Thursday, December 08, 2005

what Bec said...

so I'm with Bec on this one... change.

Everything really has changed. Sucks. But life goes on no doubt.
Life is going to change for me too in the next six months. What the HELL am I going to do once I get out of school? I have so many ideas! Work, intern, grad school, undergrad again?, travel... The list could probably go on. I want to do something I don't want to let these four years go to waste. I want a career, a job in my field. And as much as I like the fact that Asset Marketing will pay me $9/hr to work in the warehouse, that is not what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Other change...our house, friends, and life at school. Our house is different. One has moved out, another will move out at semester graduating early. I miss them both already, and one isn't even gone. Friendships have changed. Boyfriends and girlfriends. Things are different between friends and it's kind of weird. I've changed and so have my friends who went abroad. Good friends and aquaintances. I change my mind every day almost about what I want to do, what I would go to grad school for and where, and how, and what I would write my senior thesis on. My schedule has changed for the next semester and for january. I'm taking a class during january instead of interning.

my blog has changed.

The weather has changed. It's snowing again today.

My ideas and beliefs changed.

Big change that Bec mentioned...change in communication with Australia. Everyone there has moved out of college and they're doing new things, living in new places which all equals less contact with the people I love on the other side of the world. My feelings haven't changed. Lack of communication makes me quite sad and depressed some days. Things are fine though. I still have the Americans in fairly close contact.

And although there has been so much change. Good still comes out of it. I can't stay sad and depressed for long. It just makes life too... well... too sad. clearly.

What will not change is the fact that I have this HUGE essay to write by tomorrow. 12 pages already of which need to be fixed and read through. probably another 4 or 5 or more to type i'm guessing.

"change is good"


Anonymous said...

Your comments have changed!

Okay, that was seriously lame. In fact, I disavow any knowledge of it.

Melissa said...

I'm still alive!

Contact me!!