, but to add to that my sister was taking photos again. I feel she hasn't in awhile and I also feel that being at this art show got her a little bit revved up to do so again. I asked her like ten times to make me copies of photos as christmas presents. Overall we saw just a crazy amount of fantastic artitsts and enjoyed the day. Later we caught some dinner at Cossetta's (mmm mmm good). Their pizza is fantastic. THen a very tired Davina and I made our way back to Fridley. I spent the evening taking a nap, chatting to mom and then Kareem came over. To fill my desire for some soda we walked across the street to the gas station and bought junk food and then sat down to watch Young Frankenstein. So funny! :-) To end the night well I got a phone call from an intoxicated Amber and had the most lovely chat with her! Oh Amber I do love you! :-) You are great! :-)

Anyway that is life back in MN. Only a few more days at home and then it's back to school. Tonight the plans are to go to the 90s. Should be fun. Tomorrow and Tuesdays plans for me are to study and catch up on work! I really need to!



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